Welcome—Aurora Novae Dies…

Welcome friends to the dawn of a new day, a new beginning, a fresh start for friends and fellow Dolphin fans to meet, converse and enjoy all things Dolphins.

If you have any difficulty logging in please e-mail the site address:


Perhaps the greatest accomplishment this new blog has succeeded in is eliminating the need for a character to have a space between paragraphs. It’s the small things that really matter most in the end.

Draft season is here. We will breakdown just about everybody (except the guys we usually draft) project picks, campaign for players, campaign against players.

Free Agency will open soon to give us a better indication of where the Dolphins may go. Do you we spend BIG? Do you we take a more conservative approach? Let’s all figure it together.

We want you to consider this blog, as related to Sun Life Stadium, the newly renovated blog, the blog with the gigantic umbrella if you will.



This site, my friends, was built by a team of willing and contributing people who like you simply love to chat about our beloved Dolphins.

Welcome and enjoy!

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1,745 Responses to Welcome—Aurora Novae Dies…

  1. CaliGigi says:

    Happy Saturday =)

  2. bat says:

    Tim ..LOL …I thought mock drafts were banned here along with interminable “Matt Roth” diatribes …

  3. Tim Knight says:

    Gigi, you’re in Cali now?

  4. son of a son of a shula says:

    Hi, CaliGigi. Are you going to blog in Valley girl now?

  5. smichaellore says:


  6. wyoming85 says:

    In honor of Bat


  7. Ken says:

    Welcome Bat

  8. Ken says:

    Hey CaliGigi. Congrats on the move.

  9. wyoming85 says:

    it worked

  10. Tim Knight says:

    Congrats, Gigi. Good luck with everything.

  11. Ken says:

    Welcome BBM or whatever it is you call yourself now.

  12. BailBondMike says:

    Mike E., thanks for the notifications on the old blog this morning. Was not in the loop about this site. Not with the “in crowd” I guess. ;-( lol

  13. CaliGigi says:

    Thank you guys I am very happy and this blog feels like home.

  14. son of a son of a shula says:

    Welcome BBM good to see you

  15. rgs322 says:

    Love the new blog, guys. Just getting ready for the Senior Bowl today.

  16. BailBondMike says:

    Thanks Tim/Son, good to be here bro(s)!

  17. BailBondMike says:

    You to Gigi, missed you! Nice to be in a stress free environment, lol

  18. son of a son of a shula says:

    Welcome rgs nice to have you

  19. The Flying Pig says:

    Welcome Rgs

  20. BailBondMike says:

    What time is Senior Bowl on?

  21. bat says:

    Piggy … the invite that you sent me was a link that kept bringing me to a word press page inviting me to create my own blog. .. I was flattered that you were interested in a new blog about Satanic worship and Black Metal. I briefly considered it, but had to decline …lol

  22. herdfan says:

    Yes, that was because the blog was ‘private’ during the preview and testing. You really wouldn’t have to create a blog, just to get signed up for a wordpress account, which you already had. It’s confusing to me how that worked. Glad that part of it is done. OD would never get here otherwise.

  23. bat says:

    Thanks to everyone who welcomed me here, although I will probably make most of you regret it …lol …. Out for now …

  24. The Flying Pig says:

    Lol @ my invite fail

  25. rgs322 says:

    Thanks for the welcome guys.

    My watch/favorite list for the draft as of today is as follows.
    OL- La’el Collins-LSU, Laken Tomlinson-Duke, John Miller- Louisville
    DT- Danny Shelton-Washington, Malcom Brown- Texas, Michael Bennett- Ohio St.
    WR- Phillip Dorsett- Miami, Justin Hardy- ECU, Ty Montgomery- Stanford
    ILB- Denzel Perryman- Miami, Paul Dawson-TCU
    TE- Maxx Williams- Minnesota, Clive Walford- Miami
    CB- D’Joun Smith-FAU, Jalen Collins-LSU, Senquez Golson- Ole Miss
    FS- Chris Hackett- TCU, Derron Smith- Fresno St., Jaquiski Tartt- Samford

    If we could somehow get 5 of these guys in the draft, I would do cartwheels.

  26. son of a son of a shula says:

    I like the list rgs, a good mixture of those guys could help us out a lot.
    What do think of Shaq Thompson if we were to take him at 14?

    • rgs322 says:

      I like him a lot. M13 got me on him early in the season. I probably should’ve added him to that list to make it an even 20 prospects. He a difference maker for sure. What I like is his versatility being able to play LB, S, along with being a ST ace.

      • son of a son of a shula says:

        That’s the way I feel too. He’d be like Landry come in and work from day one and just make the team better.

  27. Try Pod says:

    Hello all- rgs, bbm, and of course caligigi.

  28. son of a son of a shula says:

    CaliGigi on quick glance looks like Caligula, lol

  29. Try Pod says:

    Would still like to see sb7mvp, Randy, Randy (OD).. others I probably have forgotten.

  30. The Flying Pig says:

    Hey guys
    We would appreciate it if you let the other bloggers you know from the old site about this one
    we want to maintain those relationships here

  31. Try Pod says:

    I don’t have anyone’s email, except for Mike E..

  32. Mike E. says:

    Phindog knows, I spoke to him already.

  33. Mike E. says:

    Walker wiped the post off of his blog, so it’s going to have to e-mails and word of mouth.

  34. herdfan says:

    I have all the emails, at least most of them anyway from doing the t shirt thing. I do know MF13 requested access to this blog the other night but has yet to post. We fully expect there will be posting on both blogs and I wouldn’t want anyone to think we are encouraging anyone not to. It’s the world wide web, not just two websites. 🙂

  35. Ken says:

    I knew they were going to delete that post. It’s all good. I think we have notified everyone.

  36. Ken says:

    Post is back but it is out of order

  37. The Flying Pig says:

    I won’t be around to watch the senior bowl here but I will try to check in from my mobile

  38. Ken says:

    Captain has not blogged in a long time. He is a good dude and would love to have him here but he has not posted in a long time.

  39. son of a son of a shula says:

    Belicheat on TV trying to explain away the condition of his balls. The atmospheric conditions he says, must be different atmosphere on his sidelines than the Colts.

    Yes Bill we believe everything you’re saying…

    • Ken says:

      His and Brady’s pressers kind of reminded me of John Belushi in Blues Brothers in the scene with Carrie Fisher coming up with every excuse possible and screaming “it’s not my fault”

  40. son of a son of a shula says:

    Blah blah blah whatever you say Bill we believe it.

  41. son of a son of a shula says:

    Well the whole controversy is over now Bill shrugged and said “I don’t know why they’re underinflated, it must be the atmosphere, we had our QB’s grab a bunch of balls and they couldn’t tell which were underinflated”.

    So there you have it. All done. Thanks for coming by.

  42. Ken says:

    Belicheat’s excuses:

  43. newagin says:

    Nice to see this place up and running! Glad to be able to talk some draft since we need some fresh blood.

  44. son of a son of a shula says:

    Why so agitated Bill if you haven’t done anything wrong?

  45. Ken says:

    Welcome New Age. I think you can fix your name and avatar issues if you go into your user profile. I had the same thing happen to me when I first logged in.

  46. Mike E. says:

    Welcome to everyone just coming in today!

    Glad you all made it here, and hope you enjoy the new site!

  47. finfanrob says:

    i see this site has no gone to hell.

  48. phindog says:

    What up Peoples…

  49. Ken says:

    I actually think Bellicheat is worried. He knows if there is a finding he will be seen as a repeat offender and could be in for a suspension. I would not be totally shocked if the Pats win that he just might retire.

  50. Ken says:

    Phindog in the house. Welcome

  51. Mike E. says:

    Hey Doggy! What’s going on?

  52. son of a son of a shula says:

    Welcome Phindog, nice to see you

  53. finfanrob says:

    ken, i dont talk like hulk i make hulk talk like me.

  54. finfanrob says:

    well now not only has this place gone to hell but hell in a dog house.

  55. finfanrob says:

    so hmmmm so i get this. every qb gets game balls and breaks them in how they like them but only the cheats balls lose psi while the ball is being broken in. ok, yep makes sense to me.

  56. The Flying Pig says:

    What’s up Phindog
    No leash required here

  57. finfanrob says:


    i said that a few days ago. that the nfl will make sure the pats win this sb so belicheat and tommy flatballs can retire and go out like horsetooth.

  58. The Flying Pig says:

    Welcome NewAge

    Might have to change your avatar buddy

  59. finfanrob says:

    lol @ try.

    now we can unleash the hounds from hell.

  60. Ken says:

    It’s not just that the balls lost PSI they lost 2 lbs of PSI.

  61. Ken says:

    I am very worried now. I am thinking alike with FFR.

  62. Mike E. says:

    The Flying Pig says:
    January 24, 2015 at 3:47 pm (Edit)

    What’s up Phindog
    No leash required here
    Says him . . .

  63. finfanrob says:

    oh kenny

    it was just your normal wear and tear of breaking in a football. i mean every one knows the pats have never cheated before. they are just naturally great.

  64. finfanrob says:

    lol @ ken

    a football season in the basement and every one comes around to my way of thinking

  65. Ken says:

    What does Brady do to break in a football. Shove them up his backside and squeeze?

  66. phindog says:

    Thanks everyone .. Nap time for me .. Waves were huge today and this dog got worked.. Went through the wash cycle a few times..

  67. Ken says:

    Hey Gisele just push it in a little further now. LOL.

  68. finfanrob says:


    yep. most of us would call that a pain in the ass, but belicheat says it is science

  69. Ken says:

    How in the world does Pete Carroll look like the good guy in any coaching match up.

  70. wyoming85 says:

    Mike E. says:

    January 24, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    Walker wiped the post off of his blog, so it’s going to have to e-mails and word of mouth.
    It’s still up.
    I just checked

    • Ken says:

      They put it back but it was gone and when it came back it was out of order. I checked earlier when I heard about it. Not that it really matters.

    • Mike E. says:

      Thanks Wyo – It was gone, and then reinstated. The timeline is all screwed up because it was deleted. It doesn’t matter, they made a new post, and we’ll get everyone notified one way or another. Word of mouth, twitter, e-mail, whatever.

  71. rgs322 says:

    Wouldn’t it be cool to get the two Titans from this weeks practices, Shelton and Tomlinson. …It was Titan vs. Titan all week.

    …Though La’el Collins is still my favorite o-lineman.

  72. Ken says:

    Gotta head out for a while. I will check back in later. Peace

  73. wyoming85 says:

    CaliGigi says:

    January 24, 2015 at 1:21 pm

    Yes I moved here got a job and with my guy 🙂

    Gigi moved in with Jahn?

    Does that make her the godess or another angel?
    LOL JBBoobs

  74. rgs322 says:

    Very impressive first drive by the South. Good mix of run and pass.

  75. Mike E. says:

    Busting boobs eh? lol

  76. Tim Knight says:

    Just shoveled 1,000 lbs. of slush snow and water. Also bought a new shovel that’s quality but heavy so that didn’t help. I couldn’t find an alloy one like my old shovel, much lighter. Now I’m sore and ready to chill.

    I hope there’s no fighting between blogs. I saw some comments about deletions etc.

  77. son of a son of a shula says:

    rgs, It wouldn’t be too pretty but I wouldn’t hate getting a good lineman for either side of the ball, it is after all what we truly need. But at 1 I think no matter what we can go BPA and be fine.

    • Tim Knight says:

      Agreed. We have some areas that need an infusion of talent and both lines are in need. I do hope we look at FA for that though so we can target more playmakers in the draft like a big WR, and defense too, like an athletic LB and DB. We need more explosiveness all around.

  78. stangerx says:

    P-Dog in the House!

    Best news of my day……..that’s one serious canine.

  79. Tim Knight says:

    Bat came up with a name the Deflatriots or something like that. LOL

  80. son of a son of a shula says:

    No fighting Tim. Get some rest that slushy stuff is the worst shit to shovel.

  81. Mike E. says:

    Tim – There’s no fighting between blogs. If there is, it’s a one way fight, and it’s not us. We left his blog, we created our own, and we told everyone we would let them know when it was up. That’s what we did, and he was aware, and said he was cool with it. None of us are telling anyone to just stay here, they can frequent Walkers blog as much as they like. We did nothing wrong.

    • Tim Knight says:

      Cool, I just didn’t know the extent of anything. I just got in a few ago.

    • Mike E. says:

      Furthermore, I see David is insinuating that we stole blog articles. Did he ever think that WE, the people who wrote them still have them, since WE wrote them from our computers? Duh! The only articles we have here are PO’s Piggy wrote, the Hulk articles Ken wrote, and the Ask Mike’s I wrote. I think we’re entitled to display our own articles, right?

  82. stangerx says:

    “The timeline is all screwed up because it was deleted.”

    Have no idea on what happened today (oddly enough it was a busy day for me)……..but in the past that used to mean that not just a post but a person was deleted.

    But what the F does it matter?

  83. Try Pod says:

    If Bat appears and starts spewing all his hatred, is it called Batulation or Batulence? Also, if he starts off hating before anyone had even said anything on the blog, is that considered premature-eBatulation?

  84. Tim Knight says:

    Add a solid vet DT and G in FA and draft explosive players who make a difference on both sides of the ball, and look to the young players already on the roster. I don’t think we need a lot, but we need to strengthen some areas and add playmakers to what we already have.

  85. Try Pod says:

    Until recently, I’ve generally had the impression that most on here (there) were decent folks, and that their blog handles did not necessarily tell the real or full story. Of course, recent events have caused me to reconsider that assumption…

  86. new age says:

    Thanks for the invite guys. Need to get my stuff adjusted again and all will be back in the good. Adjusted, not deflated. 😉

  87. Mike E. says:


    I hope so bud. I have full intentions of doing so.

    • stangerx says:

      You better — it was your move that created the Fests. That creates a certain responsibility.

      And you’ve been lacking lately. Heck……even ORob showed up at D&B’s last time around.

  88. Tim Knight says:

    It’s great news that even doctors have said Albert’s recovery is going exceptionally well. They don’t doubt he can target the start of the season.

  89. Mike E. says:

    Awesome! Dan and Dan at Madame Tussauds

  90. Mike E. says:


    That is great news. Let’s hope he can stay on track.

    • Tim Knight says:

      Yeah man, he helps the OL get back to what they were trying to be.
      LT Albert
      LG ?
      C Pouncey
      RG Turner
      RT James

      I think Thomas become the swing G/T on game day with maybe Smith as the C/G or someone else. Then we’ll probably keep two others if there are long term injuries.

  91. The Flying Pig says:

    I guess some piggies are in to leashes
    I wonder if I can find a picture of a human on a leash on he internet…nah…

  92. stangerx says:

    In an unscheduled availability on Saturday afternoon, Belichick revealed the results of an internal study into how the footballs are prepared to quarterback Tom Brady’s liking.

    “There have been questions raised, and I believe now, 100 percent, that I have personally and we have as an organization have absolutely followed every rule to the letter,” Belichick said. “At no time was there any intent to compromise the integrity of the game.”


    Bill — physicist all over America are right now wondering how the balls got re-inflated for the 2nd half……….but the spin docs applaud, including adding the to “Tom Brady’s liking” and “personally” parts.

    • Try Pod says:

      The problem with that explanation is that it does not mention that there was no such ‘integrity’ issues with the footballs on the other side of the field, i.e., the Colts footballs.

      • stangerx says:

        Try — the way the fairly recent rules work, each side controls their own balls, so to speak. Even the evil one knew better to question what the Colts did with there’s.

  93. Mike E. says:

    Did any of you read the Dark Tower Series from Stephen King? I look at Marino, and I think of Roland Deschain, because they both have “gunslingers eyes”.

    • Tim Knight says:

      He always looked for the biggest play and wasn’t afraid to let it fly.

      I wish Tanny would let it fly a little more. But you know what, he made a lot of nice throws 20+ this season and it gets overlooked because part of our offense is using the short spread passing game and read-option run game to control the TOP and flow of the game. Not that it always works great, but that’s the concept.

      He doesn’t just throw 5 yard passes but his haters dwell on that. We were tied for 4th in 20+ yard pass plays with 60. But we were 24th in 40+ with 6.

    • stangerx says:

      Obviously I haven’t figured out how to a vid live on this place, but watch if you need more confirm on what a great guy Grimes is.

  94. CaliGigi says:

    Hi Trypod and all…i’m in Central Valley not so liberal here but love it.

  95. stangerx says:

    G — I’m happy for you. Only sorry that you are not in the old neighborhood no more.

    • CaliGigi says:

      Yeah it was time to move at a top notch firm specializing in environmental law sort of Erin Bronkovich type cases very interesting and am very happy. I will fly down for a Fins game next yr and will see you!

      • stangerx says:

        Cool — mostly happy on your new situation, but you coming down for a game is even better. You know how to reach me, whether Fest or not.

  96. rgs322 says:

    A couple quick notes heading into halftime.
    Both teams have rushed the ball well in the first half. Led by Artis-Payne and Abdullah.
    North and South OL play has been solid in both run and pass.

    • Mike E. says:

      I’ve watched a bit, but not much. I’m recording it, so i will watch it at some point. How has Tomlinson and Davis looked so far?

      • rgs322 says:

        Tomlinson has been solid, like much of the o-lineman so far. Defense can only rush 4, so the o-line has an advantage there. As for Davis, I only noticed him on one play, making a nice stop behind the LOS. The lineman that I have noticed the most have been Collins-LSU, Kouandjio-Alabama, and Smith-Penn St.

  97. Mike E. says:

    Hey CaliGigi!

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