The Wedge Scouting Report: Derrius Guice, LSU

Humans look at me and all they see is the alien technology and the ability to destroy entire galaxies.  Sure I am a successful intergalactic agent and I’ve killed millions of lie forms.  But I covet the really simple things too.


Sometimes I don’t want to shoot a destructive cannon at a planet.  Sometimes I don’t want to deprive an entire alien race of their moon.

Sometimes I want the simple things….Sometimes I want to be a maniac!



Maniacs do it the simple way – They are scrappy!  Just like the LSU running back Derrius Guice.


The Positives:  I have to admit, I fall in love with a prospect every season and this year – Guice is that guy.  This is hands down my favorite player in the 2018 draft.  Guice has it all: speed, power and more specifically determination.  Guice is a determined runner.

Actually Guice runs like a freaking maniac! Fighting for extra yards is a bit of a cliche when describing prospects.  So I will be a little more colorful, Guice doesn’t just fight, he runs like a John Wick fight scene.


More Positives:  Guice was a backup to Leonard Fournette in 2016 and he outgained Fournette in 2016.  In 2016 he gained 1387 yards on the ground averaging 7.6 yards per carry to go along with 15 TDs.  He followed that up in 2017 with 1251 yards, 5.3 per carry and 11 TDs.

At 5-11, 218 pounds, he is not the biggest back in this draft but he might be one of the most physical.  But its not just about his fight, Guiice has breakaway speed too.

However, what really jumps out on film (besides his scrappiness) is his balance.  Guice makes cuts with ease barely losing stride and that helps medium runs turn into to big runs.


The Negatives:  None.

Hah Hah, just kidding.  I really like this back but everyone has flaws I guess.  Guice may be too aggressive at times – he’s not a patient runner.  But to that end he hits the holes fast and accelerates quickly.

Only 32 career receptions.  But I caution you, he isn’t bad in the passing game, LSU just runs a lot.  Certainly he needs work in the passing game – but I would not call receiving a weakness.


The Alien Dust:  He’s got a very sad story.  His father was murdered when he was 5 years old and grew up in a pretty tough part of Baton Rouge.  Guice tells people that he has something to prove to everyone.

I really think that attitude shows in his running style.  Guice has the kind of attitude we need to bring into Miami.  He reminds me of the qualities in Landry and Ajayi that propelled us to the postseason in 2016

I also think his name lends itself to some pretty good nicknames:  Miami Guice; or if we re-sign Landry we can call the duo Guice and Juice.


The Alien Weapon of Destruction that best compares to Guice is simple, nothing to fancy but VERY LETHAL.  Its the Maniac’s Chef Knife!

Guice Knife

Watch his highlights here!



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628 Responses to The Wedge Scouting Report: Derrius Guice, LSU

  1. rich0322 says:

    Yes, we want as many QBs going in the top 10 as possible.

    • Tim Knight says:

      If you look at prospect rankings at this time, the QBs aren’t even the top prospects. But they are QBs and we all know how that goes.

  2. Tim Knight says:

    M13, that page thing you mentioned has been going on for a long time. I’m used to it

  3. stangerx says:

    SpaceX is going to try and launch it’s Falcon Heavy today, maybe in about an hour. This is the rocket they will figure will go to Mars. And it has reusable parts that independently land. If all goes well it will look like this.

  4. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    February 6, 2018 at 2:57 pm
    M13, that page thing you mentioned has been going on for a long time. I’m used to it
    Right, I thought it was you who had noticed as much early on.

  5. Tim Knight says:

    Even though the teams who made it to the championship games had top defenses (Pats PA), they also had top offenses. The best chance to get there is be good in all phases. But you have to be able to move the ball and score points.

  6. mf13ss says:

    It’s too early to say for sure, but I think the good admins have CORRECTED the issue I was talking about. So far, my page refreshes to the latest comment!

    • mf13ss says:

      What I mean to say is that the page turn may have temporarily corrected the problem. Until this page gets loaded up with comments, we won’t know for sure.

      If y’all fixed it… HUGE PROPS!!!

  7. Tim Knight says:

    I think where the page stops has to do with replies.

  8. Mike E. says:

    I’ve given up trying to figure out what determines where you end up on this blog after refreshing the page. I wonder if it varies by browser.

  9. Tim Knight says:

    Will SpaceX be televised?

  10. mf13ss says:

    Jahndoh30 says:
    February 6, 2018 at 3:29 pm
    So we should definitely give up all the public resources to them.
    I didn’t say that, man. There is a time and place for EVERYTHING.

  11. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    February 6, 2018 at 3:33 pm
    Then where?
    If I can find a live link to it, I’ll post it here. I guarantee that there’s a live link to it SOMEWHERE.

  12. Jahndoh30 says:

    Read a great quote the other day, one I’m definitely going to try and ingrain in my psyche:

    “Don’t take anything personally. Nothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz

  13. mf13ss says:


  14. Tim Knight says:

    This is incredible!!! New Frontiers.

  15. stangerx says:

    What impresses me the most is the two boosters coming back home like ten minutes later ready to be used again for the next flight.

  16. Rockphin says:

    My apologies to Herd, MIkeE, Piggy and the rest of the Administrators. I did not mean to impugn anyone of imply that someone was maliciously block my posts. I was just frustrated this morning while trying to post a link to an article that I enjoyed and thought others might like. I don’t understand why I get flagged as spam sometimes, but I never post more than one address or link at a time. The last time this happened a couple of months ago I couldn’t post ANYTHING where it had a link embedded or not for almost a month. I had to eventually start a NEW wordpress account with a new e-mail address to even post anything.

    I must be having my MANstral cycle because my secretary called me out today and told me I am being a dick and if I don’t want to be sorry I should “go and change my plug”…. I bought her lunch, to try and make it up to her, but I cannot transmit food here. I let my frustration get the best of me and I am sorry.

    I see I have been the but of the joke today (deservedly) and apologize to the rest of you bloggers as well.

    Did anyone even read the article I tried to post the link to? Gotta love diamonds in the rough.

    MF13, I have always had that issue when I refresh the page on here. It will drag me up the page to the last picture posted or to my last reply to someone when I use my Android phone and it will drag me ALLL THE WAY TO THE TOP when I use my I-phone (work phone) Some days I pray for the page turn. I don’t have the issue posting from any of my computers.

  17. Rockphin says:

    That SpaceX rocket is incredible. I have seen the testing (and failures) of the self returning rockets when they were developing them. truely amazing. What is even more amazing will be to see them land the vehicle on a freakin barge in the ocean!!!

    BTW I don’t think the little red convertable will be part of the program. LOL

    • stangerx says:

      And not just a barge but a drone barge…….maybe we should all be on the look out for Terminators.

      And I knew you were just frustrated man. If you ever do the stomp out we will all know for sure. 🙂

  18. mf13ss says:

    stangerx says:
    February 6, 2018 at 3:59 pm
    What impresses me the most is the two boosters coming back home like ten minutes later ready to be used again for the next flight.
    ^^ THIS ^^

    That’s what my 3:54 PM comment of “WOW!!!!!!!” was all about! INCREDIBLE!!!

  19. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    February 6, 2018 at 3:45 pm
    Anytime, Brother! I was happy to view it, too!

  20. rich0322 says:

    Just watched a tape of the launch on local news 8, pretty awesome!!!

  21. Rockphin says:

    Did it take off? I clicked the live feed and it is the local news…

  22. mf13ss says:


    You’re a good dude, DUDE! I feel your frustrations of earlier, but the blog is experiencing constant updates. As such, glitches occur. You aren’t being censored, I can assure you of as much.

    ROCK ON!!! 😀

  23. Tim Knight says:

    So what’s the deal with the Tesla?

  24. Tim Knight says:

    I know about Elon Musk but what’s the next step?

  25. Ken says:

    Happy to see Rock back

  26. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    February 6, 2018 at 4:21 pm
    Like everyone is trying to do now? LOL

    What I meant was what is the next step, what craft heads to Mars?
    As I understand, this project is the craft that could eventually take us to Mars… with ZERO government funding, as Barack Obama GUTTED NASA’s ability to do so.

    • Tim Knight says:

      LOL… okay simmer down. Will the craft be similar to the space shuttle but obviously upgraded? Do they have the craft yet or were they just testing the rockets at this time?

      • mf13ss says:

        LOL, I needn’t “simmer down”… I’m just posting the facts.

        As I understand, this was a TEST LAUNCH to test a great many things. I don’t believe they have the craft finalized, but I think this was more about the rockets.

  27. Tim Knight says:

    M13, just remember most innovations were accomplished by private sector individuals. The Wright Brothers, Ford, “Tesla”, Edison etc. Then the military got involved. But even then, private sector individuals were involved with that too.

  28. Rockphin says:

    Did he REALLY launch a tesla roadster as the payload? LOL I thought that was just them being funny with the animation.

  29. Tim Knight says:

    Okay so it’s this craft. The Orion Spacecraft.

  30. Rockphin says:

    Tim, I believe they are still developing the actual modual that would be the payload and carry people / materials to Mars. This was the first step, successfully launching and landing the rockets. They will be putting other company’s (and country’s) satalites into orbit to make money while they continue to develop the Mars mission.

    • stangerx says:

      Absolutely right. They don’t even have a module ready yet that can bring folks up to the International space station, but they can resupply it and put up satellites. Plus they have reusable boosters (thus cheaper flights) and just proved the biggest baddest space hot rod around. Smart business since a whole lot more satellites go up than people.

  31. mf13ss says:

    rich0322 says:
    February 6, 2018 at 4:35 pm
    Nikola Tesla, such a underrated inventor and genius.

    Thomas Edison was a PUNK

    • Tim Knight says:

      I don’t know about punk. LOL

    • rich0322 says:

      “I don’t care that they stole my idea, I care that they don’t have any of their own”

      Nikola Tesla 1856-1943

      • rich0322 says:

        I like this quote.

      • Tim Knight says:

        Well Edison was before Tesla and I know they had some feuds etc. but Edison was a genius as well and invented a lot of stuff. Business can be dirty.

      • rich0322 says:

        I’m not going to get into a Edison vs Tesla debate, but Edison was kind of an ass trying to make it seem like alternating current was dangerous with a dishonest demonstration, while it was his DC that was more dangerous. …but like you said, business can be dirty.

  32. Mike E. says:

    Rock on! Hey kid, rock and roll, Rock on, ooh my soull

  33. wyoming85 says:

  34. Tim Knight says:

    rgs, yeah I’m not going to get into Edison vs. Tesla either. Tesla worked for Edison briefly and then went on his own and invented some amazing stuff. But regardless of how you feel about Edison, he was inventing stuff long before Tesla. I believe it was the Nazi’s who were rumored to have possibly murdered him.

    • rich0322 says:

      My initial posts including the quote were (PRO) Tesla, not (CON) Edison. I only mentioned that the dishonest demonstration he did was an ass move.

      Yea, I would have to say that the nazi’s would be the logically choice.

  35. herdfan says:

    Rockphin says:
    February 6, 2018 at 4:10 pm (Edit)
    Did it take off? I clicked the live feed and it is the local news…

    I’m telling you it’s a damn conspiracy. No one wants Rock doing anything on the internet. 😂😉😂😉

  36. Tim Knight says:

    rgs, the truth of the matter is this country was built on a lot of dirty, from day one.

  37. The Flying Pig says:

  38. wyoming85 says:

  39. mf13ss says:

    “First contact” may have occurred in ancient Egypt.

    • Tim Knight says:

      And many other places around the world. Very interesting stuff. A lot of spots around the globe building structures based on Orion’s Belt with carvings and statues of alien looking beings. Hard to imagine they were able to communicate this among each other thousands of miles apart and across oceans.

  40. Mike E. says:

    I thought Snoke was dead

    • mf13ss says:

      It’s going to be INTERESTING! Many feel as though Snoke is Darth Plagueis… the master of Darth Sidious/Emperor Palpatine.

      Who knows… I just hope Episode IX ties everything together.

    • mf13ss says:

      Some feel as though Snoke ‘projected’ his death, as Luke had ‘projected’ via the Force… that Snoke is still alive and well.

      I hope JJ isn’t compromised by the fool Rian Johnson.

      • Mike E. says:

        Ah, that is interesting, but then again, it’s going to be hard to know when to believe if something is really happening, and I hope they don’t go down that road.

      • Ken says:

        I thought Snoke died way took easily for that to be his real end

  41. Tim Knight says:

    So we turned the discussion into Star Wars. Sigh… LOL

  42. ocalarob says:

    Oh and to OCRob, im sorry man, i went vicious with you at the end. I had my fill and you kept goading me so i gave you a heavy dose of your own medicine.

    Someone made me aware of all the turmoil and i’d like to say something in regards to this.

    D, you started with me a while back, I had never said one disparaging thing to you and you personally attacked me because you didn’t like my football opinion.
    That statement is fact, it is in black and white on this blog, no getting around it with lame excuses.

    at that point i started ignoring you and then you did it again with the “touched” statement. you attacked me on 2 separate incidences due to my football opinion.

    I get it, you’re confused, well let me un-confuse you,

    no matter what i say pertaining to football gives you the right to personally attack me or anyone else for that matter. I know this concept is hard for you to understand. What am i to do, you attacked me first!

    Then Son started in as well, Mr Son , maybe you can email me and write a post for me that makes you happy and i’ll post it under my name since you find the time to read my stuff but don’t like it. if you don’t like my opinion just don’t read my post.

    mostly the reason i repeat myself is because i’m responding to someone elses questions or maybe i’m just fkn nuts, either way it does not give you the right to attack me.

    Maybe we should all just attack each other, wouldn’t that be fun?

    To unprovokedly attack someone because of their views shows a lack of mental apptitude.
    you cant politely debate with them so you attack them to cloud the issues at hand

    i’m a little confused as to the people who run this blog stand idle while this is going on instead of going back and reading where it all started and correcting the ones at fault so that we may talk football and not have to defend and argue. maybe they are amused by it.

    maybe i should attack those in charge to give them a little of that medecine so that they fully understand.

    The reason I left was because I wanted to get off the merry go round, I have much better things to do than argue with someone over a computer,

    I think it will be much better to keep my football opinions to myself

    • Mike E. says:

      Just consider me like one of the refs in the SB, I LET YOU GUYS PLAY. NO FLAGS. Neither I or any of the other admins want to be mediators, so we let you adults handle your own accords. I would think you all would appreciate that, rather than being punished and treated like children.

      • Tim Knight says:

        Mike has a good point. They could just ban people left and right at their whim. They don’t. Hey Lou came on here a few times saying everyone here is a douchebag and he wasn’t joking around. They didn’t ban him for that. People get annoyed and pissed off and go off sometimes. Not much different than giving the finger to someone on the road because they might have cut you off. We all do it but it’s better to try and keep it on point and be respectful. I find it better and safer not to get into road rage. And if you fuck up, give the my bad sign and it usually defuses.

    • Tim Knight says:

      You also have to remember it’s not always easy to determine someone’s temperament at least early on. Then it escalates beyond that once the back and forth arguing starts. That’s how I usually see it going down.

    • Ken says:

      The admins are not here to play kindergarten cops. Police yourselves. You don’t need us to tell you (the royal you) how to interact with one another. I personally find getting into a heated dispute on an internet blog as rather silly because all you have to do is just ignore the other person but that is just me.

    • ocalarob says:

      Yeah i got that, you don’t get involved, I know D is a good dude he’s just a little confused, It’s a shame that someone cant set him straight,

      your lack of mediation is really working well though, this is the first i’ve posted in a while and now D is gone,

      keep up the good work guys and catch you later.

      • Mike E. says:

        Later Rob – This was never meant to “work” because of the admins, it’s supposed to work because of the people who come and post here. We just give you topics of discussion every now and again. Sorry it doesn’t work for you. Take care my friend

  43. rich0322 says:

    It would be a way to Undo the Snoke death scene.

    Now if we could redo Leia’s Mary Poppins’ moment, Luke’s milking screen, and a good chunk of Canto Bight. Also, I could have done without Luke igniting his light saber over Ben.

  44. mf13ss says:

    O Rob,

    It’s great to see ya back here, Brother!

  45. rich0322 says:

    Speaking of Star Wars, anyone else hoping to see Vader, Boba Fett, and Jabba in the new Solo movie?

  46. mf13ss says:

    Ken says:
    February 6, 2018 at 7:07 pm
    I thought Snoke died way took easily for that to be his real end
    Same can be stated about Darth Maul… but he came BACK in the EU (Extended Universe), granted with ‘spider-legs’.

    I’m with ya, Ken! I think we’ve not heard the last from SNOKE! 🙂

    • Ken says:

      Disagree. Darth Maul’s death was epic. Best light saber duel in all of Star Wars. He kills Qui Gon and almost kills Ben Kenobi

  47. Mike E. says:

    Thanks Tim – Appreciate that!

  48. Mike E. says:

    Snoke and a pancake?

  49. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    February 6, 2018 at 7:08 pm
    So we turned the discussion into Star Wars. Sigh… LOL
    “if you only knew the POWER…”

    • Tim Knight says:

      I saw it in the theater when it first came out in the 70’s in Dolby sound. As time went on I wasn’t interested anymore though many of my friends continued. I’m more interested in the history of this stuff than science-fiction. Always have been that way.

    • rich0322 says:

      M, don’t let Tim fool you. He’s really secretly part of the Knights of Ren.

      Ok, that was bad. Lol.

  50. mf13ss says:

    rich0322 says:
    February 6, 2018 at 7:22 pm
    Speaking of Star Wars, anyone else hoping to see Vader, Boba Fett, and Jabba in the new Solo movie?
    CANON is CANON. So if Disney sticks to it’s own rules, we’ll likely NOT see Boba Fett in the “Solo” movie… and I think that’s a shame!

    CANON: Han Solo never knew of Boba Fett until AFTER Episode IV: A New Hope.

    I guess we’ll see… !!!

    • rich0322 says:

      Yea, that would suck. But I’m guessing we’ll get Boba Fett in a bounty hunter movie at least.

      As for Vader, after that awesome scene at the end of Rogue One, I would like to see Vader as much as possible.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      So that holiday cartoon is not part of the cannon?

  51. ocalarob says:

    another thing Mike, You Suck at pool! 🙂

    • Mike E. says:

      I’ve been practicing! Gimme another shot!

    • Tim Knight says:

      Pool to me is like golf, you have to play a lot to be good. I’ve been pretty good at both but if I don’t play for a long stretch of time and I do with both, it’s like starting over.

      • you don’t only need to play a lot you need to play people who are better than you or you will never get any better. you can practice for hours but you’ve got to elevate the level of competition in order to become better at the game.

      • Tim Knight says:

        Both, but you have to play. You will never get good playing once a month. I guess it depends on what you mean by good. I watch a lot of people play smart to get good scores, but they’ll never get any better than that because they won’t go for big shots. They play safe all the time. I try to clear the trees on a dog leg to get better than a par 5. Some golfers hit ground ball base hits that bounce to the spot that setup the next shot. That’s not golf to me. That’s pseudo golfing to brag about scores back at the club. LOL

  52. mf13ss says:

    Adam Schefter

    Verified account

    1m1 minute ago
    Stunner: Patriots’ OC Josh McDaniels has decided NOT to accept Colts’ HC job and will remain with New England, sources told ESPN.

  53. mf13ss says:

    Adam Schefter

    Verified account

    6s6 seconds ago
    In the past 48 hours, Patriots owner Robert Kraft began talking with Josh McDaniels and ultimately wound up sweetening his contract, helping to entice him to remain in New England, per sources. Bill Belichick has his OC back.

  54. mf13ss says:

    Matt Miller

    Verified account

    13s14 seconds ago
    Oh man. How the rest of the NFL reacts to Josh McDaniels deciding not to go to Indy will be fascinating. Imagine that’s not gonna go well.

    • Tim Knight says:

      Yeah they’re not going to knock down his door looking at him as a HC.

      I agree with what Ken says below. But by the time Belichick steps down there will be no Brady and no Belichick. LOL

  55. Ken says:

    McDaniels wants Bellicheck’s job

  56. Who here would rather face the Pats with that loser McDaniels coaching the team vs a Belichick coached Pats.

  57. mf13ss says:

    Jeff Darlington

    Verified account

    20s20 seconds ago
    This Josh McDaniels story is so twisted on so many levels — from the Colts to the Patriots and the many layers in between.

    Plenty of people I’ve been texting in last 10 minutes, even those within Patriots organization, are as confused as the rest of us.

  58. My brother in law is a Colts fan and I felt sorry for him because his team was hiring McDaniels. Blessing in disguise.

  59. Rockphin says:

    herdfan says:
    February 6, 2018 at 5:32 pm

    Rockphin says:
    February 6, 2018 at 4:10 pm (Edit)
    Did it take off? I clicked the live feed and it is the local news…

    I’m telling you it’s a damn conspiracy. No one wants Rock doing anything on the internet

    No I was just late to the party and they live link switch over to local news. LOL

    Good passive aggressive shot though. I appreciate the good shot and laughed at that one.

  60. sb7mvp says:

    Hey Mike, are you “A Few Good Men” fan?

  61. naplesfan2010 says:

    The New England Patriots have lost the greatest number of Super Bowls in the entire History of the NFL.

  62. Mike E. says:

    I’m getting the impression Lou doesn’t think highly of Josh McDaniels

    • He’s a poser. And now he just showed how little character he has in backing out after the Colts actually signed several of HIS assistants to contracts. A total dick move from a total dick. But, then again, what else would you expect from a Pats assistant.

      Colts ownership, GM and fans should be breathing a big sigh of relief right now because they found out before hiring him what he is actually like and if they hire Taub they will be much better off.

    • Tim Knight says:

      I think he’s overrated because of who he’s with. Their assistants come and go and they run the same stuff. It started with Charlie Weis. I remember when the Pats went crazy spread when not many teams were doing that or using shotgun other than on mostly 3rd & long in the early 2000’s. 3 WR was the most. Not 4 and empty backfield and all the picks and shit. They added the Run and Shoot after it was dead.

      I would love to see Gase bring back a base of Bill Walsh’s WCO being that barely any teams run it and defenses are not prepared for it. Football goes in cycles. Old methods still work if you have the right personnel.

  63. Rockphin says:

    Neither I or any of the other admins want to be mediators, so we let you adults handle your own accords. I would think you all would appreciate that, rather than being punished and treated like Rockphin.

    😉 🙂

  64. Mike E. says:

    SB – So what about “A Few Good Men”?

  65. herdfan says:

    Rock: I saw your apology and appreciate it. No one here is doing anything to keep you off here. I’ve actually tried to see what the issue is and I just don’t know. You aren’t the only one who has comments end up in spam. I see them when I look at the admin side of the blog which isn’t often especially lately. So there’s that.

    My last post was a joke. Nothing more. It wasn’t intended to be passive aggressive. Just funny.

  66. The Flying Pig says:

    It’s not like McDaniels did a great job with denver

    • Tim Knight says:

      No and he believed in Tim Tebow as his QB, the guy who would hit asst. coaches on the sidelines with passes. I know he was heroic in like 3 games. LOL

  67. The Flying Pig says:

    I’m pretty sure hanging around at the end of some ones career is how belicheat got the jests HC job which quickly became the cheats HC job

    • Mike E. says:

      Quickly doesn’t even come close to describing how fast he went from Jets HC to Pats HC.

    • It’s unbelievable how much history repeats itself. Parcells gets Belichick the job as the HC of the NYJ when he steps down. The Jets hire Belichick and the day after when he was supposed to be introduced in front of media as the new HC he rights on a piece of paper before going up to the podium!! “I resign as HC of NYJ”. That’s it. That’s all he wrote.

      He then proceeded to the podium and gave a 30 minute speech as to why he was quitting. At that point who gives a shit.

      So, the dickhead moves run in the family and if you remember how McDaniels wanted to be so much like daddy that he wore the hoody in Denver thinking it would magically make him as good as daddy that he probably wanted to be just like him again and pull a dickhead move after accepting a HC position with another team.

  68. Rockphin says:

    Herd, you replied to my reply as if you did not understand it. I conceded that it was a funny joke and that I laughed at it even though I was the target. I enjoy a good singer even when they are aimed at me.

  69. Rockphin says:

    I just realized that I started blogging with you guys 11 years ago last week. I only know that because 11 years ago last week is when I first moved from West Palm to Rockledge and discovered the Sun Sentinel website when I realized the morning paper had nothing Dolphins related in it ( I was a paper subscriber before moving and never went to their website or even knew they had a website)

  70. Rockphin says:

    I remember reading the articles for a couple days and then realizing that there were these dudes talking shit on a Blog below the articles.

  71. Rockphin says:

    Get on with it

  72. I’d be extremely surprised if we don’t hear that Belichick is either stepping down or is being fired as the HC of the Pats.

  73. Rockphin says:

    Elon Musk could afford to lose 100 million dollars 200 * and still be wealthy

    That is mind-blowing

    Isn’t his company based in Florida?

    Hey OD maybe you can talk him into buying the Dolphins

  74. Tim Knight says:

    Where’s Belichick going? The guy knows SB’s more than any coach ever in any capacity.

    I’ve always thought him being a defensive coach that he always knew what is the toughest thing to defend? Bavaro, Joe Morris and Meggett. That’s what Belichick saw a long time ago. No defense can cover them all day. 2000+ Gronk and quick little but tough guys with a smart QB.

  75. ElephantRider says:

    Yeah. Something going on in Cheatriotville. Let it all implode!!

  76. ElephantRider says:

    Thought it would be safe to watch NFLN now that their team lost the SB……nope! Still slobbering all over them……even praising McDaniels for his actions today. Lol

  77. ElephantRider says:

    Reggie Bush was on there and basically said McDaniels is a douche. Lol

  78. ElephantRider says:

    I see no pic. Am I only one?

  79. Rockphin says:

    It’s a picture of two cops holding a deer by the throat up against the wall the caption ” tell us how Santa gets to all them houses in one day”

  80. herdfan says:

    I don’t know for sure on this but if the link is from Twitter or Facebook and you don’t have an account with them maybe you can’t see the pics posted from there? Not sure if that’s the case or not but maybe?

  81. sb7mvp says:

    Mike E. says:

    February 6, 2018 at 8:31 pm

    SB – So what about “A Few Good Men”?
    Haha…sorry to leave you hanging. Rob said you sucked at pool last night and it reminded me of the scene with Tom Cruise and Kevin Bacon in the bar where Kevin Bacon drops a bomb on him and basically tells him he can’t win the case and as Tom Cruise is leaving he says, “You’re a lousy freaking softball player Jack!” It just reminded me of that scene.

    • Mike E. says:

      I was starting to think it was just a layup for Tim and Piggy. I vaguely remember that line in the movie. I can also see the similarity

  82. The Flying Pig says:

    That looks like a kangaroo not a deer

    Just me?

  83. Mike E. says:

    Unicorn Down! Knicks season is now officially over. One bright note, I think Willy Hernangomez should finally get some playing time. I think it could end up being a good thing. He really wanted out, but maybe they find something in this kid. I liked his potential, but somehow he got stuck behind Kyle O’Quinn, but he should get playing time with Porzingis down.

  84. Mike E. says:

    That’s a deer, not a kangaroo

  85. pheloniusphish says:

    “that’s not a knife, this is a knife.”

  86. stangerx says:

    Man — missed ORob back….and then he isn’t. But then least he was on to explain again why isn’t as he was. Some of you guys crack me up. It’s a frick’n message board (but do love you ORob).

    More seriously — my thanks to the admins for keeping this place going. Not like anyone is paying you to keep it humming or anyone expecting you to police comments or, especially, flame wars. Now doing that you should get paid for.

    Imagine if the folks who run your favorite bar stepped into a convo and said “we don’t say that here.” 🙂

  87. Mike E. says:

    NEW BLOG UP! Hopefully

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