Welcome to Ask Mike – 2015 Season Week 10


from Darren (DCoral)

Q – Mike as we watch another season head south it brings up an old question,
At times I watch individual players and players in a unit as a whole and it leads to the conclusion that we are still ” two years away from being two years away”
On the other hand there are some very positive things being done on the field and it may be a case of questioning scheme, game plan, adjustments etc.
There have been teams in the NFL that have brought in a new quality coaching staff, made minimal roster changes and are suddenly contending.
So as I scratch my head (common activity regarding this team) I thought well let’s axe Mike,
Are we two years away from being two years away or do we need to gut the front office ?

I don’t think there’s a specific blueprint on “How to Build a Winning NFL Team”, but I’m not sure the way we’ve approached it is the correct path. Lets start with the remnants of the Joe Philbin Miami Dolphins. My viewpoint on the hiring of GM Dennis Hickey was we were trying to find a GM that didn’t want his own HC in place, and therefore, would be willing to accept Joe Philbin, and work with him. Not an insane request, but due to the fact that I never liked Joe Philbin, that was a tough pill for me to swallow. Truth be told, Dennis Hickey hasn’t done a poor job, but the path that brought him here was all wrong. We skipped over what seemed like more qualified candidates to take a guy who was about to be jettisoned from his own organization, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, because he was willing to accept the odd hierarchy we had here in MIA. Don’t get me wrong, other teams have allowed the HC to pretty much handpick the GM, but those were all established, WINNING Head Coaches that deserved and earned to have that right. So what I’m saying is, we built the management of this team in an unorthodox manner.

Then in the off season, we brought in former New York Jets GM Mike Tannenbaum to be the Executive Vice President of Football Operations, who oversees and works along with GM Dennis Hickey. So now, thankfully, Joe Philbin is gone, but the hierarchy we put in place to suit him is still here. Mike Tannenbaum appears to be a guy that Steve Ross trusts and confides in, so it would seem his departure is unlikely. I don’t know how Mr. T feels about Hickey, and like I said, so far he seems to have done a decent job, although it’s important to preface that by saying he was buying groceries for Philbin, and besides Jarvis Landry, I don’t see one player having half the heart Landry has that Hickey/Tannenbaum/Philbin have drafted.

So, I guess what I’m saying is, I don’t think we’re going to tear it ALL down, or blow it ALL up, but but maybe just get a new HC, which of course would likely mean new coordinators and assistants all around. I suppose we might hire a Head Coach who who may decide he wants control over personnel, and the ability to handpick his GM, but I have a feeling we won’t be able to find a coach worthy of that honor. Furthermore, I don’t know if such a coach is even available, or will be available. I don’t think any of the TV personalities are giving up their cushy studio jobs, like Bill Cowher, Brian Billick or Jon Gruden to hit the 120 hour a week grind it can take to be an NFL Head Coach.

As far as being 2 years away from being 2 years away, it most definitely feels that we are. My hope is that if we find the right Head Coach, he can maximize some of the talent we do have on our current roster, and bring in the type of players that have quality and integrity, no-nonsense players that make a roster go. No whiners, no mega-talents that want everything catered to them, but team oriented players who quietly unite the roster. Of course MLB is not the NFL, but the Mets added a few of those type players to their roster, and it payed immediate dividends. Players like Juan Uribe, Kelly Johnson were exactly those type of players. Seasoned veterans who knew what buttons to press with their teammates. We need a few of those. Maybe if we infiltrate the roster with a few of those type players, and solid HC and good coordinators on both sides of the ball, we can get there faster than we think!

from UK

Q – Ok Mike – gonna give you a broad remit this week – here’s my question.

Why?  🙂


Y is a crooked letter. It’s been a tough go being a Dolphins fan, especially the last 15 or 16 years after our Dan the Man left the team. We do get teased an awful lot, not by other NFL fans, but by the promise that things will get better, and that we can make the playoffs, but inevitably, it’s not to be, and we show what we really are, a finesse team that’s not up to playing against the NFL’s tough teams. We are a submissive team, we back down and fold up our tents when a bigger, badder team challenges us. When we find enough players to change that culture, we can finally stop asking why. When we find a coach that inspire the team, and also know how to manage a game, we can stop asking why. I know I’m tired of asking why myself, so much so that I told my wife my Sundays are free if she decides she wants to do something, I’m not going to further waste them in frustration from our team that can’t deliver.

from Al in Mia

Q – Would you fire Lazor if the Fins O does the same crap vs the Eagles as they’ve been doing the last 2 weeks?
Al, I would have fired Lazor and Coyle the same time Philbin was fired. Obviously, Lazor is being given an opportunity to show if he can turn the ship around, since he only has 1 season under his belt.

I don’t like his style, I don’t like his whole philosophy of being a finesse team. Don’t get me wrong, very few NFL teams can just be a ground and pound team and be successful, but almost every winning NFL team has a solid ground game. We can too, if he just allowed it to happen. Even though our O-line is a finesse group, ZBS instead of a power scheme, we can run block well enough to do well running the ball. Lazor strays from it far too often, and almost refuses to allow the QB to play under center, in a more traditional I-formation on short yardage plays.

The truth is, even if we have success, it will still be the same offense, and the same philosophy. I don’t think Lazor is willing to change. I’d love to have been around when Campbell met with Lazor, and told him I want you to incorporate more QB play under center, and I want you to bring a FB into play on some run plays. I could just imagine how Lazor accepted those things, probably as willing as having his prostate checked.

So here we stand, Dolphins fans, at 3-5, 0-4 in the division, and I know all of you know that, but the 0-4 against our division is a sobering statement. Every year, as the NFL dictates, we play divisional rivals twice. If you can’t win about half of those games, you’re most likely not a playoff contender. Of course there is still a chance we can win 2 of them but if you look at our team, and look at our division rivals, which team are we going to beat, the Jets or the Patriots? I suppose we can beat the Jets, but the Jets are a much more complete team. They play defense more often than not, and they can both run the ball and throw it. Brandon Marshall and Eric Decker are a solid WR duo, and Chris Ivory is a very good downhill runner that runs with ferocity. The secondary has been a disappointment, but S Calvin Pryor has been in and out of the lineup with injuries, but it was expected that with Revis, Cromartie and Buster Skrine, that no one would be able to throw on the Jets, and that hasn’t been the case.

I’m not sure Dan Campbell is the guy yet. I haven’t ruled him out, but it’s clear he has deficiencies in game management, and game strategy, despite his ability to rally and inspire his team. I think it’s important that his team like him, but even more important that they respect him. Losing doesn’t necessarily instill respect and confidence from your team, so we may be looking for a new Head Coach come the end of the season.

I’m still going to the Fest next year, even if we suck, because I know the company will be outstanding! Looking forward to seeing all of you again!
And now for the babe of the week . . .

Jennifer Connelly

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325 Responses to Welcome to Ask Mike – 2015 Season Week 10

  1. ocalahowie says:

    Its that time of week again and I hear the NFC east is just as bad as we are
    We might be able to win this
    Howie 23-17 MIA

  2. Try Pod says:

    Classic Mike- just classic!
    And some fairly decent answers, too.

  3. Rockphin says:

    Howie, No we are not good, but I feel one of those fools gold games coming on. The Dolphins get the running game going well and Tannehill is sharp.

    32-24 mia

  4. Try Pod says:

    31-13 P hins H orrible I ndefinitely

  5. The Flying Pig says:

    dolphins 27
    Eagles 14

  6. olddolphan says:

    JUST TERRIFIC, MIKE!! I’m sure I speak for almost everyone on this site when I say THANK YOU for all your efforts!! They are GREATLY APPRECIATED!!
    The #1 thing Ross needs to do is to hire a coach who is good enough to have earned the right to say “I’ll coach your team IF I can have TOTAL CONTROL. I get to pick my GM; I get to pick the director of player personnel. I get to bring in whomever I believe will make this franchise a winner because I KNOW MORE ABOUT FOOTBALL THAN YOU DO!” – – So far Ross has REFUSED such requests in the past because he believes Peterson and T-Baum know more about footbal than any potential head coach. THIS IS THE FATAL FLAW IN ROSS’s APPROACH TO RUNNING THE TEAM!!! – – The ONLY truly successful head coach in Dolphins’ history HAD TOTAL CONTROL OF THE TEAM – – The one and only DON SHULA!! – – Too bad ROSS does not believe in this concept. And as long as Ross clings to this concept, we’ll NEVER have the kind of team we wish we had. —STEVE ROSS IS THE PROBLEM!!!

    • olddolphan says:

      Yes, I know, several teams have won Super Bowls with coaches who DID NOT have total control. But NONE OF THOSE TEAMS were owned by Steve Ross. –Ross just sucks when it comes to picking top advisers. THAT’s WHY the franchise is failing. –If Ross would let a top flight coach do the picking, we’d be in better shape. But Ross still clings tro the concept THAT HE KNOWS BEST who to pick to run the team. However, his W-L record says otherwise!!!

      • jetsssuck says:

        so what your saying is don shula sucks, dan marino sucks, an nat moore sucks along with several others because they are on the advisory board.

  7. olddolphan says:

    HOWIE–!!!— 23-17 Philly

  8. bookman11 says:

    27-21 Fins

  9. Mike E. says:

    Thanks OD!

  10. Mike E. says:


    I don’t really know what to do about the score of this game, because both teams are sucky underachieving squads, but I guess I have to pick a score, so . . . .

    PHI 28 – MIA 20

  11. bookman11 says:

    The #1 thing Ross needs to do is to hire a coach who is good enough to have earned the right to say “I’ll coach your team IF I can have TOTAL CONTROL.


    So if that is your suggestion above, and Ross is unable to pick the right GM or Director of Football Operations in your mind, how is he then able to pick the coach who is “good enough”?

    • Mike E. says:

      I don’t know if Ross is still listening to Carl Peterson, or if Mike Tannenbaum is now Ross’s confidant, but if it’s Tannenbaum, he won’t want a HC with full autonomy of the team, so unless Ross parts ways with Mr.T, that scenario can’t happen.

      • jetsssuck says:

        lets not forget Parcell’s was asked for a opinion on who to hire concerning HC after Philbin. My guess each advisor has a weighted say and then Ross averages total. For example Shula has .25, N.Moore has .10, Dan Marino has .15, Tannelbaum has .30 and each provides grades such as defense,offensive, and player development on a scale of 1 to 10 of what the owner wants. I’ve seen this in many business models and was taught this in college. I believe it was called Mach-mayes decision modeling.

      • BoulderPhinfan says:

        I agree

  12. Mike E. says:

    Jonas Gray was added to the Dolphins practice squad. Don’t be surprised if he’s poached, which is actually fine with me.

  13. Mike E. says:

    Looks like Billy Turner may miss the Philly game, which leaves a starting right side of Jamil Douglas RG, Jason Fox RT.

  14. Mike E. says:


    Ross asked Parcell’s who to hire after he fired Philbin, or are you talking about after he fired Sparano?

    • jetsssuck says:

      Ross got advice from Parcells after Philbin was fired. I guess Ross wanted to get back some of the guaranteed money he paid out or maybe Parcell’s made him pay for his advice.

  15. Mike E. says:


    How do you know that Ross spoke to Parcells? I don’t recall hearing about that, not that I see everything that happens with this team, but I do read about them often.

    • jetsssuck says:

      I read it about 2 weeks ago in local paper ss or mh maybe yahoo since I get several dialy articles from them concerning dolphins.You have to set it up that way. He has even provided advice to cambell.

  16. Mike E. says:

    Campbell spent the 2010 season with the Dolphins as an offensive coaching intern on offense, and was promoted to Miami’s tight ends coach in 2011, Tony Sparano’s last year on the job with the Dolphins. Somewhat surprisingly, Parcells told me he had no role in advising Dolphins owner Stephen Ross on Campbell’s elevation, but perhaps that’s because as a former Dolphins VP of football operations from 2007–10, Parcells had made his feelings known to Ross regarding Campbell’s qualities and coaching potential.


    • jetsssuck says:

      I could be wrong but I could be right I just don’t have the energy to research. Jason Cole wrote the piece I believe.

      • Mike E. says:

        Not saying you’re wrong or right, I just googled it and found this. There could be another report that states otherwise.

  17. Tim Knight says:

    Good job, Mike.

    I think Ross will target a proven HC this time around and if that coach wants his own personnel people he’ll likely get that. That likely won’t have anything to do with Tannenbaum’s status unless Ross plans on firing him, but that would effect Hickey fair or not.

  18. BoulderPhinfan says:

    Nice Job Mike,
    This goes back to why this is all on Ross. He decided that he wanted to evaluate Coach and GM individually so he didn’t fire both at the same time ever. Therefore we missed out on some good coaches and GMs because of it. I think this will continue for the time being.

  19. Try Pod says:

    As Tim will point out, it doesn’t matter what I or any fan has to say on the matter, he (Ross) is going to do what he wants. That being said, and in my case re-said, I think it’s in the Dolphins’ best interest to tear the house down from the attic to the basement, get a new blueprint, and rebuild from the ground-up.

    • BoulderPhinfan says:

      agreed. but I just don’t ross doing that. He just hired Tannenbaum this year. He’s not gonna fire him without letting him choose his own coach.

  20. BoulderPhinfan says:

    So now that we’re starting over again I though it would be fun to create 2016 Coach/FO challenge. So pick who you think is gonna be the captain of the ship in 2016.

    I will lock this after our 16th game against the pats. Let me know if you think its a waste of time 🙂


    • jetsssuck says:

      sounds like fun—I saw a article Sean Payton may become available depending on the outcome of Tom Benson’s lawsuit against granddaughter. Now that would be a upgrade

  21. BoulderPhinfan says:

    yes. Its groundhog day. Or what Einstein said is the definition of insanity 😉

  22. Tim Knight says:

    Boulder, Tannebaum oversees the football operations and is Ross’ eyes and ears. I’m not sure that would be an issue if he’s involved in the HC search because he’s going to target guys he has a relationship with. If Ross goes with someone outside of that than maybe he fires Tannenbaum and starts over. The main thing for a HC is that he has the support of the owner and his own personnel guy he can work with. Tannebaum isn’t really here in a personnel role, he oversees the analytics, sports science and works with Aponte on salary cap structure etc., he’s not the active personnel guy.

    • BoulderPhinfan says:

      It seems to me that tannenbaum was the main person responsible for our FA signings specially Suh.If tannenbaum stays as Czar, he’ll have a say in the personal dept no matter who the coach is. I’m sure of that. And I’m sure many coaches will get turned off by that arrangement.

      • Tim Knight says:

        Like I said, he’s going to target coaches he has a relationship with. Tannenbaum was involved in the Suh signing because it was a franchise move. I don’t think he was actively targeting guys like Bryce McCain and Zach Bowman etc.

  23. jetsssuck says:

    googling “decision modeling” has 6.2 million articles and formula’s and plus we have OD’s decision model. Well, the season only has 8 weeks left and then we will find out. No need to let us amateurs waste time when after the decision we will have to wait another 7 months till football season. Don’t let the situation consume you enjoy football unless bitching brings you enjoyment.

  24. ukfinfan says:

    Mike E. says:
    November 12, 2015 at 9:05 am
    Looks like Billy Turner may miss the Philly game, which leaves a starting right side of Jamil Douglas RG, Jason Fox RT.

    This conjures a mental image of one of those Japanese houses where you see someone just walk through a wall.
    It’s like a metaphor for our season. Minimal resistance.
    A good read for the Axe Mike as usghe.

  25. BoulderPhinfan says:

    Omar Kelly ‏@OmarKelly 43m43 minutes ago
    The #Eagles run a fast paced offense. Philadelphia gets 8.2 more offensive snaps per game than the #Dolphins, who run a similar offense.

    • D says:

      Its not similar as much as people want to say it is. Lazor has never really gone uptempo even though he has promised it since he has been here.

      • Mike E. says:

        Oddly enough, we heard how up tempo Philbin was when he got here, how the practices were so fast paced. Never really translated to the game though.

  26. D says:

    Drop off from Turner to Douglas is minimal….Fox is a liability for sure but we pretty much dont have much of a better choice. Im not sure why they havent tried Linkenbach there. I doubt very seriously he would be as much of a liability.

    • Tim Knight says:

      I’m sure they have tried Linkenbach in practice and Fox grades out better. Fox has played a lot for us so we know what he is. He plays well at times and struggles at times just like most backup players. Even starters go through that.

  27. ukfinfan says:

    When we were still good, respected and even feared.

  28. Mike E. says:

    Was ’93 that crazy playoff game between HOU and BUF?

    • ukfinfan says:

      Yep – “the comeback” even has it’s own Wikipage


      • Mike E. says:

        That was such a cool game. I remember I was out to dinner in an Italian restaurant in Coney Island, Brooklyn with my family, some kind of get together, probably a birthday, and we were waiting for a table while the game was going on, and they had a TV in the lobby with the game on. I kept getting up during dinner to check what was going on. That was a game for the ages.

      • ukfinfan says:

        A great game indeed.
        I miss those Kelly/Marino, Levy/Shula days.
        And no matter how bad being a fan of the Dolphins right now is, just imagine losing 4 SBs on the bounce? Oh my.

      • D says:

        Unfortunately for me one of the biggest comebacks i ever first hand watched in college football happed against my UF Gators. They call it the “Choke at Doak” and we didnt lose the game, but we might as well have. They came back down 31-3 at the beginning of the 4th quarter to tie us 31-31 (college football ended in ties back then, no OT).

      • D says:

        Oh sorry for those that dont know Doak Campbell is the stadium that FSU plays at.

  29. D says:

    I think you will see a lot of the college coaching changes happen pretty quick, they know there will be a bit of competition for those jobs not just with other coaching programs like USC, but also with NFL vacancies.

  30. BoulderPhinfan says:

    Omar Kelly ‏@OmarKelly 5m5 minutes ago
    Lou Anarumo said misfits and mistakes are why the runs got out against the Bills. “Can’t play 60 good plays on defense and 5 bad ones.”

    • Tim Knight says:

      It’s true, we stuffed the Bills backs many times but when you allow 5 big runs for like 150-200 yards you lose.

    • Al in MIA says:

      Agree 100%. It’s always 1 guy fucking up that makes the entire play go bad on both offense and defense it seems. Take the stupid 1st TD by Gronk…f’ing guy took a 7 yard slant pass with the MLB twiddling his thumbs (didn’t react to Gronk on the route until the ball was out of Brady’s hand; caught flat footed and couldn’t recover). The LeSean McCoy 48 yard run last weekend? Jenkins guessed that McCoy was going to go outside and went that way into the blocker even though Grimes was in that area (outside gap). McCoy cut in and blew it by where Jenkins should have been. It didn’t help either that the FS completely sat back in the secondary waiting for McCoy to come to him instead of him running forward to dictate the action (a problem I used to have with how Chris Clemons played while at Miami).

      • Tim Knight says:

        I was shocked by some of those runs being broken. I was like are you kidding me, how the hell did he get through there?

  31. Tim Knight says:

    Oh by the way Jennifer Connelly is hot.

  32. Al in MIA says:

    I didn’t get a chance to comment on your response where you mentioned that Cleveland fired Chud prematurely…
    I agree with you 100%…as OD always says, the mistake by the lake, same organization that fired Belichick LOL

  33. Al in MIA says:

    Agree…gap assignments and stupid penalties killing this team.

  34. Al in MIA says:

    D says:
    November 12, 2015 at 10:39 am

    Drop off from Turner to Douglas is minimal….Fox is a liability for sure but we pretty much dont have much of a better choice. Im not sure why they havent tried Linkenbach there. I doubt very seriously he would be as much of a liability.
    I’d rather have Dallas Thomas at RT and Linkenbach inside but hey, that’s a matter of opinion at this point.

  35. Al in MIA says:

    Was the last time the Fins played @ Philadelphia when John Beck made his first career start at QB due to injuries on the team?

  36. Al in MIA says:

    It’s been really frustrating watching the last 2 losses…the team seems to be shooting itself in the foot moreso than the other team just dominating them outright. In both the NE/Buf game, if the stupid offense had put together a clean drive (one without stupid penalties or dropped passes) just 1 out of 3 times while behind, the game would have been all within a reach of just 1 possession. Instead, too many mistakes and eventually the defense folded completely.

  37. Al in MIA says:

    I’m going to go with the seasonal pattern :/
    2 wins, 2 losses, 2 wins, 2 losses, …..
    26-24 MIAMI in a nail biter with Caleb Sturgis shanking the game winner

  38. Al in MIA says:

    Mike E,
    Speaking of the HOU-BUF 93 game…the funniest revenge was the 1999 season playoff game between the same teams (Music City Miracle).

  39. stangerx says:

    Mike E — screw your great football insight……your BOTW is one of the best ever.

    You ever watch Mulholland Falls? She has a relatively small part, but there is one scene that is beyond spectacular. Movie is pretty good, if not exceptional. but if I ever see it on a cable channel uncut….you get the idea.

    And same goes for Career Opportunities….which I can catch on any channel cause censored is not an issue and have only excuse for why I watch. 🙂

    • BoulderPhinfan says:

      she was good in mulholland falls. She was also good in blood diamond and a beautiful mind.

      • stangerx says:

        Great acting in both those. But in mulholland falls there is like twenty seconds of pure magic…..even if in black and white (most of the rest of the movie is in color). And since this was pre-CGI and photoshop……it ain’t no body double.

  40. BoulderPhinfan says:

    Omar Kelly ‏@OmarKelly 20m20 minutes ago
    Billy Turner is practicing today despite his knee injury. What a relief.

  41. The Flying Pig says:

    Mike E
    I haven;t read your piece yet
    but I will
    as soon as I can get all the people I work for to stop abusing me….lol

  42. BoulderPhinfan says:

    curing cancer is easier than making in game adjustments with the phins.

    Armando Salguero @ArmandoSalguero
    Karlos Williams 38-yd TD in 4th was same call as LeSean McCoy 48-yd TD in 1st Q vs. Dolphins, per @Andy_Benoit. In-game adjustments?

  43. Mike E. says:


    I did see Mulholland Falls, and bunch of other Jennifer Connelly movies. I think her best was a Beautiful Mind, but she was hot in Mulholland. She was also hot in “The Hot Spot”.

    • stangerx says:

      She’s hot in every movie, but the woman in the Falls would have been the Playboy Playmate of the Century. And to top it off…..she’s a great actress to boot. Yeah she was my perfect woman. My dream girl back in the day was in Rocketeer (the one you liked without all the skin so you would marry her).

  44. Mike E. says:


    By abusing, you mean trying to tie you to a spit? lol

  45. BoulderPhinfan says:

    yup she did show some skin in the black and white part of that movie.

  46. Mike E. says:


    There’s skin in the Hot Spot, so you may want to check that one out.

  47. finfanrob says:

    Al in MIA says:
    November 12, 2015 at 12:38 pm

    Agree…gap assignments and stupid penalties killing this team.

    al, that is just a fact of life not football. penalties have been killing man forever when it come to gap assignment

  48. finfanrob says:


    i think the movie she looked best in was ‘the hot spot’ she was younger. i just dont think she has aged well, she was a lot better looking back then

  49. stangerx says:

    MIke E and ffr — seems like Hot Spot is going on my Netflix list. If my wife asks why the answer will be “heard great things about that flick.” 🙂

  50. Rockphin says:

    No surprise here…I completely disagree with OD’s model. The HC should NOT pick the GM. The GM should pick the HC. Plus the candidates we considered in the past who reportedly wanted full control were just not experienced enough in the responsibilities of a GM to pick his guy or have full control over an organization. Pick a competent GM and let him run the organization. Coaches not wanting to work in that structure is BS the majority of organizations are structured that way.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      I don;t think there is a rule on it
      but a couple of successful teams have really powerful coaches
      The cheats and the seahawks come to mind

      If we brought in a HC that was al;ready established (meaning we stole from from another NFl team)
      I think you can have that model

      Other than that I think I would want the GM to be the top dog

  51. The Flying Pig says:

    Mike E. says:
    November 12, 2015 at 1:34 pm (Edit)
    What’s going on there? Piling work on you?

    sort of….just in general an unpleasant envrironment
    Some other time i will expand on it

  52. Tim Knight says:

    Then there is the scene from Requiem for a Dream. Oh my!

  53. Mike E. says:


    Just tell her there’s a chick in the movie that reminds you of the Hair Salon receptionist. 😉

    • stangerx says:

      LMAO — I had to get in front of the curve on that one. Her lasting like a month was about the best thing ever…….proved my point.

  54. finfanrob says:

    Mike E. says:
    November 12, 2015 at 2:21 pm

    I didn’t see that movie. Do tell Tim, do tell!


  55. Mike E. says:

    Wow, I thought Rob was joshing me. That’s pretty NC-17 right there.

  56. Al in MIA says:

    If the Canes hire Charlie Strong i’m pretty the alumni base will proceed to ceremoniously fire the AD subsequently putting a new AD in place who will fire and put in who everyone in Miami wants -> Butch Davis.

    • Try Pod says:

      Hate to disagree with you. Charlie Strong is a legitimate Head Coaching candidate.

    • Try Pod says:

      Also, as far as alumni base- there is no alumni base except for mostly African american males who played for the U- they would gladly take Charlie, who recruits SFla well.

  57. finfanrob says:

    LOL mike

    another great line from the movie ” I know it’s pretty baby, but I didn’t take it out for air.” when her dealer/pimp/whatever is waiting for a little oral loving.

  58. getterdone says:

    Andrew Abramson ✔ @AbramsonPBP
    Campbell says Billy Turner will be good to go for Sunday’s game

  59. finfanrob says:

    Al in MIA says:
    November 12, 2015 at 2:33 pm

    If the Canes hire Charlie Strong

    hey now, i said after they fired golden i thought strong would be a good candidate. i still do, but i guess i maybe the only one

    • Try Pod says:

      Nope- He was a coach here in Louisville. Got some hate at first, but the team recruited well and improved during his tenure. That’s a big deal, as Louisville is football second, basketball first.

  60. getterdone says:

    Hal Habib @gunnerhal
    Campbell says he wants Chris McCain to pin ears back and just go in games rather than going into games and thinking.

  61. getterdone says:

    Adam Beasley @AdamHBeasley
    So the Dolphins are going to use four corners Sunday: Grimes, Taylor and the McCains.

  62. getterdone says:

    Hal Habib @gunnerhal
    Campbell says special teams penalties was a point of emphasis this week. Five in Bills game. Players told to use discretion w/ blocks.

  63. Mike E. says:

    LOL Rob – Sounds like her character was pushed into all kinds of things

  64. getterdone says:

    James Walker ✔ @JamesWalkerNFL
    #Dolphins interim HC Dan Campbell said they have enough playmakers on offense. But they need more explosive plays in games.

  65. stangerx says:

    “We are a submissive team, we back down and fold up our tents when a bigger, badder team challenges us. When we find enough players to change that culture, we can finally stop asking why. ”

    Now that I’ve read the thing…….those are wisdom words from Mike E.

    Maybe he stays next year, maybe he doesn’t…..but seems that is exactly why the chose Coach Rambo.

    • Mike E. says:

      That’s true Jon, but he has to be able to manage the game too, not just inspire the players. There are coaches who can do both. He needs to learn, and learn fast all the responsibilities, and at least show significant improvement in those aspects to be considered as HC for next season.

  66. getterdone says:

    Good PC with DC Lou Anarumo. But it still leaves me thinking our run D gets gashed again this Sunday 😦


  67. finfanrob says:

    Mike E. says:
    November 12, 2015 at 2:44 pm

    LOL Rob – Sounds like her character was pushed into all kinds of things

    only when she is on my sofa

    (and she is a drug addict in the movie, so basically yeah)

  68. finfanrob says:


    and to be honest, never seen the whole movie. just bits and pieces of it for that reason. she is pushed into things. and i get it is contrary to the joking around on here, but i just cant watch movies where women are taken advantage of or worse forced into things . they sicken me to much. i have said on here before, the biggest hate of mine is a bully. i just cant tolerate them for a second and any man that is hurting a woman, in any way, is nothing but a bully and needs to be eradicated from this world

  69. Mike E. says:

    Well said Rob

  70. Mike E. says:

    Adam Beasley @AdamHBeasley

    Campbell said his expectation is Billy Turner plays Sunday.

  71. getterdone says:

    Maybe we can ride outta Philly with a W!

  72. finfanrob says:


    i am not sure if you are in support of charlie strong or not. but i know he did a good job at Louisville. i think he is in a bad spot in texas between the ad and alumni. i think he would be a good fit recruiting the miami area.

    • Try Pod says:

      Al in MIA says:
      November 12, 2015 at 2:33 pm
      If the Canes hire Charlie Strong i’m pretty the alumni base will proceed to ceremoniously fire the AD subsequently putting a new AD in place who will fire and put in who everyone in Miami wants -> Butch Davis.
      Try Pod says:
      November 12, 2015 at 3:08 pm
      Hate to disagree with you. Charlie Strong is a legitimate Head Coaching candidate.

  73. finfanrob says:


    who do you think you are D. that is an awful long post just to say yes.

  74. finfanrob says:


    that is funny, i have one of those rocking horses right by my sofa…..well it is more like on my sofa…..well it is more like me laying on my sofa……but the idea is the same

  75. finfanrob says:

    Our tax dollars at there finest

    1 hour and 27 minutes on hold with the IRS for “your call cannot be completed at this time, please call back later”

  76. Al in MIA says:

    Legitimate HC to be canned at UTexas..no thanks 🙂
    All kidding aside, I’m aware of his success at Louisville but given the choice between Butch or Strong; I’m going with the guy who has recruited future NFL hall of famers.

  77. getterdone says:

    I was really excited about Lazor when we brought him in from under Chip Kelly tutelage and replacing Sherman. But Lazor has really soured me in 1.5 years and this PC of him here really made me think, WOW, this guy is in over his head.

    As I’ve stated before. I like Campbell as a leader, motivator, and whose players will be all in and loyal for.
    But Mancampbell needs top notch Coordinators to get this franchise to succeed. It’s a shame that his chances of becoming our permanent HC is hampered by interim 2nd rate Coordinators…IMO.


    • Mike E. says:

      Double-edged sword. If we had really good coordinators, one of them would have been HC instead of Campbell.

      • getterdone says:

        Likely true, which further illustrates my point that I’ve been continually making in that we have no experience or solid work @ both Coordinator spots. Where’s Norv Turner or Dom Capers when ya need him….lol

  78. finfanrob says:

    Al in MIA says:
    November 12, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    The best are threatening letters when they mishandle payroll taxes you already paid 🙂

    no no Al. this one is better. this is for an estimated return the irs made for this client who had no payroll for the period in question. basically made up taxes, that they dont answer the phone for.

  79. D says:

    Tim Knight says:
    November 12, 2015 at 2:28 pm
    Jennifer and another girl share a double sided dildo in front of a bunch of men. The movie is about abusive drug use and it’s pretty disturbing.
    Yeah its a really crazy movie and it hits you on all layers. Its a connected, disjointed story first off so you are always trying to keep attention to whats going on in the current story line and remembering and keeping up with what happens and is happening in other story lines, they all intersect and feed off one another, whether it be the mother and her brainwashing by the QVC like sales people/legal drug dealers, the son and his addiction issues, or the subculture the gf is involved with. As the movie moves toward its climax the storylines and scenes start to rotate more rapidly, the music starts to intensify and the drama/suspense really starts to peak. I love it, even though it was pretty disturbing in some parts.

    • Tim Knight says:

      The mother being all whacked on speed is hard to watch. The dude putting the needle into the black/purple gangrene on his arm. Nasty.

      • D says:

        Its intense….really well designed movie….one of the few movies where i thought the bacground sound really drove the pace of the movie and heightened the intensity. “There will be Blood” had a similar background sound that really intensified the movie.

  80. D says:

    Al in MIA says:
    November 12, 2015 at 12:46 pm
    I’m going to go with the seasonal pattern :/
    2 wins, 2 losses, 2 wins, 2 losses, …..
    26-24 MIAMI in a nail biter with Caleb Sturgis shanking the game winner
    Except the patter has been 1 W, 3 L, 2 W, and now at least 1 L….

    Lots of different patterns that could be made from that… this was only one i could come up with that wound up 16 games. 1,3,2,4,2,3,1 Palindrome … odd odd even even odd odd pattern too.

  81. Mike E. says:


    No one from the outside was going to take a coordinator position this year, or at least so it seemed.

    • getterdone says:

      True, but will Ross & Mr. T be patient enough to weigh those options for Campbell in 2016.
      Tannebaum should have a good pulse on what good Coordinators are out there or whom will be available due to his recent involvement as an agent for several coaches.

  82. ocalahowie says:

    First Update
    Howie 23-17 MIA
    Rock 32-24 MIA
    T-Pod 31-13 PHI
    Piggy 27-14 MIA
    Old 23-17 PHI
    Book 27-21 MIA
    MikeE 28-20PHI
    Al 26-24 MIA

    • getterdone says:

      Not sure I wanna give a score. Philly is likely to run us out of town after 3 straight on the road.

      • Tim Knight says:

        I’m hoping for Campbell to go on a run and be a legit candidate as a HC next year, I just don’t think it’s going to happen.

  83. D says:

    getterdone says:
    November 12, 2015 at 4:38 pm
    True, but will Ross & Mr. T be patient enough to weigh those options for Campbell in 2016.
    Tannebaum should have a good pulse on what good Coordinators are out there or whom will be available due to his recent involvement as an agent for several coaches.
    I have been hoping for Campbells success but i honestly dont really think he is ready to HC. He seems lost out there a lot, and statements like this which i do agree with is why im not sure he is ready for the job. A HC should be able to pick out his own staff, he should assemble them and i dont think he is capable of it. Almost no GM picks a coaches staff, he picks the coach maybe, or at least works with the owner on picking the coach, but he doesnt pick the HC’s staff.

    • getterdone says:

      I didn’t elaborate enough, but you can betcha that Campbell has idea’s who he’d like to run his squads. He’s been around enough to know what he thinks is good or not so good for his vision as a HC and what kinda team/system he wants to run.
      But you know as long as Ross employs Mr. T, that Mr. T will have his nose into most everything, and that’s not always gonna be a bad thing either.

      • Tim Knight says:

        I’m hoping for Campbell to go on a run and be a legit candidate as a HC next year, I just don’t think it’s going to happen.

    • BoulderPhinfan says:

      I agree. he’s not ready.

      • getterdone says:

        he’s got 8 games, a half season to grow and show he’s gotten ready.

        Go Mancampbell. Wee’re all pulling for ya big guy!

  84. BoulderPhinfan says:

    31-17 philly

  85. D says:

    getterdone says:
    November 12, 2015 at 4:47 pm
    I didn’t elaborate enough, but you can betcha that Campbell has idea’s who he’d like to run his squads. He’s been around enough to know what he thinks is good or not so good for his vision as a HC and what kinda team/system he wants to run.
    But you know as long as Ross employs Mr. T, that Mr. T will have his nose into most everything, and that’s not always gonna be a bad thing either.
    I think he is ready for the next step, but not the two steps ahead he kinda got thrown into. I could see him doing a fine job as a OC, and eventually i think he could very well be HC material, i just dont see it right now. Rizzi is closer to HC ready than Campbell, and even he probably isnt fully ready.

    • D says:

      This is not an indictment of Campbell and his potential, just some skills are learned as you progress through the different levels/ranks in a business and often skipping levels leaves a person with a gap in the skillset needed. Can he learn on the job? Sure, but its going to come at a price, and in the case of our franchise, and its recent history, thats a short leash thats going to be given to a guy learning on the job.

  86. D says:

    Tim Knight says:
    November 12, 2015 at 4:53 pm
    I’m hoping for Campbell to go on a run and be a legit candidate as a HC next year, I just don’t think it’s going to happen.
    All of us want him to go on a 8-0 run lol…..i mean that would be awesome, i just dont have the optimism to muster right now to come close that level of hope.

  87. getterdone says:

    D, Rizzi was under consideration from what we’ve read, but the FO ultimately decided on Campbell as interim HC. That kinda says a lot depending on point of view and perspectives we don’t really get to see as much as fans on the outside.

  88. The Flying Pig says:

    • Tim Knight says:

      Vernon and Jenkins played that poorly. Not that it would have really mattered but both Misi and Sheppard are being held.

  89. ocalahowie says:

    Hell Yeah
    I’m rooting for Campbell too, He is a Bad-Ass!
    About Rizzi, if anyone recalls was my 1st choice as interim cause his squade was the only one producing anything positive at that point.
    Had no clue who Campbell was as i’m sure most here didnt either.

  90. Mike E. says:


    I agree. That’s how I feel with Campbell. He really doesn’t belong as a HC at this time, he’s not ready yet. If he can learn enough this season to do it, then I’m all for him. I’m not even sure if that’s possible, because this is a very uncommon situation.

  91. son of a son of a shula says:

    Go ahead Cowher get pissed off about Rex using this thug as a captain. Is it getting your coaches juice boiling?

  92. Mike E. says:

    I’d love it if Cowher was all in to coach again. I wanted him years ago. Only thing I’d worry about with him is how long he’d want to do it.

  93. ocalahowie says:

    Just you wait
    I was the first one with the “BOLD PREDICTION” for a month now
    Campbell gets shown the door in Miami so the Browns hire him. From there he takes them to the playoffs for the next 15 years while we go through about 4 more coaching changes in the same time.
    Year 2030
    What, Cleveland has five Superbowl rings

  94. Mike E. says:

    Houston Astros Outfielder Colby Rasmus will be the first MLB player to accept the 1 YR $15.8M qualifying offer.

    Daniel Murphy next???

  95. ocalahowie says:

    Nighly Update
    Howie 23-17 MIA
    Rock 32-24 MIA
    T-Pod 31-13 PHI
    Piggy 27-14 MIA
    Old 23-17 PHI
    Book 27-21 MIA
    MikeE 28-20 PHI
    Al 26-24 MIA
    Bold 31-17 PHI
    Stang 31-17 MIA

  96. herdfan says:

    For anyone in the FF league, how did I end up with a win? After the game Monday night I had lost by less than a point, but now it’s showing I won.

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