Why are we here?

Some deep thinking here, not quite Jack Handy, but deep nonetheless. One common thread, no matter how thick or thin, is that we all root for the Miami Dolphins football team. How we go about doing this though, varies greatly, even here on FMU, where the demographic is mostly middle aged to older than middle aged men, with exception of our wonderful Lisa, AKA Herd. We do, however, span the country, and reach beyond the borders of the contiguous United States, as far as Canada, Manitoba to be more specific, and the UK as well. We do have some silent readers in other places that don’t comment on the blogs, but thank you for reading. What’s really surprising to me is the differences we have as to how exactly we root for the team, what our expectations are for the team, and I find these differences are all over the place, and I think there’s a pretty wide chasm in the approach of our fandom.

I’m not going to make up specific categories for fans, because I think many of us dip into too many categories to just be classified as one particular type of fan. I’ll try to make it as simple as possible, this is not a scientific observation, it’s just my humble opinion on what I see here, and then also what I observe on the social media platform “X”, AKA “twitter”. I think the extremes are even further apart on “X”, probably as much of a difference between political affiliations like far left socialist progressives compared to far right conservative nationalists. It fascinates me, it truly does. I’ll say this, as a former New Yorker who grew up in a family of NY Jets fans, my dad, a fierce NY Jets fan never gave me any crud and allowed me to be a Miami Dolphins fan despite his loyal affiliation to the NY Jets. I thank him for that, and I will never forget when we were in Florida in 1983, in the 2nd week of January, when the New England Patriots were visiting the Miami Dolphins for a Wild Card matchup at the old Orange Bowl. We were in FLA on business, and my dad asked me if I would want to go the playoff game. My then 20 year old self was so excited, and so appreciative that I answered YES faster than a Jet plane. This game was the famed “No Snowplow” game, the revenge matchup for the December 12th, 1982 game in Foxborough where snowplow operator Mark Henderson illegally cleared the field for Patriots placekicker John Smith with his snowplow, and due to the now clear playing field, Smith connected on a 33 yard FG attempt to provide the lone score of the game. So this game on January 8th had many Dolphins fans carrying signs with a picture of a snowplow inside a red circle and crossed out with a big red slash insinuating snowplows would not be allowed. The Dolphins won that game, it was my first ever Dolphins game, and I’ll never forget how the bleachers shook at the Orange Bowl, it seemed as if the stadium might collapse. It’s a wonderful, cherished memory.

Fast forward to 2024, and I’ll say this as kindly as a I can. I used to rely on Dolphins Digest, and the couple of televised Miami Dolphins games against either the NY Jets, or the NY Giants, and of course the Monday Night Football matchups, which by the way, were glorious. They really were. Thanks to the NFL by over saturating the week with Thursday Night Football, the usual slate of Sunday games, and then of course Sunday Night Football too. I’m sure I’m not alone in being a fan that was practically salivating, waiting to see a marquis matchup on Monday Night Football with our Miami Dolphins. There was nothing like it, it was like a playoff game at any time during the season, the music, the graphics, the lead in, the excitement. Anyway, my point is, not only is the NFL over saturated, but information is as well. I paid extra to get my Dolphins Digest mailed “faster”, and the damn thing still arrived after the game had already been played to read the “preview”. Listen, it’s amazing to have information at your fingertips and a few keystrokes away, but do the positives outweigh the negatives of having access to all this information? I’m not so sure, it was much simpler then, we didn’t have a care about what athletes got paid, or even have access to that information. It really was easier back then, you simply appreciated any scrap of Dolphins info you could get, including the limited amount of televised games due to not living in Florida.

So back to “X”, where the Dolphins fanbase is truly all over the place, like I said, extremes. The fiercely loyal fans bristle at any negative talk and it amuses me as they gang up with tons of “likes” to scolding replies I get back. Again, I now have information at my fingertips, and perhaps unlike the fiercely loyal fans, I choose to read it. I also watch every game, every – single – Dolphins – game, and I SEE what is happening. I see our weaknesses, and our strengths too, and I’m not afraid to talk about either of them. The fiercely loyal toe the company line to an absurd end, I find talking to that lot a complete and utter waste of time, yet sometimes the worst of me prods me to engage. Now, there exists the other extreme, where practically nothing the Dolphins do is good. The GM is a buffoon, the HC is a twinkie, the QB sucks, and no one on the team can stay healthy (last year they were right!). I cannot be what the fiercely loyal would call a “Tua supporter”. I root for him when he plays, I think he’s a great kid, a nice caring, affable young man. As a QB, however, I see his flaws more than the fiercely loyal would ever care to admit, if they can actually see them. I bring up Tua, the most polarizing player on the team for a good reason, as the Dolphins and Tua’s agent try to nail down a contract extension. Let me be up front and clear. I want Tua to get paid the least amount of money as possible with the least amount of guaranteed money and an OUT clause that allows us to escape the contract if either Tua gets injured or doesn’t play well in those big games like the Finale of 2024 in our house, against the visiting Buffalo Bills, who overcame a 3 game deficit with 5 remaining and beat us down in front of our home crowd.

Like I pointed out earlier, information isn’t always a great thing. In addition to being able to stroke a few keys to get info, apps like Audacy and Tune In allow you listen to just about anyone and anything, which again gives you more “information” and a whole host of different opinions. None of this existed when I was a young man. It complicates things, trust me, it just does. The more you hear, the less you like. We didn’t have access to stuff like this and just made being a fan easier. Think back to those times, and you’ll realize what I mean. My problem is I admittedly listen to too much. One thing though, I do give myself credit for, is being a discerning listener. I’ve gotten much better at dissecting dialogue and and realizing that all is not as it seems. One example is Mike Florio, from Pro Football Talk. He is a regular guest, every Friday morning on WQAM in Miami. If you don’t know, Joe Rose, former Miami Dolphins TE is the host. Florio is widely regarded as the “boogeyman” by Dolphins fans. Just an out and out “Dolphins Hater”. I’m here to tell you he’s not. Unfortunately, our Miami Dolphins have so many negative things to discuss, from losing draft picks due to our owner tampering with Tom Brady and Sean Payton, way back to “Bullygate”, to HC Brian Flores making racial accusations against the Dolphins. We’re in the news cycle a lot, and it’s not usually pretty. Add in it’s been 24 years since the Miami Dolphins have won a playoff game, and we somehow expect as Dolphins fans to be mutually respected and revered by talk show hosts, NFL reporters, journalists and the like. Well respected, very knowledgeable NFL man Jeff Darlington, opines on our beloved QB Tua Tagovailoa, stating he feels like the Dolphins aren’t offering Tua a “Market value” contract. He gets LIT UP by the fiercely loyal, the blowback is comical to me. He covered the Dolphins while at the Miami Herald, lives in Fort Lauderdale, and covers the NFL now for ESPN. Do they add Jeff Darlington to the stack of “Dolphins haters”?

I don’t think Jeff Darlington hates the Dolphins. This will get folks mad, I don’t think Mike Florio hates the Dolphins either. I think it’s time for the Dolphins organization to be better, from the front office to the coaching staff and the players. Be consistent, be winners, and “Voila!”, respect and admiration will come with that. How many late season collapses have we had to endure here? I still have PTSD from going to NYC Dolphins bar Slattery’s, home of NYC Dolfans, watching a couple of late season games with playoff implications, only to leave there inebriated, disappointed, and crushed as a Dolphins fan. The first one was 2013, when the Dolphins traveled to Buffalo with an 8-6 record and having a favorable matchup with starting QB EJ Manuel OUT with an injury so we faced QB Thaddeus Lewis instead. Great, right? Well, as it turns out, the Dolphins, as Darius Rucker correctly pointed out, find ways to make Dolphins fans cry. Ryan Tannehill started and was mauled, sacked 7 times, in the FIRST HALF! Matt Moore came in the 2nd half for an injured Ryan Tannehill, and though some folks preferred Matt Moore to Ryan Tannehill, it wasn’t to be on that day. He threw a quick Pick 6 and the Dolphins lost 19-0.

My next venture to Slattery’s, and BTW, I do not hold them responsible for my misery, it’s not on them. It’s the Dolphins, always the Dolphins. The Dolphins were 7-4 in 2015 as I made my way to Slattery’s from NJ. They were facing off against the Baltimore Ravens December 4th. There’s nothing like a game against the Ravens as a Dolphins fan to bitchslap you back to reality! The Ravens crushed our Dolphins 38-6, and once again, another late season collapse as we finished outside the playoffs at 8-8. There are many more examples of such things, I don’t want to bore you with them, but I’m literally afraid to go back to Slatterys. I know what awaits me there. Failure, misery, disappointment. Once again, it’s not Slatterys, it’s our f*cking Dolphins!

So, back to QB Tua Tagovailoa, and his contract situation. Those of you whom are regular readers here know my feelings on Tua. I don’t believe Tua elevates the team when the team needs it. Excuses rain down in his defense with injuries, weather, all kinds of things, but when you’re looking to pay a player a massive contract, that stuff really matters. Which, is precisely why the contract that was rumored to be done shortly after training camp hasn’t yet materialized. I think Tua is a great teammate, I think he works as hard at his craft or harder than any QB in the league. Some players are clutch, they rise to the occasion when called upon. For MLB fans, players like Paul O’Neill, Scott Brosius come to mind. O’Neill was a gifted player, Scott Brosius not as much, but both played their best baseball when it counted, the playoffs, big games. QB Tua Tagovailoa is neither of these guys. He has come up small in those games, but that doesn’t mean he can never be that guy. Here’s the split. The fiercely loyal believe he will be, God bless them. I’m going to be 61 later this summer, and I consider myself a realist. Don’t come at with the Baltimore game in September when the entire Ravens secondary was out and we won 38-35. I loved that game, it was fantastic, it really was, but context is so important. The Ravens entire secondary was out, and again, it was in September, so no playoff implications at that juncture of the season, there was a whole season left.

Before you jump on me for stating the whole Ravens secondary was OUT, you’re the same person that will say Tyreek was hurting (He still played), The O-line was injured (It was basically the same O-line the 2nd half of the season), Jaylen Waddle was hobbled etc etc. OK, but there’s one constant, and that is QB Tua Tagovailoa doesn’t play well in those games. Go check it out for yourselves, the stats and play by play are readily available. Tua as of last week said the “The market is the market”. This after Trevor Lawrence signed a team friendly, $275M, 5 year contract. Massive, right? Wrong! The first 4 years of the contract, 2024-2027 pay Lawrence an average of $22.75M. His final year has a $47M cap hit, but only a $7M dead cap hit, which means if the Jags want to terminate the contract at that juncture, they can do so easily with minimal penalty. If Tua Tagovailoa wants that contract, by all means, sign THAT market contract, because after all, “the market is the market.”

In summation, don’t blame Mike Florio, Chris Simms, Jeff Darlington, or any other NFL affiliated talking head who says derogatory things about the Dolphins. Don’t blame them, blame the Dolphins. You want respect? Earn it! Don’t make it seem like you’re one of the top NFL teams because your QB led the league in passing yards, and you were 9-8 and then 11-6. 9-8 because the QB was hurt, and concussed multiple times during the season and couldn’t finish the season. 11-6 in 2023, SECOND PLACE IN THE AFC EAST, after having a 3 game lead with 5 games to go. Healthy, in 2023, but couldn’t finish the season. Oh, he played alright, but couldn’t F-I-N-I-S-H !!! Yes, finish strong, and win! Once again, don’t blame the defensive injuries, it’s embarrassing. Don’t blame the O-line, don’t blame nagging injuries to Hill or Waddle either. Blame the Dolphins for choking at the end of the season as per usghe. Why is it anyone who follows this team for the NFL should respect this team, or believe that they should be ranked near the top? I see this on X from the fiercely loyal and I laugh inside as I throw up in my mouth. They see what I see, what YOU should see but either choose not to, or just can’t process it properly because your emotions won’t allow you. It’s time for the Dolphins to step up and EARN that respect, win the damn division, win some playoff games and then who knows, we might all get what we want, happiness, and RESPECT.

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97 Responses to Why are we here?

  1. herdfan says:


  2. herdfan says:

    I see Rock is back! I actually was going to suggest Mike sprinkle some typos into the new article to lure him out of hiding! 🫣

  3. bookman11 says:

    Mike, the debate.

    • Mike E. says:

      The debate was painful. Hard to imagine that anyone feels comfortable voting for either candidate. I do expect there to be a last minute change for the Democrats, and I believe whomever that candidate is will win in a record landslide victory

  4. Randy says:

    Trump promised to end the Israeli situation AND the Russian/Ukrainian war as soon as he’s elected. There’s like 1% of me that actually wants him to win now just to see how he does it. ‘Cause he said it so we know it’s true and it’ll happen! Trump is a man of his word if nothing else! 😜

  5. Mike E. says:

    Steve – Who, the potential Biden replacements? I can guarantee to you if they officially replace Biden with Newsom, Klobuchar, anyone with a pulse, they will be way ahead in the very first poll they take. It’s a sad realization. I was talking to my son, and I was saying I wish I could solely look at his performance as President, because he was good (in some ways) for the country. That, unfortunately does not excuse him from being an awful human being. His behavior is nowhere near Presidential, or at least what Presidential should be. He’s a nursery school kid, and a mischievous misbehaving one at that.

    • steveccnv says:

      Mike, they’ve already done plenty of polls, all those other far lefties you mentioned don’t poll as well as biden vs

      His behavior is that of a nursery school kid…what does that have to do with his records 45?

      Sure biden is more presidential until he’s not, if you don’t think about it

      What does that really mean? Well we had obama who came across as not doing all thise things you said Trump does, but behind the scenes he’s selling out the country, guess that doesn’t count

    • steveccnv says:

      I’d like to see how you act with all the shit they throw at him

      • Mike E. says:

        Steve – There’s a time and a place for that. If he wants to throw a temper tantrum at home, go ahead, trash Mara Lago if it makes you feel better. When you’re in public though, try to be an intelligent, decent human being instead of a 5 year old who didn’t get ice cream!

  6. Randy says:

    Also, what Presidential candidate tells the Nation that he would “love to be somewhere else” and really doesn’t want to be there? Ok! Good to know you give a damn. Yeah, I’d rather you were golfing too…so does 65% of the Country and take Joe with you! You can both compare your multiple handicaps. Lol

    • Mike E. says:

      I’m going to have a legit conundrum come election time if Biden is replaced . I don’t think I can vote for Newsom, he’s far too progressive for me, I can’t do that. I also don’t think I can vote for Trump, but it will be a last minute decision for me.

    • steveccnv says:

      He’s not a politician, he was on Oprah 3 times about once a decade talking about what our politicians had done to our country (from both sides), each time she asked if he would run for president and each time he said no, until he felt he had to, to save the nation

      That’s what he was referring to, he feels it’s his duty, because no one else can defeat the machine

    • steveccnv says:

      biden basically said he didn’t want to run either, but after the incident at Charlottesville, where the white supremists killed people he decided to run, which we all know is bullshit, but that’s what he said

  7. mf13ss says:


  8. mf13ss says:

    OMG… I just wrote a wonderful post in response to Mike E’s write today… and it didn’t take and I lost it! 😡

    Mike E, I’m not going to attempt to re-write my OG post so I’ll give it to you short and sweet. I thought your write today was FANTASTIC! I agree with 99.9% of what ya wrote, only I’m more optimitic than you, which is fine!

    I’ve personal beef with Mike Florio and Chris Simms, so I can’t speak for everybody. Jeff Darlington is my favorite NFL reporter and I’m troubled that so many want to come for his head.


  9. Krishna says:

    Thank you for being real, Mike E!!! I love it.

    And, I don’t dislike Florio or Simms because they might be critical of the Dolphins. Simms is just plain terrible and Florio’s lap dog…lol. The times I’ve seen Florio talk about the Dolphins, it seams he speaks nonsense that relates nothing about football, but feels a need to talk about Tua’s weight, his dress, his whatever….maybe I don’t watch enough Florio to be fair…lol.

  10. Mike E. says:

    LMAO @ Krishna and Steve. Do you guys think Joe Rose hates the Dolphins? I don’t think he brings Florio on for controversy, I think they have a mutual respect for each other as NFL commentators.

  11. Mike E. says:

    I hear ya M – I don’t get why anyone would want Tua to break the bank, and effectively break the team.

    • mf13ss says:


    • Mike E. says:

      Definitely not chopped liver, he’s a better than average starter for sure, sometimes much better that average

      • mf13ss says:

        I think he’s a top-8 QB, however, I truly understand why we’re hesitant to back the Brinks truck up for him. In an ideal world, we’d want him to play on his 5th-year extension. However, IF he kills it again this year (PLUS beating the alpha teams), he’s going to cost us a fortune if we don’t get a deal done now.

        It all comes down to faith in investment.

  12. The Flying Pig says:

    don’t know if any of you are watching world soccer but I’m watching 🇧🇷 play 🇵🇾 right now

    and I was watching a lot of the euro last week

    so I’ve basically kept my summer sports busy by watching the 🐆 make their run in hockey

    then I transitioned into international soccer

    and that may keep me busy until preseason begins

    what is going on with the Dolphins these days?

    is everyone under contract? Lol

  13. The Flying Pig says:

    they are fighting now in the game and it’s pure chaos

    nothing like hockey fights

    the tv crew has no idea what’s going on or where to point the camera

  14. bailbondmike says:

    Mike E.


    June 28, 2024 at 9:09 pm

    I think I could be an Olympic Speed Walker. I took an Olympic Speed Walking test and I aced it.


    You gotta have that special “swish” when you walk. lol

  15. bailbondmike says:



    It’s @T_Armstead72 days away from football!

    • steveccnv says:

      Just watched that

      Ace Per Head loves the Jonnu addition, he’s got a long video where he talks about things in our O, that need to happen, and are attainable, for us to be unstoppable

      Also how certain OL injuries derailed our O

  16. manitobafinfan says:

    Jonnu smith was a force in his Titan days .. patriots and Falcons didn’t use him well. Hopefully we do

  17. manitobafinfan says:

    I can hear Mike E Swooshing to YMCA

  18. mf13ss says:



    June 29, 2024 at 2:22 pm

    Just watched that

    Ace Per Head loves the Jonnu addition…


    l really like Ace Per Head’s takes on our team, and have for a couple of years now: he’s good, IMO. I just always find myself speeding up his videos because he talks so slowly.

  19. bailbondmike says:

    Brandon Aiyuk on 49ers Contract: ‘You Can’t Afford a Lamborghini, You Can’t Have One’


    Get over yourself. You’re not as good as you think you are.

  20. Mike E. says:

    Toba – Jonnu Smith was really good for the Falcons last season. If you take into consideration the Falcons have TE Kyle Pitts, who was the #4 pick in the 2021 NFL Draft, he saw a lot of targets and had almost 600 yards receiving (582). He also had 3 more TD’s than the entire TE room here in Miami. He’s excellent at running after the catch, and he should be a target for Tua when Hill and Waddle are taken away by the defense, he’ll make them pay.

    • bailbondmike says:

      I am excited for it. I also think the addition of OBJ and Jannu will help mask our shortcomings on the interior OL. Hill, Waddle, OBJ, Jannu, Mostert, Achane and Wright is something to be excited about.

    • steveccnv says:

      it appears we got the better with Waddle over Pitts, but who knows, Pitts is a type of player we don’t have

    • bailbondmike says:

      Yeah, we don’t have a Pitts but he only had 3 more catches than Jannu and was targeted 20 more times than Jannu. Not a very good %, 53 rec on 90 targets. They also had the same amount of TD’s.

      I think Pitts will have a better year though with Cousins throwing him the ball.

  21. bailbondmike says:
    • Mike E. says:

      First comment, PAY TUA!


      • steveccnv says:

        You big ole meanie😜

      • steveccnv says:

        You have to make sure your QB is happy…Fuck that they need to make sure the smart fans are happy

        Just because dumb GMs keep paying their QBs crazy amounts doesn’t mean that’s the way it has to be

        Sign the FN 45m apy contract Tua and tell your agent he can f-off

  22. Mike E. says:




    I wonder if this coffee tastes good at first and then at the end, it starts to make you choke

  23. bailbondmike says:

    Rookies report to TC in 16 days, vets in 23 days.

  24. sb7mvp says:

    The only thing I took from this article is that Mike screws up the team’s mojo by insisting on watching them at Slattery’s. Stay home you pariah.

  25. son of a son of a shula says:

    it’s Tim’s Birthday week right around now.
    Happy Birthday Tim 🍻✌️💥🐬

  26. manitobafinfan says:

    Mike E.
    2h ago
    First comment, PAY TUA!

    He should ask his brother to show him his pay cheque.. pretty sure he’d be happy to extend his rookie deal 😎

  27. manitobafinfan says:

    Mike E.
    3h ago
    Yeah, we don’t have a Pitts but he only had 3 more catches than Jannu and was targeted 20 more times than Jannu. Not a very good %, 53 rec on 90 targets. They also had the same amount of TD’s.

    I think Pitts will have a better year though with Cousins throwing him the ball.

    I00% .. of those 90 targets 40 would require 12 foot arms or a body like Flex Armstrong.. their QBs were really off the mark …

  28. steveccnv says:

    Grier is probably offering 45m, with every QB signing his agent wants more

    Tell Tua with every QB signing we’re going to offer less, he’d better sign quick or he’ll be signing for Tannehill money

  29. steveccnv says:

    42m is the projected qb franchise tag for 2025, and less, if they give him the transition tag

  30. Mike E. says:

    Happy Birthday Tim!

  31. Mike E. says:

    urf Talk


    Are we Fr rn? #1 offense by over 600 yards is 7th… only got better fyi ALSO WHERE ARE THE BILLS😭😭




    This is what I’m talking about when our fanbase loses their minds over NFL ratings. It’s hilarious!

  32. manitobafinfan says:

    And hope the fuck did the bad news bears make that list ??

  33. manitobafinfan says:


  34. Mike E. says:

    The thing is, I feel like Dolphins fans are always crying about getting no respect. Stop fucking whining and start fucking winning and you’ll get respect. We led the league in passing and yet where did this all powerful offense go at the end of the season? Nowhere to be found

  35. Mike E. says:

    Sonny – 3/4 of the defense was in the hospital but enough of the offense was there, at least in attendance

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