Wedge Scouting Report: Jordan Hicks

2JordanHicks2Wedge ID

     Whommmmmmmm….Whommmmmmmmmm….Whommmmmmmmmmmmm.  That’s my impression of a rabid longhorn bull.  I’m  guessing that is what Texas Linebacker Jordan Hicks sounds like.  Or maybe its the sound of an opposing carriers collapsing kidneys after he hits them.  Whommmmmmmmmmmm!


At 6’1, 238 pounds, Hicks is not the biggest linebacker in the NFL draft, but he might be one of the most ferocious.

Whommmmmmmmmmm…Whommmmmmmmmm….Whommmmmmmmmmm.  The Texas Linebacker played inside and outside in his college career.  He rarely left the field in his Senior year tallying just under 150 tackles.


Hicks also had two interceptions, 7 pass break ups and 3.5 sacks.  Hicks is one of the better linebackers in coverage available in this draft and those numbers speak for themselves.  He struggled a little with injuries.  He only played 4 games in 2013 and 3 games in 2012.  But he came back with a vengance in 2014 playing every game for the Longhorns.


Hicks finished his college careers with just under 300 tackles.  Then it was off to the combine where he ran a 4.68 40.  Although the 40 time was not so impressive his split time of 1.53 was.  Honestly do you really care how fast your linebacker runs 40 yards, the short distance is a lot more important.  Hicks’ time in the three cone drill was by far his most impressive.  His time was the 13th best mark among linebackers since 2006.  So you know the lateral agility is there.


Some scouts criticize Hicks instincts and while they aren’t on the level of Perryman or Kendricks, he appears to have pretty good instincts on tape.  However, what really jumps out about Hicks is his patience.  This guy has excellent discipline and would be a huge asset playing behind playmakers like Suh and Wake.  When Hicks picks his spot, he zeroes in and Whommmmmmmm….Whommmmmmmm….Whommmmmmmm


 If I was going to compare Hicks to an Alien Weapon of Destruction I would compare this focused linebacker to a Hip Pocket Laser Pistol.  Whommmmmmm….Whommmmmmm…Whommmmmmm


Watch Some Jordan Hicks Highlights




 Whats up Oinkeroos!!!

Piggy here for annoucnment time.  Look how excited I am!  We will be doing a mock draft via poll voting for the next coupel of weeks.  Here is how it works.  Every few hours (whenever I have a moment) a new poll will go up.  The Poll will have an option of 7 propsects who are “still on the board”.  The first 6 will be the 6th highest rated players according to

The 7th is a write in option. If a player gets the majority he is off the board.  We already started and Jameis Winston is the #1 pick of the draft – which seems consistent with the what most the experts think. 

We will plan to organize a live mock draft too. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 

Poll Mock Draft Update:
Tampa – Jameis Winston; Tenn – Leonard Williams; Jax – Dante Fowler, Jr.; Oak  – Kevin White; Wash – Vic Beasley; NYJ – Marcus Mariota


The Jests selected QB Marcus Mariota,  My condolences to the Mariota family.   

The Bears are on the clock

2 QBs have been added to the list:  Petty and Hundley, b/c sometimes teams reach for QBs

They will continue to be an option through the first round, unless some one selects them

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382 Responses to Wedge Scouting Report: Jordan Hicks

  1. bat says:

    Barry Jackson ‏@flasportsbuzz 3m3 minutes ago

    Dolphins have signed LB Spencer Paysinger. He replaces Trusnik and Freeny.

  2. Mike E. says:


    He replaces both? He’s that good? Are we playing with 10 on ST’s? lol

  3. bat says:

    Mike .. LOL … Apparently …

  4. Tim Knight says:

    I think Tripp and Paysinger replace Trusnik and Freeny.

  5. Tim Knight says:

    So if the Raiders pick Other, will they know where to play him?

  6. Mike E. says:


    Now that we have you here, what are your thoughts of jettisoning Mike Wallace and acquiring Kenny Stills, and of course, the big acquisition, Ndamukong Suh?

  7. Mike E. says:

    LOL @ Wyo – Sometimes it looks that way

  8. Tim Knight says:

    Mike E, we couldn’t have asked for a better spring from Matt Harvey – 22.1 innings, 1.19 ERA, 20 SOs and 1 W. LOL

  9. Al in MIA says:

    Not sure what to think of the Spencer Paysinger signing other than I hope we draft better talent than him lol.
    He’s slower than Trusnik, Wheeler, Freeney, etc.

  10. bat says:

    Mike … I love the Suh acquisition. A bold move to get an elite player. Stills for a third rounder (I don’t figure in Ellerbe because he was out anyway) is a fine deal. We wouldn’t be able to draft a WR that could contribute more than Stills with a 3rd round pick. I’m not a fan of dumping Wallace for almost nothing, but I think there may have been real chemistry issues between he and Tannehill, so I understand the need to move him. I love the fact that there has been a pretty big turnover so far in the roster… Get some of these mediocre slugs out of here… All in all I like what we’ve done so far, but then I realize that Bazooka Joe and Coyle are still in place and my mood darkens …lol

  11. Mike E. says:

    LMAO! Too funny Bat

  12. Al in MIA says:

    Tim Knight says:
    April 2, 2015 at 4:11 pm

    He’s in that same 4.7 range.
    For the 40 which i could care less about …the 10 yard split sucks.

  13. bat says:

    Nice chatting with you boys again …Later!

  14. The Flying Pig says:

    So the “other” answers are

    Bea Arthur
    Yo Mamma
    Genghis Arthur
    Bruce Jenner

    and Perriman (which is the only serious one)

  15. Al in MIA says:

    Only if you are the gunner lol (40 time for special teams)

    • Tim Knight says:

      Everyone runs down the field on coverage teams. But I think we’re making to big a deal about this signing anyway.

  16. Al in MIA says:

    Armando Salguero ‏@ArmandoSalguero 15s15 seconds ago

    If Spencer Paysinger is a starting LB at any point for the Dolphins in 2015, something went wrong.
    My thoughts exactly, lol.

  17. The Flying Pig says:

    The winner is Kevin White with 5 votes

    White is off the board

    • Tim Knight says:

      We didn’t think White would be there for us anyway. Now Jahn will come here and celebrate with a special dance.

  18. The Flying Pig says:

    I missed the Bat sighting

    Nice seeing Bat agian
    Oinks to you Bat

  19. Mike E. says:

    Later Bat – Good to see ya!

  20. The Flying Pig says:

    New Poll up
    redksins on the clock

  21. Mike E. says:

    Kevin White to the Raiders.

  22. BoulderPhinfan says:

    would paysinger be an upgrade over trusnik? I thought trusnik played pretty good ST

  23. The Flying Pig says:

    It kills me that the jests are going to have a shot at Amari Cooper, Marcus Mariotta or Vic Beasley

    but that is the way it is shaping up

    Next 4 picks after Redskins are

    This poll will probably stay up until 9pm Eastern b/c I will be on the run until then

  24. Mike E. says:

    Hopefully, the Jets pick 6th every year

  25. Mike E. says:

    New Age

    I know. It sucks seeing one of your faves off the board. I figure even if Da Raiduhs don’t take White, either the Bears or Browns probably will.

  26. new age says:

    This one seemed easy for me as well. I think the skins need someone to replace orakpo pretty badly. They have a lot of holes too. Losing all those picks for RG3… Just didn’t work.

  27. My “other” selection in the poll doesn’t show only the 1% — lol

  28. Mike E. says:

    New Age – I took Gregory, could have gone Beasley. How bout you?

  29. Brian in NY says:

    The 5th pick? How the fuck did I miss picks 3 and 4? Some people have to work you know!

    • The Flying Pig says:

      Gotta keep checking

      • Brian in NY says:

        Well, I can’t really pull my phone out in the middle of class!
        Student: “ NY, why do you keep pulling your phone out instead of teaching us?”
        Me: ” I have a meaningless mock draft poll to participate in! Shut the fuck up and do your book work!”

    • Tim Knight says:

      Quick Draw Piggily McGraw! LOL

      Don’t worry about the Raiders, some picked Bea Arthur, Yo Mamma, Genghis Arthur and Bruce Jenner. LOL

  30. The Flying Pig says:

    we are over 10 picks (12)
    so I’m closing this one quickly to get to the main event

    The stinking jests

  31. The Flying Pig says:

    Its up the Jests are on the clock

  32. The Flying Pig says:

    Jahn might be happy about White to Oakland
    but he is gonna be angry about this one
    Mariotta is runnign away with it so far

  33. The Flying Pig says:


    What was you “other” vote?

  34. Tim Knight says:

    Brian, just tell your class you’re keeping up with the Kardashians. LOL

  35. Mike E. says:

    Someone on the NFLN compared Mariota to Tannehill, saying they’re very similar players.

  36. Mike E. says:

    The wild cards with Mariota is the Titans deciding they need a QB, or the Browns moving up to get him.

  37. Tim Knight says:

    I hope the Jets draft Mariota and then before TC starts he announces he’d rather… sing! LOL

  38. CaliGigi says:

    Piggy: Betty White 😛

  39. Mike E. says:

    LMAO @ Tim! “Wasting away again in Mariotaville”

  40. Mike E. says:


    Betty White is very durable. Good pick! 🙂

  41. getterdone says:

    Andrew Abramson ✔ @AbramsonPBP
    Former Bucs QB Josh Freeman close to signing with #Dolphins

  42. getterdone says:

    Mike E, some are saying it’s a done deal.

  43. Mike E. says:

    I think Freeman has talent, he just never seemed to be consistent enough to put 2 good seasons together in a row. He’s actually better suited to our offense than Matt Moore is though.

  44. The Flying Pig says:

  45. jahndoh says:

    “Tim Knight says:
    April 2, 2015 at 1:29 pm
    Jahn, agree to disagree. WRs are easier to find than pass rushers and that is a fact.”

    Ha! Self declaration of what is fact always cracks me up. I won’t debate you, I just think declaring your own opinion fact is hilarious.

    • jahndoh says:

      PS, it’s amazing that we were looking for the right WR year after year after year and we found Olivier Vernon in the 3rd round and Cam Wake in the CFL.

      • Mike E. says:

        Valid point Jahn.

      • jahndoh says:

        Psst, Mike E:

        Don’t tell Tim this, but I also value a premium pass rusher higher than a premium WR, I just don’t think it’s as simple as he made it out to be earlier today.

        LOL! Tim, you didn’t see that!

  46. jahndoh says:

    The Flying Pig says:
    April 2, 2015 at 5:49 pm
    Jahn might be happy about White to Oakland
    but he is gonna be angry about this one
    Mariotta is runnign away with it so far
    Tim Knight says:
    April 2, 2015 at 5:51 pm
    He warned us about this. LOL
    All I have to say is that if you don’t worry even a little about this I question your ability to assess the QB position. The top 2 QBs dueled on a national stage in the biggest game of the year for both players, and Mariota blew doors against the supposed better defense while Winston shit the bed against Oregon’s defense. Duh!


  47. jahndoh says:

    Bat sighting? WTF? Good to almost catch you Bat!

  48. jahndoh says:

    Sirius NFL radio just said Freeman is a Fin fwiw. They have Hickey’s former boss on the air right now. He said all the stuff you’d expect him to say about Freeman. I view it as a camp signing that will probably garner more attention than it merits..ala Chad Johnson/OchoStinko.

  49. son of a son of a shula says:

    Brian in NY says:
    April 2, 2015 at 5:40 pm
    Well, I can’t really pull my phone out in the middle of class!
    Student: “ NY, why do you keep pulling your phone out instead of teaching us?”
    Me: ” I have a meaningless mock draft poll to participate in! Shut the fuck up and do your book work!
    You understand the fundamentals now implement the procedure, lol

  50. Mike E. says:


    Wake was the best defensive player in the CFL by a huge margin though, so it’s not a shocker that he might be succesful in the nFL. Late bloomer.

    • jahndoh says:

      I think he’s a special player though. There have been other clearly best in the CFL players that just couldn’t make the jump. We were lucky to sign him, and for all the hate that the former regimes get, we STILL owe thanks to them for what is likely STILL our best player.

  51. son of a son of a shula says:

    I like Freeman, what a back-up if we can get him to get his shit together. He’s a baller and a big dude. I like the signing and truly wish for it to work out.
    I’d actually say I’m impressed with the signing.

  52. son of a son of a shula says:

    Good to see ‘ol Bat check in, Hi Bat!

  53. son of a son of a shula says:

    I voted for Gurley, stej gonna think they can run the ball with Geno and play D.

  54. The Flying Pig says:


    I’m not happy about the jests getting Mariota or a shot at him (might be a trade down)

    But that is just the way the chips might fall

    I am sure the Bucs take Winston
    And after that the next 3 teams like their 2nd year QBs
    The redskins are the only threat to take a qb before jests
    And I’m sure they are not done with RG3

    • jahndoh says:

      I do agree it’s the way the chips might fall, but as of now, I put more stock into Gil Brandt’s prediction he’s going to Tennessee than I do that he’ll fall to NYJ. I also hope that’s the case.

      • The Flying Pig says:

        I think they like Mettenberg too much

      • jahndoh says:

        We’ll see if you or Gil is right. I don’t see what’s so special about Mettenberg tbh. Less than 60% completions and 8TDs to 7INTs.

        You don’t pass on a first round talent to develop this guy who you drafted in the 6th round and hoped he’d never have to play (Locker).

  55. son of a son of a shula says:

    LOL did I just see ” wasted away in Mariottaville” that’s funny

  56. The Flying Pig says:

    I also think Mariota and the jests is a horrible combo

    Unless it’s Philly or a team copies chip Kelly’s offense, Mariotta will need time
    And the jests are the most impatient team in the NFL
    They won’t wait to develop Mariota

    • jahndoh says:

      Jets under entirely new leadership and coaching. I don’t think we know their identity just yet.

      • jahndoh says:

        I also question the conventional wisdom that Mariota needs more time than Winston. Winstons 2 year stat line reminds me a lot of a guy who just retired in Tennessee.

  57. twicethethe says:

    Just added a section under the polls for the poll draft results, so we can all track and not go crazy trying to remember. Will try to update as time allows…

  58. The Flying Pig says:

    Oinks to whomever put up the draft poll results

    Nicely down

    • Try Pod says:

      When’s the Mick Draft start?

      • The Flying Pig says:

        Happy hour

      • Mike E. says:

        LOL! I’m having a bunch over to my house tomorow for Passover. We did it last year, it was so much fun. My firend Rob, the one who has cancer is coming over. He’s going to sing the 4 questions again in Hebrew. My neighbors are coming as well, it’s going to be PassMickover. 🙂

  59. Mike E. says:


    Wake garnered a lot of NFL interest. We were far from the only team interested, we just outbid everyone. I agree, he’s a special player and special case. Things like that don’t happen often, where a guy goes through the draft process, gets drafted, doesn’t cut in the NFL, and then tears up the CFL and comes back to the NFL and is a pro bowler. I can’t think of another case like it.

    • jahndoh says:

      If I recall correctly there was only one other team vying for his services in earnest. We paid him decently, but I think he got less than a mill per year from us.

      • Mike E. says:

        You might be right. I’m real fuzzy on the details, but I thought there were a few teams involved fors ure.

  60. Tim Knight says:

    Jahn, I don’t worry about what other teams do. I want our team to get to a level where we can compete with anyone for a championship. I like good competition because it makes winning more satisfying. The Seahawks don’t care who they play, they win because they’re that good. They should have won their second SB in a row but they got silly.

  61. The Flying Pig says:

    Oinks to whomever voted Colonpokey the great tight end prospect to the jests

  62. Mike E. says:

    I didn’t even see the results. Awesome Twice! Thats very cool!

  63. The Flying Pig says:


    The wisdom is based in the fact that Mariota hasn’t done a lot of work under center

    But I guess some teams would be okay with that
    We probably would

    • jahndoh says:

      Is that it? If an NFL staff can’t teach an athlete like that to do a 3-5-7 step drop they all deserve to be fired. I think most rookie QBs could use time, but I don’t think Mariota is unique at all in that aspect. (needing time).

  64. Tim Knight says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the Jets went edge pass rusher. Bowles said defense was something he wanted to make really strong.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      But I think if Amarion’s is there they just kind of have to take him or trade down

      I don’t think Mariota gets past 6

      Pass rusher would be my 2nd choice for the jests

      They can trade down and get one

  65. The Flying Pig says:

    I think I want to get pick 14 on Monday morning

    We are bound to slow down a bit this weekend

    Should I close this pole and move on to the Bears

    (Whispering) who are bound to take Danny Shelton

  66. The Flying Pig says:

    If cooper fell to 14
    And 49ers wanted to trade up with us
    Would you?
    I would!

    • jahndoh says:

      In this hypothetical, does Parker remain on the board? If so, yes. But I don’t think the Fins would pass on Parker just “trusting” another hot to trot for a WR team to take Cooper.

      in other words, if I knew that they were going to take Cooper in that situation, I’d do the trade, but in practice, I don’t think there’s anyway to “know”.

  67. Mike E. says:

    At the end of the 2008 CFL season, Wake drew interest from several NFL teams, including the Miami Dolphins, St. Louis Rams, New Orleans Saints, Buffalo Bills and Minnesota Vikings. He worked out for the Dolphins on January 15, 2009.[10]

    After receiving interest from 17 total NFL teams and working out for eight, Wake signed with the Dolphins on January 18, 2009.[2] The four-year deal included a $1 million signing bonus and could be worth up to $4.9 million.[2]

    • jahndoh says:

      This is arguing minutiae, but when I said “in earnest” I was recalling that there was only said to be one other team who’s contract offer made them a contender. I was SLIGHTLY off on the contract numbers. Just over a million a year is not a superstar’s contract.

      • Mike E. says:

        Whoa! I’m not arguing. I told you I was fuzzy on the details. I’m just showing you what actually went down.

      • jahndoh says:

        PS, maybe I’m remembering wrong about the interest. Like I said, he is a special player. There are many CFL standouts who can’t do what he did.

        I don’t think any of us would argue he didn’t vastly outplay his first contract with us.

  68. Mike E. says:

    Wake had 39 sacks in 2 seasons in the CFL.

    • jahndoh says:

      They do pass like 90% of the time too, but I’m not in the market to talk down Wake. I think coming out his contract says how the NFL viewed him. Talented, lots of potential, but high risk for bust. There’s SOME basis in Omar’s argument that offseason that Wake “might get cut” even if I told him he was wrong and he swore me off forever because of it. LOL!

  69. Tim Knight says:

    Jahn, so your questioning my opinion on not worrying about what other teams do as well? LOL

    • jahndoh says:

      I am? I’m not sure what fucking planet you’re coming from right now to be honest. I hope for your sake the weather is good!

      You randomly went off about worrying about other teams on a day we’re all debating who the Raiders, Redskins, Jets need in the draft.

      • jahndoh says:

        Sorry for the swearing, it reads hostile. Didn’t mean it that way!

      • Tim Knight says:

        jahndoh says:
        April 2, 2015 at 7:42 pm

        The Flying Pig says:
        April 2, 2015 at 5:49 pm
        Jahn might be happy about White to Oakland
        but he is gonna be angry about this one
        Mariotta is runnign away with it so far
        Tim Knight says:
        April 2, 2015 at 5:51 pm
        He warned us about this. LOL
        All I have to say is that if you don’t worry even a little about this I question your ability to assess the QB position. The top 2 QBs dueled on a national stage in the biggest game of the year for both players, and Mariota blew doors against the supposed better defense while Winston shit the bed against Oregon’s defense. Duh!


        It wasn’t random, I replied to what you said. 🙂

      • jahndoh says:

        Ah…it’s hard to know what you were replying too since you didn’t actually quote me until now. LOL…

  70. Mike E. says:

    What compensation would you expect to move up 1 spot in the 1st? a 3rd, a 4th?

    • jahndoh says:

      Depends highly on the spot. From 31st to 30th is a whole other deal than from 2nd to 1st.

      You talking 49ers to Dolphins?

      I’d say probably a 3rd rounder…but I’m not looking at the value chart, so take it with a grain of salt.

  71. Tim Knight says:

    Mike E, we’re hosting Passover tomorrow evening as well.

  72. jahndoh says:

    You’re right about Hundley Wyo, although I think he’s going to go late 1st to some team who can be patient in developing him. I don’t rule out New England actually.

  73. jahndoh says:

    Mike, actually I looked it up. it’s a mid 4th. But the book on single slot trades is that the team in the higher slot is in the catbird seat. Miami says “well, we really wanted that player so it’s gonna cost you” and the Niners have to decide if they can pay the cost.

    Minnesota got a 4th, a 5th and a 7th to move down a single slot when Cleveland drafted Richardson. I believe years ago they got a nice price for us in a single slot trade down too, but right now I can’t remember the player…Vernon Carey maybe???

    • Mike E. says:

      Thanks – If we’re not interested in the player, the 4th RD is worth it, and if we could get any more, it’s well worth it.

  74. son of a son of a shula says:

    Tenn will take Mariotta or they will trade out i don’t think he’ll make it to 6.

    • Tim Knight says:

      A lot of people feel that way. It’s very possible another team trades up to get him at #2. The Redskins might take him too. RGIII doesn’t seem to be popular with the HC or his teammates.

  75. The Flying Pig says:

    I don’t know
    I’m starting to think the pick might be One of the OL
    I’m gonna put Hundley and Petty in the polls now

    Bc QBs defy rankings

  76. son of a son of a shula says:

    Last year was a much deeper draft than this year, I prefer to do damage up front and not be overly concerned with too many later picks. I’d trade up for Cooper or White to put in our offense instead of 5 or 6 guys who essentially become camp fodder.

    • Mike E. says:

      I think we’re talking about of the guy we really want is gone at #14, and the 49ers wanted to move up for someone. I’d do that in a second. On the other hand, I have no problem moving up to get the player we want, but that fucker better start and play (WELL) every game!

  77. Mike E. says:


    Just curious. Do you guys drink Slivovitz on Passover?

    • Tim Knight says:

      Not familiar with that. I know there has been Kedem and I just picked up a bottle of Manischewitz. My wife’s family probably much like yours are more traditional than religious so there will be regular wine and beer too. LOL

  78. son of a son of a shula says:

    jahndoh says:
    April 2, 2015 at 8:40 pm (Edit)
    Good call. I still think he’s going late 1st early 2nd. Maybe not New England. Where do you think he goes?
    I like Hundley, good size, hard worker, good runner, good arm.
    Cleveland, St. louis, KC, San Diego, Nawlins.
    Saints and Browns both have two first rounders.

    • jahndoh says:

      Good call on Cleveland. I wonder if they have a plan for Manziel or if they’ve decided not to count on him.

      • son of a son of a shula says:

        I imagine it would be be difficult to count on him. Me, I wouldn’t. I’m OD with him, “Show me”!

  79. son of a son of a shula says:

    Deonte Greenberry

  80. The Flying Pig says:

    Mariota to the jests
    The Bears are in the clock

  81. Tim Knight says:

    Mike E, my wife said she’s not familiar with Slivovitz.

    What are you serving?

  82. getterdone says:

    Tim & Mike E, enjoy your Passover get together tomorrow night my friends.
    I’m going to a Tenebrae service tomorrow nite, then on Sunday I’ll be going to a Resurrection Sunday sunrise service that takes place outside on the edge of a beautiful as the sun is coming up…very kool celebration!

  83. The Flying Pig says:

    Thanks for the slivovitz Mike E!

  84. getterdone says:

    I like the outside the box thinking by our FO with this Freeman signing. It’s a cheap one year deal. Lazor might see something that he could coach up in Josh, and he or Moore could become great trade bait. As you have seen many times before another team’s QB go down with injury in Camp or PS.

    So I applaud the thinking ahead strategy this FO seems to be making as well as the now thinking they’ve done.

    • Tim Knight says:

      Lazor is a QB coach as well so like you said he might see something in Freeman. The guy has talent, I have to think his mindset hasn’t be right. He did have one really good year. This could also be to push Moore and make the entire QB position more competitive.

  85. The Flying Pig says:

    Next 4 teams up after Bears

  86. getterdone says:

    Thanks Tim.

  87. son of a son of a shula says:

    Freeman is already on the roster on the official Dolphin site.

  88. getterdone says:

    Dolphins signed QB Josh Freeman to a one-year contract.
    The agreement ends a year in the NFL wilderness for the No. 17 overall pick of the 2009 draft. Freeman was as bad as can be in four combined appearances for the Bucs and Vikings in 2013, but has a huge arm, and is still only 27. With Matt Moore entrenched behind Ryan Tannehill, Freeman’s best-case scenario in Miami is No. 3 duties. A productive camp and preseason could earn Freeman a dice-roll as someone else’s No. 2.

  89. Tim Knight says:

    I’m interested to see if we trade down quite a bit, add a 2nd and say a 4th, then draft Kendricks, don’t look back and look at WR and OL in the 2nd round.

  90. Tim Knight says:

    Apparently Spencer Paysinger is considered a good STs player and he’s young at 26 years old.

  91. Tim Knight says:

    I almost feel like we forgot we signed Suh. LOL

    The idea of him and Mitchell inside at DT and Wake, Vernon, Jordan or McCain at DE/OLB could be lethal.

    Philbin said one thing he spoke with Coyle about was simplifying the defense and less personnel packages. Use your depth properly but rely on your top talent.

    We might see more 5-2 with the talent we have.
    LDE Wake
    LDT Suh
    RDT Mitchell
    RDE Vernon/Jordan/McCain
    Jack-OLB Vernon/Jordan/McCain (standing up – could rush or drop in coverage)
    ILB Misi
    ILB Jenkins

    • son of a son of a shula says:

      You might have forgotten, I sure haven’t plus I see his big nappy head every time I refresh the page, lol

      • Tim Knight says:

        Al Sharpton will come for you for using the word nappy. LOL

        Is it racist to say an Irish, Scottish, English or Scandanavian dude has red hair? I don’t think so.

        My Mom and her sister have red hair and my Mom prayed I didn’t end up with orange hair when I was born. She would have still loved me but she wasn’t a fan of the bright red hair thing. LOL

        It wouldn’t have bothered me other than the ribbing you get for it in school. After that it can actually be attractive. I’m attracted to red-headed women. Not that I’m hunting, I’m married. LOL

  92. Brian in NY says:

    Tim Knight says:
    April 2, 2015 at 9:33 pm
    I’m interested to see if we trade down quite a bit, add a 2nd and say a 4th, then draft Kendricks, don’t look back and look at WR and OL in the 2nd round.
    I get the feeling that if we don’t take a WR with our first pick (either at 14 or a trade down), there will be slim pickings by the time we pick again in the 2nd. There is going to be a run on the big three WR early, and then another run in the late 1st early 2nd IMO.

    • Tim Knight says:

      I think this WR class is deep through 3 rounds. Not saying after that there is no talent, just that there are a lot of good WR prospects in the top 100.

      History tells us not all the top prospects live up to the billing and the other round prospects surpass them.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      Waiting to the 2nd is sort of playing with fire

      I don’t want Sammie Coates
      He is a physical freak
      But lacks skills

  93. BoulderPhinfan says:

    I still think we should draft a ILB and move misi back outside. I think Misi’s play dropped off at the end of season last year.

    • Tim Knight says:

      He played on a high-ankle sprain all season he got in game 1. To me the Misi experiment at MLB was incomplete.

      I’m not saying he must be the MLB, but I want to see someone beat him out and make him move to SOLB.

      He actually fits in the 5-2 defense Coyle incorporated last year. I like this alignment.
      LDE Wake
      LDT Suh
      RDT Mitchell
      RDE Vernon/Jordan/McCain
      Jack-OLB Vernon/Jordan/McCain (standing up – could rush or drop in coverage)
      ILB Misi
      ILB Jenkins

  94. Tim Knight says:

    Also we might have a WR on our board who hasn’t been talked about much like Landry last year. Maybe Hardy?

    Our offense right now seems to be penciled in like this.
    LT Albert/James
    LG Thomas
    C Pouncey
    RG Turner
    RT James/Fox
    TE Cameron/Sims

    QB Tannehill
    RB Miller/Williams

    WR Landry
    WR Stills
    WR Matthews

    I’d like to see a jolt at WR and OL.

  95. olddolphan says:

    ONE QUICK FLY-BY BEFORE RETIRING FOR THE NIGHT. –Noticed some of you have plans for Passover/Easter. I do, too. Since I have to work a convention on Saturday, I’m going to do the “aetheist thing” by mowing the lawn on Sunday while my wife goes to church to pray for her heathen husband. After mowing, I’ll do some serious grocery shopping, feed the dogs, walk all 3 of them, then I’ll take Mrs. OD out to lunch. After that, I’ll catch a couple innings of FAU baseball (vs. the Marshall Thundering Herd) on the live feed from FAU Stadium. Then I’ll check in on the U. of Miami’s baseball game because, after a 3-game series against Marshall, the Owls go to Coral Gables on Tuesday to meet up again with the Hurricanes at A-Roid Field. IMHO, the FAU-Miami rivalry is the best Division I baseball rivalry in the State of Florida. No doubt the Canes will be looking to avenge their 5-3 loss to FAU in Boca Raton a few weeks ago. Also, it’s WAY to early to talk much about it BUT, on September 12, Miami visits Schnellenberger Field to play the Owls on the second weekend of the college football season. A friend of mine who graduated from the “U” says I won’t live long enough to see Miami lose to FAU in football. We’ll see, my friend, we’ll see.
    Good night, Dolfans everywhere!! –Great Grandpa is out!

  96. Mike E. says:

    GDP – Thanks brother! Enjoy your services and Good Friday!

  97. son of a son of a shula says:

    Sonny tomorrow with a chance of bullshit

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