2018 Season – Game 10 – Dolphins @ Packers

I was watching Good Morning Football this morning on NFLN, and after showing highlights of the Panthers vs Bucs (42-28), and Saints vs Rams (45-35), yeah, it looks pretty wrong seeing 13-6, Dolphins over Jets.  Kay Adams and Kyle Brandt presented it as a good ole 1990’s defensive struggle, a throwback.  They got it all wrong, this wasn’t a defensive struggle, it was an offensive struggle.  Jets rookie QB Sam Darnold didn’t get the memo that his team was wearing the white jerseys, because he threw better passes to the dark jerseys than he did to the white jerseys.  If you want to credit our pass rush, which actually existed yesterday, feel free to do so.  On our side, we couldn’t block (run or pass), we got one defensive TD and two FG’s.  Light it up!

I’m not singling anyone out here, but our O-line play was just terrible, and of course as per usghe, injuries were the reason for this.  Both tackles missed time in this game forcing Zach Sterup to man both the RT spot when James was hurt, and then slide over to the LT spot when James came back in and Laremy Tunsil got hurt.  So now Brock Osweiler, who I will say has better pocket awareness than Ryan Tannehill has ever had, has no pocket awareness because players were on him in 1 second or less.  Our O-line isn’t good with all our starters in there, but subtract one of our tackles, who are our 2 best OL, Tunsil #1, James #2, it really goes downhill.

I don’t want to knock the optimists here, because it’s wonderful that fans can still believe we’re in this, but I laugh inside  (a sad laugh) when fans say “Oh, not good, the Chargers won, gonna be tough to catch them”.  From what I have seen this year, we don’t belong on the same field as the Chargers, they score 28 PPG, and we’ve scored more just once this year, in OT, and never more in regulation.  We’ve had injuries, but we still have Devante Parker, Kenny Stills, Jakeem Grant, David Amendola, and Mike Gesicki.  We have Frank Gore and Kenyan Drake, a formidable 1-2 punch, yet our offense is putrid.  Yeah, we’re 5-4, easily the worst 5-4 team in the NFL.  We’re the only 5-4 team.

My guess is we’re probably going to have Brock Osweiler as QB one more time as we hit the BYE week, and then after the BYE, it will be Ryan Tannehill’s team once again.  We travel this week to Wisconsin to take on the Packers in their house.  This is an angry Pack team, having lost to the Patriots in Foxboro.  Anyone know who the OC is for GB?  Tee-hee, it’s Joe Philbin.  Not even kidding.  Possibly, this explains how the GB Packers are only scoring 24 PPG, just a few more than our Dolphins.  Hey, is it bad that Saints WR Michael Thomas accounted for more yardage and scoring by himself with 211 yards and 1 TD, while we accumulated as a team 203 yards and no TD’s?

It’s easy for Belichick to do whatever he wants, he’s beyond reproach at this point, no one questions the master.  How smart does he look using Cordarrelle Patterson as a RB?  Can we get some of that ingenuity from our offensive genius Adam Gase?  Don’t bet on it.    I wish he would read this and it would inspire him, but I won’t bet on that either!  I wish something would inspire him, maybe keeping his job, something like that.

I know Toba, Bookman and ER are attending the GB game, I hope they enjoy and I hope our team gives them a great game to watch and a Dolphins victory!  Enjoy fellas, way to represent!


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2,309 Responses to 2018 Season – Game 10 – Dolphins @ Packers

  1. The Flying Pig says:

    Hey WY

    I’ve actually seen Lord of the Flies argued as an allegory to our current politcal state

    Here’s a link to an article


    But in our blog version of Lord of the Flies – Piggy doesn’t die.

    If I see one of you fucks raise up a conch – I’m leaving

  2. Rockphin says:

    wyoming85 says:
    November 7, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    It’s in the fridge!

    It’s not benefiting your health there!


  3. mf13ss says:

  4. pheloniusphish says:

    Ah….step away for a bit and come back to so many interesting topics.

    Regarding urban vs rural differences – We all view “issues” (guns, abortion, immigration, etc.) through the lens of our values. And values are derived from our tribes, which are shaped by our environment. In urban environments resources (living space, food – cities are consumers, not producers, employment) are more limited and in greater demand because of population density. More value is given to majorities, structure and rules (government provides more safety and order, theoretically equally to all), voluntary relinquishment of individual space, rights, and goals for the furtherment of masses (majority rules), and hive effort. Rural environments more value individual effort, self-reliance (less reliance on government to provide security and order) self-sustainment (food producers, hunters, gatherers), and individual rights over majority rule. What works in the city, doesn’t necessarily work in the country and vice versa. It’s really about Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and how we achieve them.

    Tribalism is predicated on herd mentality. We all gravitate to those most like ourselves and tend to view those who are different with some degree of suspicion/disdain/animosity. Especially when they advocate for things based on their values which conflict with our values. Tribalism is not necessarily based on geography as much as shared values, although geography can play a part in shaping those values (hence urban versus rural) as can religion, social status, etc. – any number of things that we can find in common. Tribalism has nothing to do with race and to suggest that the word is racist or has racist connotations is just manufacturing outrage.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      That’s an interesting take

      I generally I agree and I like the part about structures in dense populations. That makes a lot of sense

      I can tell you – here in NYC, where I live it does affect my values and the way I view things and I’m annoyed by beaucracy (especially in my field) but I just kind of accept it as the way it needs to be

      Nyc without heavy regulation would be freaking crazy

      • pheloniusphish says:

        Exactly. Any city of size require heavy regulation and the bigger the city the more regulation required. Without it you would have “Escape from NY.” But that need for regulation doesn’t translate to rural areas.

      • The Flying Pig says:

        But don’t you think it’s increasing in our lifetime

        I don’t remember the 80s Ronald Reagan map this

    • wyoming85 says:

      Ya! See! That’s what I said!!!!!!
      (Fricken show off)

  5. Rockphin says:

    Jordy, the red and blue maps mysteriously follow the same pattern as this satellite picture.

    The blue areas are those bright spots. The higher the population density the higher the ratio of “liberals” to “conservatives”

    • Tim Knight says:

      Yes and that’s because of more introduction and acclimating to diversity.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      That’s what I am talking about

      But had it always been as extreme as it is?

      I don’t think so
      I like Phish’s take above

      But I think it’s more intense than ever

      Am I the only one that think that’s increasing?

  6. Rockphin says:

    What bothers me the most about politics is I have my own opinions on a multitude of subjects and they mostly don’t follow “party lines”

    I am a fiscally conservative social liberal or a socially liberal fiscal conservative to use the incorrect hijacked vernacular

    You don’t have to check the freakin boxes all the time but to be part of the “Club” you do. (by lending your say to your elected representative who will vote along party lines as they are currently drawn)

  7. pheloniusphish says:

    Jordy – The friction is increasing because populations are increasing through both child birth and immigration. Both tend to happen the most in urban areas.which increases the pressure on the available resources. That cause people with urban values to migrate to where there are more resources (the suburbs). Rural area population tends not to grow as much organically. The urbanites moving into the suburbs creates friction because all suburbs used to be rural areas.

  8. The Flying Pig says:

    So are you guys all avoiding calling me Piggy bc of the Lord of the Flies reference?

  9. wyoming85 says:

    The Flying Pig says:
    November 7, 2018 at 6:37 pm
    But don’t you think it’s increasing in our lifetime
    I’ve seen a major shift in Democrats leaving to vote republican around the Carter era, in the rural communities.
    I would almost go as far as saying that Trump is our president because the Dems lost the Union vote?

    My grandfather and father were Staunch Democrats growing up!

    • wyoming85 says:

      Which means they voted for who the Union told them to!

    • The Flying Pig says:

      Reagan actually killed Mondale as I recall
      So that follows that shift you mentioned

      There is less and less Unions today than ever
      But where what you just mentioned really showed up was the Midwest.
      And yeah – I agree, that really crushed the democrats in 16

  10. Rockphin says:

    The Flying Pig says:
    November 7, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    But don’t you think it’s increasing in our lifetime

    I don’t remember the 80s Ronald Reagan map this

    It has. During our life time there has been a large migration from rural areas to city areas. More opportunity in denser areas.

  11. pheloniusphish says:

    The other reason the friction is increasing is that we have created a class of professional politicians that use our differences to maintain their power. As long as they can keep us fighting each other, we don’t pay attention to them robbing the bank.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      That’s more along the lines of what I think is going on
      not to poop on your other theory – but I think its advantageous to divide

      and that’s why I always argue that the two party system will be our downfall
      when there are 2 parties and you can point to the other and say “that one is worse than me” – that’s how little it takes to win an election

      and that becomes easier when people are already predisposed to hate some one

      Playing a game of “us and them” (Pink Floyd semantics) is easy when there is just one other side

      but if you have to bad mouth multiple parties – you are the jerk

      So I keep pushing this idea that 3rd and 4th party candidates will change a lot of things in a positive way for this country

      but that’s just my oinkings

  12. pheloniusphish says:

    Being a representative should be a chore. Something one does out of duty, not desire.

  13. Rockphin says:

    I know that Florida got two additional congressmen after the 2010 census but I wonder who lost those seats?

    Florida has 27 seats. Wyoming has one.

    • wyoming85 says:

      Ya like we want you crazy bastards in charge!
      (That is actually a pretty accurate description of most rural folk’s thought process!)

    • pheloniusphish says:

      They may as well have given those to two seats to Ny or NJ, because that’s where all the new Florida population comes from. Fuckers.

      Actually this election was skewed in central Florida by the influx of Hurricane Maria-displaced Puerto Ricans. They typically vote blue and flipped that district. I read somewhere there were something like 600,000.

    • son of a son of a shula says:

      The North Dakota, I think, governor won with a total of about 50k total votes cast while DeSantis squeaked out Florida with around 8 million votes cast.

  14. Rockphin says:

    Piggy, I already told you why I object to calling you Piggy.
    We have been over this. Denial is not just a river..

    Sus scrofa domesticus under 120lbs is a pig. If above 120lbs they are referred to as hogs or boars. (in the case of a male, un-castrated individual)

  15. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    November 7, 2018 at 6:17 pm
    LOL, that was a very dumb answer. Not even close. You lose me with some of the things you say.

    How the hell was Hitler socially liberal? Deciding who lives and dies? He was a dictator who believed in Germanic anglo saxon superiority. Wow… you’ve lost me. I have no idea where and how you get your information but you’re the only one I know who would say that. Yikes!
    My man, you REALLY don’t know who Hitler was, do you? I remember you lecturing me that George Soros wasn’t even alive when the Nazis took over… and that he certainly didn’t sell the Jews out — being that he was a Jew himself — working for Hitler.

    Brother, READ! And stop watching the MSM!

    • Tim Knight says:

      M13, you’re lost with inaccuracies. Stop telling me what I watch. You’re friggin brain washed and I think it’s apparent to everyone here. Based on what I said you’re telling me I’m like Hitler. LOL

      So please tell me how Hitler was? This should be fun following your previous comments.

      Soros was a child and young kid during Nazi occupation. He was born in 1930 and Nazi occupation started in 1933. He wasn’t a part of them as some key figure. You once made a statement that Soros was part of the Hitler youth and Nazi party and that was not accurate. Jews were forced to work for Nazis trying to stay alive. Ever watch Schindler’s List? That’s one example of how it was. The war ended in 1945. Soros was 15 years old.

      I also said I’m no fan of Soros, but don’t spread false history to make him out to be something he wasn’t to fit your political narrative which is what you did during that discussion when I “lectured” you about it. Facts are facts, propaganda is propaganda.

  16. Rockphin says:

    I was watching the results of the races and was struck by how most of the races were 53-47 or closer. We really are split right down the middle

    • pheloniusphish says:

      At least among those who care enough to vote. Unfortunately, that is a distressingly small portion of the population.

  17. wyoming85 says:

    Speaking of the Florida RED wave!
    Has anyone talked to David?
    I’m wondering if he’s ok?????

  18. pheloniusphish says:

    Piggy – As far as two parties, who knows which is which and who is who.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      well I mean technically we are allowed to have multiple parties and you see it on the ballot

      no one is stopping it

      but tradition gives the advantages to 2 parties

      and what I would love is 4 parties
      from the far right all the way to the far left
      and they can all hate each other – that’s okay

      but no one will vote just bc they hate the other side more

      it would be more like you have to vote based on who you agree with more- crazy at that sounds…lol

      not sure if that answers your questions

      but in some ways I am encouraged by extremism bc if somehow the majors parties split in 2, and four parties can continually command close to 25% of the vote – I think everyone benefits

      • pheloniusphish says:

        And you missed my Pink Floyd follow up!

      • The Flying Pig says:

        its been a long day today and I have become “comfortably numb”

        you see how you do it in quotes like that – how else I supposed to figure it out?

        Also before somebody else mentions it, lets not discuss “The Wall”

    • pheloniusphish says:

      I must be thick as brick for not using quotation marks.

  19. pheloniusphish says:

    Rock – So 8M voted out of and adult population of about 17M.

  20. Rockphin says:

    Piggy, just because two bloggers on here have mentioned castrated pigs, it doesn’t mean you should be nervous.

  21. Rockphin says:

    there really is a picture of a pig on the web for any occasion

  22. The Flying Pig says:

    Now I’m really done here

    Goodnight all – good chat

  23. Rockphin says:

    Where you going Piggy? You don’t want to explain this one?

  24. Mike E. says:

    Phelon is KILLING it tonight! Well done! Bravissimo!

  25. Mike E. says:

    Damn man, we need another Fest! You guys are great!

  26. pheloniusphish says:

    What…you mean calling New Yorkers and New Jerseyites fuckers for moving to Florida? Just speaking troof…

  27. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    November 7, 2018 at 7:34 pm
    M13, you’re lost with inaccuracies. Stop telling me what I watch. You’re friggin brain washed and I think it’s apparent to everyone here. Based on what I said you’re telling me I’m like Hitler. LOL…
    Did you even realize that Hitler was a socialist, sir?

    • Tim Knight says:

      Yes I do. Do you know what socialism means? Do you know the difference between Hitler’s National Socialist German Workers’ Party and other forms of socialism? And when did I ever say I believe in socialism? You’re doing the same thing to me that you did to Piggy earlier. You throw out all kinds of accusations and labels with very little knowledge about what you’re talking about.

      We just talked about libertarianism yesterday and you totally agreed and today I’m a Hitler socialist. WTF man?!!! Stop and think about yourself and what you believe in and post.

      The ironic thing is you actually fit more into the category of Hitler’s socialism than anyone else here. You want America the way you like it and everyone else is going to destroy your vision of it – liberalism and globalism. Hitler was neither. His only globalist vision was to dominate the world with his vision of a superior race of people and he decided who fit that criteria. Not open-mindedness to all people and to assimilate. He didn’t believe in One Love.

  28. Tim Knight says:

    Wyo, I never called you a name?

  29. Rockphin says:

    Has anyone here ever eaten a pig’s foot out of one of those jars on the counter at the gas station?

  30. Rockphin says:


  31. wyoming85 says:

    Tim Knight says:
    November 7, 2018 at 7:48 pm
    Wyo, I never called you a name?
    When you ejimicated bastages start using big words it makes us poo folks nervus!

  32. pheloniusphish says:

    Pickling is the same a curing. We used to eat a lot of things that wouldn’t get past the health department today.

  33. pheloniusphish says:

    Oh hell yeah, Son. Red Hots were the best. That shade of red doesn’t exist in nature.

    • son of a son of a shula says:

      Back when I was a Pepsi man (route driver) late eighties those things would fly out the door at some of the mom and pop convenience stores. I worked down in the Kissimmee/St Cloud area.

  34. wyoming85 says:

    Man it is raining it’s ass off here!
    I’d say around 5″ today!

  35. Mike E. says:

    Poo folks Wyo – No one said that. 🙂

  36. wyoming85 says:

    I remember those 5 for a penny Swedish fish!

  37. Mike E. says:

    So Wyo – Are you like the cowboy in that clip? Is that a fair representation? ::::kidding::::

  38. Mike E. says:

    Wait, what’s a red hot? You’re definitely not talking about the candy, so . . .

  39. Mike E. says:

    Gotta run all, wish I could stay, this is very enjoyable dialogues going on here. – Peace out everyone, and a foine evenin’ to ya!

  40. Mike E. says:

    Son – Pickled hot dogs? That’s not candy! lol

  41. pheloniusphish says:

  42. mf13ss says:

    Tim Knight says:
    November 7, 2018 at 8:09 pm
    Yes I do…
    Good. Then for the love of God, I did NOT call you any name, word, or term… nor did I ANYBODY… not even here nor there.

    You continue to run with something I was essentially joking about (your 6:06 PM post today). I was trying to be jovial about Hitler being ALL of those things you had mentioned, not trying to call anybody or anything out… it’s the TRUTH.

    Dude, let it go. And please don’t make me get cocky with you on history, even though it’s being rewritten as we speak to serve a certain political agenda.

    I think it’s better to stick to football for ALL of us!

  43. mf13ss says:

  44. Tim Knight says:

    Wyo, I used a big word? LOL

  45. The Flying Pig says:

    I left

    I came back

    And it’s a horror story about pickled pigs feet


  46. The Flying Pig says:

    FYI guys

    Is Jordi with an “I”

    Jordy Nelson spells it wrong
    His real name is Jordan
    I’m really a Jordi

  47. son of a son of a shula says:

    Piggi it is. I don’t know how to do that accent thingi but I agree it would be cool.

  48. herdfan says:

    One of my direct reports has an accent over a letter in her name. It’s a pain in the ass to type it in on emails and other stuff so the accent is there on her name, most people don’t do it but I always do. Consider yourself a special Pig to have me do this without complaining Piggí.

  49. wyoming85 says:

    Frickin Tommy Brady bunch fellatio!!!!!!!

    I’ll forgive Branch his normal 15 yarder if he brakes him!!!!!!!!!

  50. wyoming85 says:

    later all!

  51. The Flying Pig says:

    Can’t we change the font on my name too

    Something exotic

    • herdfan says:

      If you give a Piggí an accent mark over their name,
      they’ll want a a fancy font to go with it.

      • son of a son of a shula says:

        That’s the nature of the pig, just ignore him
        Then he wants color
        Then every letter a different color
        It’ll never end

    • The Flying Pig says:

      I don’t ask for that much

      But it would be cool if when people read my name,a little song plays
      Something peppy but not too pretentious
      I don’t want to give people the impression I’m special or something

  52. Randy says:

    The only accent a piggy needs is an apple in its mouth and some barbecue sauce.

  53. Tim Knight says:

    Wyo, another thing I wanted to add to the story I posted about my sister-in-law experiencing life out west was, how the culture of kids growing up with guns and hunting, bigger areas of open land and wildlife, ranching or whatever. She realized not all of America is the bubble she grew up in. She also mentioned how everyone talked about having big dogs and not little ones who were more vulnerable to predators running around outside.

    The scape of how big the land was from house to house blew her away. She said we’d be driving on a road and a house was hundreds of yards off the road and the next house was maybe a 1/4 mile or more down the road from that and on and on. She realized it was a very different way of living and having guns to protect your own would be a priority because nobody else was around and police would never be there as fast as they would be in urban and suburban areas. And we all know even being closer may not be fast enough. But out there no way. You’re on your own.

    This discussion happened while we were waiting for the path train in NJ into NYC and then the trains from there to The Beacon Theater to see the Tedeschi Trucks Band. I said to her, so what you’re saying it’s nothing like what we’re doing right now? She cracked up laughing saying nothing at all. LOL

  54. pheloniusphish says:


  55. ocalarob says:

    i believe James and Tunsil will be ready to go vs GB as they both had limited practice on wed.

  56. Mike E. says:

    I think we might cover the spread, which is 7.5, but not win the game

  57. ocalarob says:

    for whatever the reason the Packers seem to be thinning their roster, first the montgomery lynching when he fumbled the ball vs the rams, then the clinton dix dumping…maybe a money move, now they dumped the guy whitehead who was a ST player and also a LBer.

    3 key players gone in the last 2 weeks, i wonder if those moves weaken that team?

    • D says:

      Id suspect not significantly. They are still in a playoff race, so moves they make would have to be in consideration of not doing that. Thats a smart team, they dont do dumb shit moves like a lot of others.

  58. Rockphin says:

    Prayers go out to the victims and families of the Thousand Oaks shooting overnight.

    • D says:

      Yeah i just heard about it on my drive in to work today, very sad and yes, prayers to all those who had to endure that. I heard a cop also lost his life, the first to go in and was shot several times and died of his wounds.

  59. D says:

    Mike E. says:
    November 7, 2018 at 3:31 pm

    I’m guilty of it myself sometimes, especially when I talk to my older son, because he’s super liberal, and some of the things he says drive me crazy, and vice versa.
    Hemmingway has a quote that to me explains this scenario….. (paraphrasing)If a person is not a liberal when they are young, then they have no heart, if they are a liberal when they are older, they have no brain.

    So before you libs get your panties in a bunch, i have liberal family members i completely love and respect, same with my friends and co-workers, i also have conservative friends, family members and co-workers i also respect, and i for one dont even consider myself either, i consider myself a topic person, as i can vary to which side of the spectrum i am on topic to topic. Still i do think the above statement says a lot about the mentality and the two sides.

    Idealism is the basis of what drive liberals, they have an intention to have the world be as right as it can be. The problem with it is, there just isn’t any way to achieve a good majority of the things that idealistically should be the way things are, and there also requires grounding oneself because these different things require funding and the supply of money or resources aren’t limitless. That said, conservatives are often so pragmatic it becomes a roadblock to pushing oneself to achieve more and to dream and reach for that dream of idealism.

    There is a middle ground and the problem is we have found ourselves way to quick to just let the centrifugal force of this world spinning out of control force people to just go with it and become part of the problem instead of fighting our way back to center which is how you break the spinning force.

  60. Mike E. says:

    Oh man, I’m guilty of listening to NFL radio in this morning, heard nothing about that tragedy in Cali. Just terrible news. Very sad

  61. D says:

    Man it sounds like some of the people in this new shooting were also at the concert in Vegas when that shooting occurred. Crazy.

  62. mf13ss says:

  63. mf13ss says:

  64. Rockphin says:

    waiting on the tweet that says “if the patrons of the Borderline Bar & Grill had their own guns at the time this tragedy wouldn’t have happened….5,4,3,2,

  65. Rockphin says:

    Shooter was armed with a Glock 21 .45 They have 10 shot or 13 shot magazines.

  66. Mike E. says:

    If these reports for Tannehill are correct, I believe he has played his last game as a a Miami Dolphin. At least under the current contract. They can’t pay him $26M as is, that would be irresponsible and inexplicable.

  67. pheloniusphish says:

    1. Most places that have legal concealed carry allow entry into bars. You just can’t drink.
    2. Since he was in Cali, it was probably a 10-round mag, not that being legal was his concern. Just more available. Witness says he made a mag change, training was obvious.
    3. Shooter was a former Marine with previous contacts with the law. Speculation is PTSD. More than 20 veterans a day commit suicide. How about we focus on the cause and not the tool?

    • Mike E. says:

      Sounds like a lot of fun, going to a bar, and not drinking.

      • pheloniusphish says:

        Hanging with friends?

      • Mike E. says:

        Eh, I’d prefer to drink whilst everyone else I’m with is. I don’t even drink much, but I’d prefer to be a part of the fun. If I had to be a DD, I could easily do that, but if I had a gun, I guess I’d be the DG.

    • Rockphin says:

      the cause being that we basically throw away our heros when they come back? I agree with that. We need to respect and care for our vets way better than we do!

  68. pheloniusphish says:

    You can buy extended mags online or over the counter. Not legal in Cali, but neither is killing people.

  69. pheloniusphish says:

    If he took 6-seconds to run a mag change, he was damn slow.

  70. D says:

    The issue is definitely mental instability. We are having a real issue with that in America and everyone keeps looking in the other direction. Im saying that completeyl out of the context of gun issues too. There is crazy shit happening all over the place and its out of hand.

    • Mike E. says:

      No question mental health has been a neglected issue with the entire population, not just veterans, and if somehow we figured out a way to get on top of that and have better screening methods, that would be a huge step to cutting down on these type of things happening.

      • Rockphin says:

        Issue #1:
        People with mental health issues most often do not seek out help voluntarily.
        Issue #2:
        These same individuals most often do not have the money to pay of treatment.
        Issue #3: the rest of society do not want to pay for it financially either. (Cut medicaid, cut medicaid, cut medicaid)

      • pheloniusphish says:

        Rock – Your first point is correct, and especially so with veterans. The culture is suck it up buttercup, so they rarely willingly seek help. Your other two points are wrong though. It’s not a matter of costs or cuts to programs. It’s a matter of people around them, who see it, but say nothing. Guarantee that there was someone close to the shooter who knew he was in trouble and they did nothing.

        Deadliest mass killing in America before Oklahoma City and 9/11? The Happy Land Night Club in the Bronx in 1990. 87 people killed by a dude who was jealous of his ex-girlfriend. Weapon used? Fire. Where there is a will there is a way.

  71. pheloniusphish says:

    Mike – I agree that if RT cannot play this year, he has to cancel his old contract and sign a new one or he is done in Miami.

  72. stangerx says:

    Phelon — sorta think you might be a strong 2nd Amend guy. 🙂 And have my own opinion from that end, which am sure you would not agree with. Same time, not that extreme. Particularly when move from the realm of how would like it to be and to what could actually be done.

    The NRA is just too capable and powerful (have actually worked with their folks and never wanted to mess with them). Supreme Court has been strong on their end, and now even more locked in conservative. Plus America’s gun culture is just too part of who we are for anything other than modest steps to be taken. So basically saying you don’t have too much to worry about from what will actually happen except for restrictions on bump stocks, extended mags and stuff like that.

  73. mf13ss says:

    IF Dr. Chao is right about Tannehill tearing his capsule, I feel terrible for him. Now keep in mind that Chao has NOT personally examined Tannehill, but he was 100% correct last year in his speculation of Tanny’s knee injury, and before ANYBODY even had a look at it.

    I’ve been ‘following’ (not on Twitter) Dr. Chao’s work and opinions for some time, and he’s VERY good at what he does.

    Tannehill is a quality person, a very hard worker, and one of the genuinely good guys in this league. Let’s hope for the best when it comes to him, peeps.

    • stangerx says:

      He only really said more likely out for the season than start against Indy. Lots of options in btwn those two.

      • mf13ss says:

        Agreed, but between missing all of last year, missing most of this year, and with a $26M price tag hanging over him next season… not looking good, man.

      • mf13ss says:

        What I’m trying to say is that Tannehill’s future with us is very foggy at this point… and I know that may be music to the ears of his detractors. I can’t stand injuries, and those who root for bad things to happen to good guys.

        And what’s more, his career $$$ — with or without us — are now in jeopardy after sustaining these injuries. I feel bad for the guy! He’s an A+ person who has fallen victim to injury.

      • stangerx says:

        No doubt what happens with Tanny is up in the air. And could not agree more that he is a real solid guy. We’ll just have to see what happens….. and really hoping that is seeing him play a bunch more this year, which would help both him and us fans.

  74. mf13ss says:

    GREAT news.

  75. mf13ss says:

  76. ocalarob says:

    what would be irresponsible is renegotiating his contract if you don’t think he’s in the future plans. normally when a player renegotiates they get a bonus. a guaranteed amount. and is extended for years.

    • mf13ss says:

      I agree. At this point in time (we’ve seen enough), I think it’s best to move on from Tannehill. I think it’s sad that injuries have derailed from what he was becoming before his first knee injury in late ’16, but it is what it is now.

      It’s strictly business, with NO hate towards the guy.

    • Mike E. says:

      So you say Rob. That’s not true at all. You could ask him to rip up the contract and give him a new 1 YR deal at a lower cap cost if he wants to stay. If he won’t agree, you cut him and save $13M of his $26M salary

    • stangerx says:

      Gotta believe any extension at this point would come with a “take less money” factor. But who knows how his health and the rest of the season will roll.

  77. Randy says:

    What is the upside of keeping Tannehill again?

  78. Mike E. says:

    Rob – My basic point was that I think Tannehill has played his last game here. If they can somehow work something out next year, which would still be risky if he has a bad shoulder, then whatever happens happens. I think he’s done.

    • mf13ss says:

      Mike E, maybe I’m mistaking here, but I think you and ORob are on the same page.

      • Mike E. says:

        Pretty much, but I don’t think you have to give him a an extension to have him renegotiate his contract for next year, but if you did, then he’s as good as gone as far as I’m concerned.

      • mf13ss says:

        Agreed, Mike E. And I think that’s what ORob was getting at.

  79. wyoming85 says:

    Tanny gets 3 more hours to heal!

  80. mf13ss says:

    Some old, decrepit dude just came onto my Youtube, explaining what Adam Gase’s weakness was, as it concerns the QB position (Tannehill, Osweiler, Cutler, Fales, etc)…

  81. mf13ss says:

    I then asked the same old, decrepit dude if he thought Adam Gase was to soon sign Tim Tebow to the Miami Dolphins. What were the chances, I asked?

  82. mf13ss says:

    And lastly, I asked the same old, decrepit dude one last question. Will Adam Gase survive the 2019 campaign, based on what he’s done over the last 3 seasons?

  83. mf13ss says:

  84. mf13ss says:

  85. mf13ss says:

  86. stangerx says:

    Packers are favored by 9.5, but don’t think the Vegas bookies have factored in the Tundra Fest factor.

    • Mike E. says:

      How could they possibly know it was happening? You have to cut the oddsmakers some slack here. lol

      • stangerx says:

        LOL — fair point, but we have inside scoop. I figure Toba and ER are both worth a point each and Bookman 1.5, Just hope Goodell doesn’t investigate my large bet till after.

  87. ocalarob says:

    so he would just take Whats owed him and move on at that point. tannehill would be a sought after free agent and would make more cutting ties with miami.

  88. BailBondMike says:

    We should have signed Bridgewater in the off season like I wanted.

  89. wyoming85 says:

  90. sb7mvp says:

    Mike E. says:
    November 8, 2018 at 2:12 pm
    Not sure how sought after he will be. Who chases a QB with a bad throwing shoulder?
    The 2006 New Orleans Saints?

  91. D says:

    Apparently there is a group here in Mobile that are protesting across the city declaring that circumcisions should be considered illegal and that those that do circumcisions should be put in prison and circumcisions be considered a felony offense lol. Of all the fucking shit to protest these days…..circumcision? Really?

  92. pheloniusphish says:

    ORob does have a point in that RT holds the leverage in renegotiation. He’s getting paid $13+ million even if they cut him. His only incentive to tear up his contract would be his undying love for the Dolphins.

  93. ocalarob says:

    1st of all Gase has said he’s sticking with Tannehill so that’s that. I highly doubt you can replace Tannehill next year for 13 mil and have another QB come up to speed that quickly and Gases shelf life is running out, he needs to win.

    if they restructure Tannehills contract you can bet they believe in him and want him around, if they don’t and just pay him the 26mil next year, that would be a sign that they may move on.

    Ok, Ryan, we want you to take a pay cut because we think you suck, that would be the only reason to reduce his salary and not extend his contract and if that’s the case i doubt Tannehill would want to be there anyway

  94. D says:

    mf13ss says:
    November 8, 2018 at 1:24 pm

    I can think of one reason only: to mentor the QB we drafted in ’18 we draft in ’19.
    You would want a guy who has not been able to get his on career going, and that doesnt seem to have developed in a lot of areas a NFL QB needs to be, to mentor the next guy? I dont. Fitz would be a better mentor because he understands the QB position. He isnt talented enough to play it, but he would be a better mentor. Hell Osweiler gets the position better, he has a lot better pocket awareness, and is better at reading a defense. His problem is accuracy and that wouldn’t be a thing that he could help or hurt a guy in.

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