Game Day Dolphins @ Eagles


It’s Game Day.   Our record says it all.  3-5, 0-4 in the division.

I’ve thought about it and I’ve come up with a plan.  They need to go with what works for them.  Based on results, they played well the 2 weeks after Campbell was named head coach.  All they need to do is fire the head coach every two weeks and we’ll be fine.

Let’s Go Dolphins

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798 Responses to Game Day Dolphins @ Eagles

  1. getterdone says:

    Hold them to a FG

  2. D says:

    Why did you run that out

  3. manitobafinfan says:

    Reshead !!!

  4. getterdone says:

    #20 Pro Bowler

  5. naplesfan2010 says:

    Called it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The Flying Pig says:


  7. naplesfan2010 says:

    But he should’ve downed it so we would have room to run the offense.

  8. manitobafinfan says:

    Should not have run iut though

  9. manitobafinfan says:

    Nice bull ahead by landry

  10. getterdone says:

    Run the ball….we got this….

  11. The Flying Pig says:

    Sad eagles fans so funny

  12. naplesfan2010 says:

    conservative shit call

  13. getterdone says:

    smart, throw it away.

  14. D says:

    Wtf are these fucking calls

  15. getterdone says:

    Lazor, can you make the right call?

  16. naplesfan2010 says:

    Listening to Gannon you really hear how bad Lazor is.

  17. The Flying Pig says:

    Gotta run the ball in 3nd down

  18. getterdone says:

    YES! Juice!

  19. manitobafinfan says:

    Huge play by RT and Landry

  20. naplesfan2010 says:

    thank god for that little slant..

  21. getterdone says:

    That Biggers couldn’t cover Landry! Woot

  22. The Flying Pig says:

    Il Succo!!!

  23. naplesfan2010 says:

    so Ajayi is tired?

  24. D says:

    Really bad clock management and calls with a lead

  25. steveccnv says:

    One more first down and we should be good.

  26. getterdone says:

    GB about to give the Lions a road win…LOL
    Lions 2nd goal 2min left up 12-10.

  27. D says:

    I guess they are scared to use ajayai here, but he’s the best back for it

  28. naplesfan2010 says:

    another slo mo play by lazor … no design, no challenge to stop, just straight into the d

  29. manitobafinfan says:

    Holy shit on end of Jags game

  30. steveccnv says:

    I suppose you liked that call D?

  31. getterdone says:

    Now you should run a sweep or off tackle, not straight ahead with them stacking the box

  32. finfanrob says:

    wow balt loses by on the last play of the game a face mask call moving jax into fg position and an untimed down

  33. getterdone says:


  34. The Flying Pig says:

    It’s not over yet


  35. naplesfan2010 says:

    perfect call Lazor on 3rd down in this situation … just what the d would want

  36. getterdone says:

    Lions score…GB gonna lose.

  37. manitobafinfan says:

    K kets end this !!

  38. getterdone says:


  39. steveccnv says:

    We’re in big trouble, bad run call on 2nd down.

  40. manitobafinfan says:

    Wow did he get bent

  41. getterdone says:


  42. naplesfan2010 says:

    come on defense no first on this third pleeeeeease

  43. Try Pod says:

    Did I tell you how much I can’t stand cam newton or his bizzaro world alter ego Mac notwen?

  44. getterdone says:


  45. naplesfan2010 says:

    Can’t we hold them to 8 on this or less?

  46. steveccnv says:

    Where’s Philbin?

  47. getterdone says:


  48. manitobafinfan says:

    Wooh hoo. Good finish boyz. Thank you for proving me wrong

  49. getterdone says:

    Sheppard shows up on a sunday for once….WTG!

  50. The Flying Pig says:

    Lol Shepard almost missed the tackle

  51. naplesfan2010 says:

    Is it possible that we will win this?

  52. getterdone says:


    Love the Boos for Kelly….lol

  53. steveccnv says:


  54. D says:

    It’s a win, wasn’t pretty but its a win

  55. The Flying Pig says:

    Defense came up with some stops late in game!!!
    3 2nd half points for eagles
    Great job D

  56. finfanrob says:


    i saw the end of that balt game. talk about a shitty was to lose

  57. naplesfan2010 says:

    I am in a state of shock here. We hung in there, tightened up, made adjustments, weathered their good plays, got crucial turnovers, burned clock. Jesus it feels good to win.

  58. Mike E. says:

    Nice gritty win! I enjoyed watching them for a change

  59. getterdone says:

    Hope this team doesn’t think they did anything to repeat here except for hanging in there with effort….cause that was the ugliest Win in the history of the NFL….lol

    Philly said, here we don’t want to Win about 9 out of 12 drives.

    But I’ll take the W!

  60. finfanrob says:

    D says:
    November 15, 2015 at 4:18 pm

    It’s a win, wasn’t pretty but its a win

    i am more, its a win, it doesnt matter the season is gone, but it i a win.

  61. Tim Knight says:

    I’m proud of this team. Win a tough game on the road when you’re struggling. Way to go Phins!!!

    Lots of young players stepped up, good to see.

  62. manitobafinfan says:

    Suh played very well today

  63. Mike E. says:

    The Dolphins compelled me to watch. I like the grit the team showed today

  64. getterdone says:

    Now GO GIANTS!

  65. wyoming85 says:

    Is this true?

    Phins Nation ‏@Phins_Nation 4m4 minutes ago
    Dolphins win 20-19 in a terrible display of professional football from both sides.

  66. olddolphan says:

    IN CASE you wondered, me and Mrs. OD decided NOT to go to the movie. We stayed home and watched this most improbable of comeback victories!! I was cursing my decision to wear my orange #19 Marshall jersey for this game. Many thanks to Mark Sancheezy!!

  67. The Flying Pig says:

    Game changer by Jamar Taylor

  68. stangerx says:

    Today’s game ball is awarded to colonpokey.

    Not sure how he got his greatest love to trip up his RBs and throw that INT………but he still did.

  69. The Flying Pig says:

    Pokey works in mysterious ways

  70. manitobafinfan says:

    Gb going dor 2 to tie

  71. Try Pod says:

    Lions beat pack

  72. ocalahowie says:

    Word on the street is we won.

  73. Mike E. says:

    LMAO @ Stanger!

  74. manitobafinfan says:

    Gbay in fg range

  75. manitobafinfan says:

    Gb 52 att

  76. Brian in NY says:

    Good win today. It was nice to see us come back and take a victory instead of letting the Eagles destroy us like almost every other loss this season.

  77. BoulderPhinfan says:

    wow what a game. These guys had fight in them after all. Congratulations to the phins for an awesome victory. Go Phins!

  78. ocalahowie says:

    Yes guys I was there amongst a crap load of Eagles fans but they where ok Guys for the most part, when one of them took my seat while I was outside.
    And Darn right he had to go when I got Back

  79. Tim Knight says:

    It was fun to watch a good game down to the wire and win it. I feel this team needed that.

  80. Try Pod says:

    I think I am going to predict a Dolphins victory next week

  81. stangerx says:

    Did you guys check out Sanchez’s facial expressions and body language, particularly when on the bench?

    He was like, “F-ing A….do I really have to play football.”

  82. getterdone says:

    Finally a nice flight home after 3 weeks on the road.

    Go Phins! Beat the Cowgirls with Romo back so we can see Jerry’s face all scrunched up in a sourpuss lock.


  83. getterdone says:

    OBJ just torched the Pats…wooot

  84. naplesfan2010 says:

    go Giants. Go Beckham.

  85. getterdone says:

    Him and Landry are freaks of nature. Keep an eye on the LSU WR’s coming out. 🙂

  86. Tim Knight says:

    Try, we won a close game on the road. Enjoy it! LOL

  87. getterdone says:

    New Age, I wanted to comment earlier. I’m proud of your prison ministry that you mention…way to serve brother!
    God Bless you and your fellow soldiers!

  88. getterdone says:

    Next week Maimi can beat Dallas at home…..
    Buffalo is @ NE & NYJ @ Houston….Pitt bye & Oak @ Detroit.

    ….this could get interesting fast.

  89. stangerx says:

    Why am I thinking that if we had lost the number of comments on this board would be like we were downstream when the Hoover Dam bust?

    Not that we aren’t active…….but you get the idea.

  90. getterdone says:

    Time for our D to whack paper machete Tony Romo.

  91. New Age says:

    Just got done visiting with parents. As is normal for a fan, good and bad. Long past are those two blowouts that were amazing to watch. This game was just like our 5 losses and the Skins win…excruciating to watch. I’m just hoping for a really good HC hire from Ross next year.

    We looked horrible but they looked worst. Our D did some really good stuff and our O was listless except for one really good drive…just like under Philbin. We just aren’t a good team in any aspect but maybe next year we will be.

    Thanks GDP! It was my first time and went really well. I also want to mention some really good plays by our younger players. Good to see.

  92. stangerx says:

    Next four games.

    @ Jets

    It ain’t over yet.

  93. BoulderPhinfan says:

    I would consider this a signature win for dan campbell. Everyone thought we’d lose this game including myself. Nice job phins!

  94. finfanrob says:

    stangerx says:
    November 15, 2015 at 5:09 pm

    LOL — and looks like the win turned this into a no fun zone for ffr…….much as I love him. 🙂

    sorry ole el peniserecti, i have been here all game long. dont know where the heck you were. i am sorry i took 30mins after the game to start dinner. you can say whatever you want about others but i am always here win or lose. thanks for noticing

  95. finfanrob says:

    lol so this was an ugly win or a horribly played game. i am dying to know what a pretty win is. when they beat the snot out of tenn and hou some were complaining it was a boring game.

  96. naplesfan2010 says:

    Gronkowski on an illegal pick play for 20 yards but for some reason the refs choked and threw the flag even though it was against he Pets.

  97. BoulderPhinfan says:

    every one of those games are winnable or lose able. We’ll see.

    • rgs322 says:

      True, but I think the 2 NY games will be tough and who knows what Dallas team shows up if Romo starts. The key to Dallas is winning the line of scrimmage.

    • stangerx says:

      But no huge hurdles either……..and other than the Giants, all look extremely good (yeah I ain’t buying the Jets one bit).

  98. naplesfan2010 says:

    This was a great game in which we overcame adversity, injuries, bad luck, good play by them, being behind big early, and being on the road for the 3rd game in a row against a team playing for first place in their division that had won 3 out of their last four.

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