Bitch Monday – Right after the f#@&*$! game edition – I won’t get fooled again

I was afraid of this . . .   I think I can pretty much gauge the temperature of this blog, and I saw more and more of you buying in, and I’ll tell you, I so wanted to share the confidence that was building, that this time the Patriots weren’t the same, and even more importantly, WE weren’t the same.  Well, we all found out the freaking hard way, that the Patriots just don’t lose at home when the chips are down, and this team, and that includes Adam Gase it’s HC, are absolutely, positively NO MATCH for Bill Belichick and his Patriots team led by Tom Brady.

I shut this shitshow off before the half, because the thing that I said I so desperately wanted to see, that the Dolphins belong on that field with this team was so dreadfully recognizable as not the case.  When I saw that penalties were being called on the Patriots, YES, the home team Patriots, and those were the best thing that we were able to accomplish on offense, I knew that Gase wasn’t ready, that Tannehill wasn’t ready, and that Belichick still holds a mastery over the much younger coach.

I’d like to throw this game out, and say “Hey, we’re 3-1, and still in sole possession of first place”, and believe that we’re in good shape, but I know it’s just not true.  Until I can see this team produce in an important match up, as Roger Daltry says, “I won’t get fooled again!”

I don’t care about the stats, individual performances, individual failures or successes, but I very much care that our team when they had an opportunity to make a statement, made an entirely different statement, one which said “Sorry, we’re still the Not Ready For Prime Time Players”.  Shame to even compare this team to that very successful comedy troupe from SNL back in the 70’s and 80’s, we’re not worthy!

Well, this was therapeutic, I feel I purged some of the anger, disappointment, frustration and bitch-slap to the reality that we may very well be 3-3 and worse pretty soon.  I pray that Adam Gase, and the whole damn team, every one of them is just as disappointed as I am, and they actually do something about it next week, and put an ass-whooping on the Bengals.

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817 Responses to Bitch Monday – Right after the f#@&*$! game edition – I won’t get fooled again

  1. The Flying Pig says:

    First and Oink

  2. The Flying Pig says:

    The Flying Pig says:
    September 30, 2018 at 4:03 pm (Edit)
    There’s a lot of good QBs coming out this year

    The guy from Auburn has “ham” in his name

    I think it might be a good draft for qbs
    Seems like there are good pass rushers too
    The Flying Pig says:
    September 30, 2018 at 4:05 pm (Edit)

  3. ocalarob says:

    Miami passed 13 times on 1st down and ran twice. What was Gase thinking? you can’t win like that

  4. Bengals are a better team than Cheats imo. Maybe, just maybe we have some real men show up next week that don’t need to change their panties and powder their noses at halftime

  5. ocalarob says:

    SEASON AVG 1ST DOWN RUNNING (runs under 10 yards)
    FRANK GORE 18 attempts 3.93 YPC
    DRAKE 14 attempts 2.39 YPC

    vs NE
    3.2 YPC x 5 attempts

    Drake no 1st down carries

    • All that passing and nothing to show for it, wow. Well, at least as bad as we played it only counts 1 loss, it should count 2-3, lol but it doesn’t, we are 3-1 and a game ahead of the cheats with a Miami rematch against them.
      We can’t play Jekyll and Hyde football tho, just the former, no Hyde

  6. ElephantRider says:

    Cleveland first 2 possesions….

    Landry drop…punt
    Mayfield pick 6

    • The compare isn’t two minutes with another game, lol
      The compare is 4 years Landry got first downs against the Cheats even with horrible Cutler and Moore.
      And no one here did shit today! We haven’t looked this bad since before Landry arrived.
      You think Wilson and Amendola played well today? It’s not showing in their stats or the teams score.
      They slacked off, and stole the Fins money, something Landry would never do in Miami.
      He should have left sooner for his own good, Fins didn’t appreciate Him, and today it cost us a fat loss

  7. son of a son of a shula says:

    Why didn’t he run today?
    Ran around the last two weeks and opened everything up.

  8. BailBondMike says:

    Worse game of play calling in the history of this team. That’s all I have to say.

  9. ocalarob says:

    This loos sits squarely on the shoulders of the moron Gase!

    if i were calling the shots today i would have started the game with a FB and Gore, I would have ran it up the middle at least on 1st and second down to start the game and continued to run on 1st at least 75% of the time,
    you can’t expect Tannehill to carry this team like that he needs run support, we ran the ball on 1st down 13% of the plays, that’s why we got crushed

  10. The Flying Pig says:

    Once you are down a few scores, it’s all academic

    I thought the first qtr and a half are a lot more telling of our team than the rest of the game

    The offense drives me crazy – it’s been driving me crazy all season
    We managed to overcome some problems in the first 3 games but today we just fell behind and didn’t have a chance

    They need to use Gesicki and use he middle of the field

  11. son of a son of a shula says:

    Nice late drive by Bengals to beat Atlanta

  12. ElephantRider says:


    If you think Landry was the end of the Fins, I dont know what else to say.
    He’s a good player. That’s it. Not great, not elite. He made his living on 5yd plays. He turned down a truck load of money to stay. As far as i’m concerned the team is better without him and shitting the bed for 1 game isn’t going to change my mind .

    • I didn’t say it was the end, I said he moved the chains 4 years against the cheats, and no one did today, they didn’t even try! Why did Landry do well against the cheats for 4 years? He’s elite? That’s not it, he’s a real man, and came to work everyday, not some lazy asshole like Amendola and Wilson that pick and choose what week they feel like playing
      What will doom this team, is slackers that fuck off, either they hustle and bust butt like Landry always did, or We score 7 every week. We can win without Landry, but not without his work ethic.
      Laziness isn’t the key to success IMO

  13. naplesfan2010 says:

    check the standings.

    Dolphins are in first place in the AFCEast.

  14. wyoming85 says:

    OK I’m going to rant a little!

    I think Gase conceded this game before it even started!

    Jones out!
    No offence to Orob but we can’t run the ball for SHIT!!!!!!!!!!
    Why even try???????
    The play action has worked for 4 weeks and we can’t run for SHIT!
    Zero and I mean fucking ZERO creativity!
    No hurry up!
    No Options!
    No roll outs!

    Looser play calling!
    Looser attitude!
    Looser results!

    How about calling a blitz?
    How about using last weeks lions film?
    Bump the RB and double Gronk???????

    We SHIT THE BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Well you fuckers have been punched in the mouth!

    What you going to do about it??????????/

  15. son of a son of a shula says:

    Spoon fed freaking system only no balls phucking blind dummy

    I’m just saying. If we’re gonna say something it might go like that, just saying.

  16. naplesfan2010 says:

    David gee man we did not play well,
    but the loss was certainly not because of Amendola and Wilson not giving full effort.

    • That was certainly part of it, they did nothing to help, when we had a steady Eddie before that kept the offense on the field.
      We can’t bring him back, what we need to bring back is his competitive attitude, hunger to win, fight for every damn inch no matter what, never give up play.
      That isn’t what I saw today

  17. stangerx says:

    Tough day for the kids, but gotta say I really like this team. Even down as far as they were, they still kept coming.

  18. son of a son of a shula says:

    Chicago blew out Tampa they’re second in our queue then the Fest.
    Chicago is playing good, like the Bengals.

  19. herdfan says:

    Just going to say it, not a fan of Gase. Starting to think, well not really starting, I’ve thought it for awhile, he is a big part of the issue with this team.

  20. naplesfan2010 says:

    I saw everybody on our team trying hard. Gase got outcoached and patsies were high on desperation, got some favorable calls, and Michel had a breakout.

    Things snowballed.
    It happens in the NFL.

  21. naplesfan2010 says:

    We need to start faster both in the games and on each series.

  22. wyoming85 says:

    I am a fan of Gase!

    I just don’t understand why he thinks he has to appease MF’s with shit he doesn’t want to do in the fist place??????????????????

  23. naplesfan2010 says:

    Vikings lost badly to Bills.
    Did they just not try?
    Are they gonna lose all the rest?

  24. Mike E. says:

    I’ll like Gase if he finds a way to get this team to rebound and kick the shit out of Cincy. If we fold up against them like we did today, what’s to be a fan of?

  25. The thing is, we no longer have someone to make first downs when there isn’t shit there.
    So we try and hit downfield, with a banged up OL, SMH.
    We will have to adjust and learn how to step up when the going s tough, We need to establish the run , and master the slot and screen plays that Landry had mastered already.
    It’s possible to do it, but until We do, it’s not done, next man up has to be next MAN up

  26. Mike E. says:

    David – No offense, but I can’t believe that in any way, shape or form, you’re relating our problems to the fact that we don’t have Landry. WE don’t a guy who gets 8.8YPR. He’s not the driving force of the offense, and if he is, you’re not going to be a good team. Wilson, Amendola and Grant are a much better combo than having Landry catch every ball. This was a bad game, but it had nothing to do with not having Landry. Look at the first 3 games and see all the big chunk plays Grant and Wilson made. Landry couldn’t make those plays.

  27. naplesfan2010 says:

    Boy the Indy coach flat lost the game there.
    Also I think the Atlanta coach is a really stupid man.

  28. New Age says:

    Gase just isn’t getting it done. Sure, he has a full playbook of trick plays but hasn’t been able to make a running game even with almost every OL playing together all off-season. Gase has a very poor coaching staff and it shows week in and week out. Burke didn’t adjust well to our D getting gashed last week. If Jones is that important to our D, then where is the talent or the training of talent? James is still a terrible RT. Where is the improvement? Lots and lots of unforced errors on both sides, 10 penalties. That’s on coaching.

    When it comes down to it, this team was supposed to beat a very, very easy first 3 games. Against elite teams, our lack of talent or training is very obvious. Pats destroyed us today. It wasn’t even a game after 25 minutes. Cincy is much better, so is Minnesota, Green Bay, and Jacksonville. Hopefully we beat everyone else and sneak in at 10-6. I still think we end 8-8 and allow another average Gase season next year to unfold. Hopefully, the last one for this entire group of leadership.

    • stangerx says:

      Supposed to win the first 3? We were underdogs in each of them. But yeah elite teams are gonna beat ours more likely than not. And your 8-8 is what I at least expected to start. After the first 3 though think we could still hit 9 though.

  29. naplesfan2010 says:

    I don’t remember anyone honestly picking us to go 16-0, not even me.
    I did not Even pick us to win this game before the season.

    Voters don’t rank us like in college. It’s one loss.

    This was a must win game for NE. And a home game. And a pride game for the dynasty.

    We had several injuries, 2 rookie TEs and we started a bunch of rooks against a HC known for his penchant for picking on rookies. We are a young team with a young coach.

    We’ll learn from this and get better. We have a lot of speed and athletic talent.
    That doesn’t go away.

  30. stangerx says:

    Being an NFL football fan is a most emotional beast. Always found how those most up when we are doing well, are the most down on the team when we lose one like this. Team didn’t change all that much today from before. And I would have taken a 3-1 start before the first kickoff gladly.

  31. wyoming85 says:

    David C (@DolphinsSB52) says:
    September 30, 2018 at 5:04 pm
    I know right? This is what we need to do, the Bengals game is the one I want to mention badly that we establish the run and short passing game, stay tuned!
    why try to push a square peg into a round hole???????????
    our best game is the short passing game!
    Fuck the “dink and dunk” crowd! That’s what we are good at!

  32. We aren’t good at dink and dunk anymore, our star performer is wearing brown.
    Wilson and Amendola remain unreliable until they prove otherwise

  33. naplesfan2010 says:

    How can anyone say we beat a weak schedule? The Titans just beat the defending SB champs.

  34. wyoming85 says:

    My season pick was 8-8 with some clinkers!

    Well that was one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Mike E. says:

    Naples – It was just as much of a statement game for us as it was for NE. I think we have more talent than NE at the moment, but I think they outcoached us, and stepped up and outplayed us, while we didn’t rise to the occasion, and neither did our coach. I don’t think for one second we were supposed to win any game, including this, but a win today would have solidified the fact that we belong in the conversation of the “good teams”. Now instead it’s obvious we belong in the conversation with “the pretenders”. Come back and smack Cincy and in the mouth and I might feel differently.

    • wyoming85 says:

      That’s because that is exactly who we are!
      Middle of the pack trying to get better!

    • naplesfan2010 says:

      No it was not a statement game for us. We were not facing the brink of elimination from division champ possibility.

      If they had lost to us at home they would’ve been down 3 games and still have to beat us at our place. This was a crucial game for them.

      Bellicheat has outcoached hundreds of guys in his career, no exaggeration.

      Are the Vikings a pretender with only one win? Are the Chargers? They’re losing to SF with CJBeatherd.

  36. We don’t have enough time with a banged up ol to go downfield to Stills and Grant all the time, sometimes we need RT to do a one or two step back and hit the slot near the Los Or 2-3 yes downfield and he gets YAC and first downs for us when there isn’t really anything there.
    This moves the defense up after awhile, and then we might could go over the top for chunk yards.
    If chunk yards in your one dimensional weapon, like today, then it’s easy to defend, and it was

  37. BailBondMike says:

    Herd, You weren’t cleaning or doing laundry today were you? Uh huh, That may have been part of our problem. 😉

  38. New Age says:


    Nationally, no one thought we would win 5 games but there was strong belief in the area that we could and should win the first three games. I think almost every local reporter had us winning all three? This includes haters like Omar who even expected us to win today. It was a far easier starting schedule than last year and we still started slow like we have every year Gase has coached this team. I wish I could say we’ve seen significant improvement anywhere on this team but I just can’t see it right now. Omar Kelly’s Unicorns were the only solid OL we’ve seen in three years, Tannehill is still a weaker Dalton, and we still have questions at LB, DL, and CB. Where is the improvement beyond picking up some really fast players?

  39. ElephantRider says:

    Since our offense is hopeless now that Landry is gone, let’s move on to how awesome the pass rush is…..or maybe the run D.
    Losing Hayes was a huge blow for the defense.
    Good news is Gase looked at whole season, not 1 game by giving Jones more time to heal up.

    • The Flying Pig says:

      We get Branch back soon – that will help

      I think our young DTs have looked pretty good
      I didn’t watch the end of today’s game so I don’t know if they faded but in time I think Godcheux and Taylor are going to help us get past the loss of Hayes

      The pass rush was better than it was in week 1, which if you ask me was the low point for our pass rush – there was also a ton of holding no calls

      I suspect when we play New England In miami, it will be a whole different game

  40. bTW Landry had 220 first downs in 4 years with Miami, 4100 yards plus with a 10.3 YPC and 22 Touchdowns
    That’s extremely prolific and dependable, a real workhorse. It’s not possible for Wilson and Amendola to match those stats, I only ask them to give their all every week like Landry did

    • The Flying Pig says:

      We sucked on offense last year too

      Do you remember? A bunch of first half shut outs

      • Yes, but we have more weapons this year, We have Parker, an improved Grant, Wilson, Amendola, and Hesicki. So more weapons accomplished less?
        By any standard, the Fins sucked today, we just flat out sucked and have to play much better next week and every week.nhopefully that was rock bottom, and not who we really are as a team

      • The Flying Pig says:

        You haven’t been arguing that we sucked today
        No one would disagree with you if you said that
        You’ve been talking about Landry
        And all the problems we had today we had last year with Landry

        Your just giving way to much weight to losing Landry

      • Today was one of our worst offensive performance in a decade, it was pure luck in late game mop up we got a measley 7 points

      • Really? I’ve talked about us sucking for over an hour, lol
        There is Nothing we can do now except play MUCH better next week

  41. naplesfan2010 says:

    The beauty of being 3-0 is just what we saw today.
    It gave us a cushion for losing a game against an elite coach with a HoF QB.

    Yes it seemed like this was a great chance for us to change the narrative in the AFCEast, but we couldn’t do it without Reshad and 2 of our DT rotation and relying on 2 rookie TEs and 2 rookie LBs and a rookie Safety.

    As far as “our time”? it’s coming.
    Don’t over look the fact that Minkah got his first NFL INT today.
    Baker ate up their 2nd TE and Gronk left hurt and looked gimpy.
    Brady threw 2 picks and several far off target duds.

    We are improving and we still have good team speed.
    We need a run-blocking OG.

  42. pheloniusphish says:

    Well that was a shitshow start to finish.

  43. ElephantRider says:

    Parker is a weapon? Lmao

    • Yea, what did we think we could get for a crappy old first round pick, SMH.
      He is Supposed to be a weapon, just like others were supposed to be and weren’t , that’s why we only got a sloppy lucky 7 points, or a Charlie Brown rock in the trick or treat bag, lol

  44. sb7mvp says:

    I turned this off at half time and took my family to a local park. No need to waste a perfectly good Sunday with this garbage.

  45. BailBondMike says:

    Herd, shame on you, LOL

  46. BailBondMike says:

    Yes, we are 3-1, but I don’t feel good at all about our next 2 games.

  47. BailBondMike says:

    David, we would be no different if we had kept Landry instead of adding Amendola. Hell, just saying, if we kept Landry and added Wilson, we still would not be any better because we would have the same shit play caller. This offense is just as bad with or without Landry. Again, it’s the shitty play calling coupled with shitty execution.

  48. BailBondMike says:

    Don’t hold your farts on that Piggy

  49. The Flying Pig says:

    It should be a back to the drawing board kind of game

    Hopefully Gase can look at the offense and say “this isn’t working”

  50. wyoming85 says:

    The Flying Pig says:
    September 30, 2018 at 6:20 pm
    That would be weird WY
    What happens to the 6th game?
    OK 4-2

  51. CavalierKong says:

    How many times did we beat the fucking Patriots in New England when Landry was on the team?

    He was on the team when we lost 41-13 in 2014
    He was on the team when we lost 36-7 in 2015
    He was on the team when we lost 31-24 in 2016
    He was on the team when we lost 35-17 in 2017

    The problem goes a lot deeper than ‘Landry’. Talk about weak, lazy, agenda driven analysis.
    The problem is our offensive scheme is more smoke and mirrors than substance.
    The problem is our interior linemen can’t runblock.
    The problem is we still can’t run the ball against a 7 man front.
    The problem is 80% of our passing offense is geared to throws of less than 10 yds.
    The problem is when we face a defense that can man up, they can press our smaller receivers at the line and disrupt the timing, and since everything is thrown within 10 yds of the LOS, without free releases it negates our speed at the position.
    The problem is we don’t have a TE that creates matchup problems.
    The problem is our QB continues to have issues converting even modest 3rd downs. 3rd and long all game? forget it..

    • Phindog says:

      And then there is that !! Whew.. I thought our problem was letting Landry walk. Thanks for the clarification 😎

    • Last years backup QBs did better converting third downs than we had today, and we know why, the uber prolific slot WR that we let walk .
      RT can negate the bad pass blocking and some other ills if he has an open target close by .
      You are correct We have a lot of problems, and i have discussed mainly part of it. let’s just hope Gase has the answers for the Bengals and we get back on track

      • We at least competed in 3 out of 4 of those games, and fared much better in Miami. Cheats just manhandled and pounded us today, we were never in this game, beyond the opening kickoff.
        We have to bounce back next week and get a Win is the immediate goal

  52. naplesfan2010 says:

    Cav says:
    The problem is when we face a defense that can man up, they can press our smaller receivers at the line and disrupt the timing, and since everything is thrown within 10 yds of the LOS, without free releases it negates our speed at the position.

    and that is precisely what bellicheat did to us because that type coaching where he matches up plans to negate your best and/or exploit your worst is how he has been so successful.

    I don’t understand why everybody does not do that.

    Some coaches just run what their guys O&D do best and figure that will win, and it sometimes does.

    Some coaches (cough Gase cough) seem to think a game plan is feeling out a team with revealing plays and then going with what works. That also works sometimes.

    This is not unusual. Even boxers do this sometimes. Tennis players do it.

    I hate it.

  53. Tim Knight says:

    What a shit bag of a clunker performance that was. Disappointing on so many levels. I’m not even going to get into any analysis of the game. It’s one of those games you just move on from and get ready for CIN next week. 3-1 is still okay. For now.

  54. Landry just scored a TD, but I won’t mention it, lol they are in position to score again too,

    Anyways, I’m disappointed in our effort today, let’s get em next week. I need to go make a new Marlin rig good enough to fool a 700 pounder this time.
    It’s therapeutic to make something cool and not think about the Dolphins loss

  55. Browns offense looking good today, well balanced attack running and passing, they are a little better than last years browns
    Their defense still sucks though

  56. Tim Knight says:

    I’ll say this though. The NFL is very unpredictable these days. These games are crazy.

  57. CavalierKong says:

    There have been a crazy number of overtime games already this year.

  58. naplesfan2010 says:

    We only got to run 43 plays. Brady threw 35 times.
    That imbalance is ridiculous.

    • CavalierKong says:

      Only 39 last week.

      • CavalierKong says:

        Of course a couple of long scoring plays lowers that number, but we also looked really bad for a large part of the game. And we can throw the 2nd half of the Jest game in there. Lot of work to be done on this offense.

        It all starts with the run game being so ridiculously ineffective for 3 games now.

  59. Randy says:

    This has definitely been sort of a wacky year in the NFL so far. Gonna be an interesting ride.

  60. mf13ss says:

    Fugly… just FUGLY, all around.

    IF things don’t turn around and shape up over the next 2 games, Gase is going to be shipping more people out in yet another one of his annual ‘October surprises’ (ask Billy Turner, Dallas Thomas, Jamil Douglas, Byron Maxwell, and Jay Ajayi).

    I think DeVante Parker and Cordrea Tankersley are in Gase’s doghouse right now… keep an eye on them, because Gase could likely send a message yet again. What’s more, I think we’re likely to trade David Fales if/when a team gets QB-needy: can’t believe we’re still carrying 4 QBs on the 53 at this point in the season.

    This game SUCKED, but it’s only 1 loss and our ONLY loss thus far. We’re 3-1, still leading the AFC East, and we’ve got a tie-breaker over the now 3-1 Titans… all is NOT lost.

    Gotta focus on the next game, gotta figure out the bizarre Offensive playcalling, gotta fix our O-Line (again!)… but we’ll also have Reshad coming back soon, as well as Andre Branch to help our Defense.

    • CavalierKong says:

      I think you may be spot on with Gase sending message (if we go on a 2 or 3 game skid), And Parker definitely has to be as big a disappointment to the staff as to us.

      He might have been exactly what we needed today to help open up the rest of the offense. A big WR mismatch.

      Of course if we let him go, the Pets will snatch him up in a heartbeat if they can and he’ll be all-world for them, smh.

  61. Phindog says:

    Damn. The browns lost in OT to the raiders.. If only they had Jarvis… Oh wait.

    • steveccnv says:

      There was a challenge on a spot, called 1st down on the field, no way in hell was it short, game would’ve, should’ve been won by Clev.

  62. ocalarob says:

    Why does Ross always hire guys with a throw the ball mentality is beyond me, Philbin/Lazor, Gase, we need a Jim Harbaugh who knows the value of a running game.

    Unless Gase drastically changes his philosophy we wont make the playoffs, we are a weak team just like the Bears use to be when Gase was there.


  63. Randy says:

    I thought the consensus last week was that we shouldn’t try to run if it’s not there and take what’s given? I get so confused. Football philosophy changes every damn week. Maybe we should just get better….at everything.

  64. ocalarob says:

    The reason we couldn’t run the ball was because we didn’t try to run the ball, we passed 13 out of 15 times on 1st down with Thill in there. they were playing 7 dbs!

    when you pass and 1st down and don’t complete the pass now you have to pass on 2nd down, and oh BTW your opponent knows this as well which makes passing even tougher.

    if you run Gore for 4 yards on 1st you now have 2nd and 6, the playbook is wide open, you can either pass or run, the defense has to play you honest.

    you take what the defense gives you,

    • CavalierKong says:

      Yeah play calling was pretty awful, but to be fair, we ran it on 1st down last week, and in the 2nd half against the Jest to the same result. We just aren’t very good at running the ball. We had one good game against Tenn. It’s been crap after that.

  65. Phindog says:

    We need to get back to the plan of scoring more points than them and not allowing them to sore more points than us. That’s a plan that always works…. burp 😎🥃🥃🥃

  66. CavalierKong says:

    Another loss for the Cleveland Landrys.

    In 4 quarters and an OT period, the Browns had 5 receivers with more receiving yardage than Landry’s paltry 34 yards.

    Landry did get his 1st TD reception OF THE YEAR today. A 2 yd play that wasn’t some magnificent play on Landry’s part, but it was a standard WR 2 yd play into the endzone.

    Landry now has the same number of TD catches on the year as Albert Wilson has TD throws. Pair that with the fact that Wilson’s has twice the number of TD catches on the year as Landry, and why are we supposed to be sad we’re not paying Landry 15 million a year?

    Was Landry’s 34 yds in almost 5 quarters of play going to change today’s game for us? Of course not.

    Today Landry’s 34 yds and TD would have had the same result for us as it dd with the Browns, a LOSS. And the fact is, we’re still AFC East leaders, and the Browns are dead last in their division. Why are we talking about a slot receiver like he makes or breaks games? He doesn’t, that’s why it was stupid to pay him 15 million.

    I get liking Landry the player and wishing we still had him. Landry was a good player for us. Bitching about the player not being here, I get. Saying Landry being on the team would have any affect on the outcome is where it goes into lala land for me, lol. Statistically Amendola and Wilson are more productive, and they cost less. Both Amendola and Wilson have helped win games for us. How many games has Landry helped win for the Browns?

    Bahh, this is another one of those arguments it’s just silly to get involved in. It’s illogical to begin with. An entire premise based in fallacy. Trying to inject logic into it is an exercise in futility, lol.

    At least we’re all Dolphins fans. Yippie.

    • The thing with Landry is he isn’t the most talented, he just gives the best and utmost effort , all the time, He kept our offense on the field, today that was a big problem and would have helped.
      We don’t need or get Landry back, but We need to borrow his commitment and consistent team play. This on a game and off a game means there is a lot of room for improvement.
      Our WR were invisible today, they didn’t even compete, jone of us did. But the talent that Wilson has may be superior to Landry, therefore it behaves him to pick up His effort along with Amendola. When the challenge is higher, it’s time to step up, no one stepped up today, we need players to bring it versus the Bengals, I hope they do!

      • CavalierKong says:

        We can agree we definitely need to step it up against the Bengals. We’re into the meat of our schedule now. Hopefully we can turn it around next week.

  67. ocalarob says:

    Phindog says:
    September 30, 2018 at 8:29 pm
    Hard to run when there is no running lane.

    how would one know this being that we didn’t try to run? 13 out of 15 1st down plays were passes.

    • CavalierKong says:

      They were stopping our running game without stacking the box, and usually playing with extra DBs on 2nd and 3rd downs when we were behind the chains (where most of our runs came). We couldn’t run in those run friendly situations, we would have been just as bad on 1st down.

      What I hate is how predictable the play calling is. As an example, every single time we’re in 2nd and long, we run it. It’s so flippin obvious.

    • CavalierKong says:

      I’m not disagreeing with the idea that we should run it more on 1st though. 13 out of 15 is just bad.

  68. Randy says:

    Hard to pass when you have a QB that can’t make plays….but we throw 70% of the time anyway. Lol

  69. Hey, anyone ever been to upper part of Michigan? I was thinking of a little vaca up there, get away from the rat race for a week and see some cool remote l lakes and coniferous trees ..
    Is it nice up there! It looks it in videos

  70. Phindog says:

    Just going off when we did try and we failed. I agree with your take on first downs and right now I’m the all knowing drunk dog licking his wounds with a shit ton of liquid knowledge 😎🐕🥃🥃🥃🥃

  71. olddolphan says:

    AGREE WITH THOSE SAYING GASE IS A MAJOR PART OF THE PROBLEM. He calls 3 yard passes on 3rd and long, then blames the receiver for running the pattern the head coach called for.–THAT’S CHICKEN SHIT IN MY BOOK!!!
    But the REAL PROBLEM is the fact we don’t have a good enough O-Line to crate holes for running backs nor do we have an O-Line that can consistently block long enough to allow our QB to throw deep passes accurately on a consistent basis. (That should read “creates holes”).
    THE REAL CAUSE for Miami’s inability to challenge for a Super Bowl title is the man in charge, the one and only STEVE ROSS!! HE has selected or approved the Head coaches, the GM’s, the director of scouting and, in general, the people who run this franchise. And, for the most part, Ross’s selections have been, and will continue to be, FAILURES!!
    ONLY A CHANGE IN OWNERSHIP can get us out of this continual culture of failure. And, yes, I’m keenly aware the person Ross chooses to sell the ‘Fins to might be a WORSE OWNER THAN ROSS!! – – BUT, RIGHT NOW, I’LL TAKE MY CHANCES WITH ANOTHER BILLIONAIRE!

  72. mf13ss says:

    We have 1 rushing TD all season (trending for 4 all season: exact same as the miserable 4 of last season), Kenyan Drake is currently rushing at 3.2 YPC (down from his nice 4.8 YPC of last season), and we’re currently rushing at 3.8 YPC as a team (down from the miserable 3.9 YPC last season). And for perspective, Frank Gore is currently rushing at 4.0 YPC.

    We can’t establish the run, thus we can’t successfully utilize the play-action pass (major part of our game). What’s more, we don’t scare opposing Defenses being we rarely ever try to stretch the field with the pass. It’s just more of the same ol’ ‘dink-n-dunk’. 15 bubble-screens a game, with maybe 1 or 2 passes traveling over 15 yards in the air per game.

    This can’t continue if we’re to be successful.

  73. CavalierKong says:

    “We can’t establish the run, thus we can’t successfully utilize the play-action pass (major part of our game). What’s more, we don’t scare opposing Defenses being we rarely ever try to stretch the field with the pass. It’s just more of the same ol’ ‘dink-n-dunk’. 15 bubble-screens a game, with maybe 1 or 2 passes traveling over 15 yards in the air per game.”

    Spot on.

  74. CavalierKong says:

    Ugh. I’m done for the night. At least I got to retire the flat ball today.

    The sun will come out next Sunday…hopefully. lol

  75. Also when does Gesicki get worked into a game plan? I know it’s early in the season, but I was hoping He would be a big red zone target and get a few TD,s

  76. I would be ok if we draft 4 OL next year, and another LB and DL guy.
    We never seem to have enough quality OL to run and protect the QB for the season

  77. If we brought in 3-4 rookie OL, they would have 4 years to gel and work together. Sure couldn’t hurt

  78. ElephantRider says:


    The UP is pretty nice if you like the outdoors. You better hurry if you’re going to go because its gonna get real cold real quick.

  79. Mike E. says:

    I thought Landry died in CLE . . . He’s dead as far as I’m concerned. He’s not on the team, and the team has been better for it. I know today we would have won 39-38 with Landry here, but I’m at peace with letting him go.

  80. ocalarob says:

    CavalierKong says:
    September 30, 2018 at 8:40 pm
    We just aren’t very good at running the ball. We had one good game against Tenn. It’s been crap after that.

    we’re just giving the ball to the wrong guy, Drake has no business running the ball up the middle on 1st down, he doesn’t have the power to do so.

    give it to Gore regardless of the out come, you have to stay with the run to keep D’s honest.

    • mf13ss says:

      But we DID that today with Frank the Tank, Brother. Frank got 11 carries to Drake’s mere 3 carries.

      Now GRANTED, we barely ran it on 1st down (again) as you’ve mentioned. But our running game isn’t going anywhere, regardless of who’s running the ball.

      I’m 100% with ya that we should be running the ball on 1st down more often (that’s on Gase)… but even when we DO run the ball (and not on obvious run situations), we get stuffed.

      ORob… it’s on the O-Line, my man.

      • ocalarob says:

        I disagree, why we failed to run the ball today is simple, we didn’t give the ball to our HOF RB, to establish the run you must first hand the ball to the RB!

  81. ocalarob says:

    CavalierKong says:
    September 30, 2018 at 8:45 pm
    They were stopping our running game without stacking the box, and usually playing with extra DBs on 2nd and 3rd downs when we were behind the chains (where most of our runs came). We couldn’t run in those run friendly situations, we would have been just as bad on 1st down.

    What I hate is how predictable the play calling is. As an example, every single time we’re in 2nd and long, we run it. It’s so flippin obvious.

    We had 14 running plays the whole game and 6 runs came in garbage time after T hill was sat down.
    With Thill in the game we had 8 RUNNING PLAYS!!!

    you have to impose your will in the running game on 1st down, we ran twice on 1st down with T hill in the game. that is stupid moronic play calling. that’s why we got beat bad!

  82. ocalarob says:

    CavalierKong says:
    September 30, 2018 at 8:53 pm
    “We can’t establish the run, thus we can’t successfully utilize the play-action pass (major part of our game)

    I disagree, we can establish a running game, we have a hall of famer power RB, but to establish a running game the moron calling the plays has to give him the ball.

  83. Mike E. says:

    If we gave the ball to Gore 10 more times, and all the passes that went to our current receivers instead of Landry went to Landry, we would have won 58-38.

    Rob – Gore got 11 carries today to Drake’s 3. It was friggin’ 38-7 man! If you gave Gore 3 more carries, or 10 more carries, we win this one? We didn’t show up today, and that goes from the coaches to the players. It was a shitshow, and it kills me, but neither Gore or Landry were winning this game for us. We were once again outwitted and outclassed by the patriots, who promptly put our team, and it’s fans back in their rightful place. The only way to change that is to come back next game better prepared, and kick their ass, and show we can hang with them. Today that didn’t even come close to happening. We had no business out there in Foxborough, thoroughly whacked!

  84. ocalarob says:

    Mike, Gore got 6 carries in Garbage time. the reason we didn’t run the ball is because they didn’t call running plays, i told you last year Gase was pass happy.

  85. Mike E. says:

    Rob – If they knew what we were doing, wouldn’t they have known we were going to give it to Gore? 🙂

    C’mon man, this game wasn’t going to be any different than it turned out, they had our number today, and unless we came back better prepared against Cincy, we’ll be seeing more of this.

    • ocalarob says:

      they knew what we were doing because we were not giving it to gore.

      if i were calling the plays it would have been a competitive game because i would have gave the pats a large dose of Gore in their face just like the Lions did with Blount and their rookie RB.

  86. ocalarob says:

    Gore is avging just under 4 YPC on 1st down,

    • Mike E. says:

      I’ll give you this much, for whatever reason, Gore did look better than Drake on 1st down today. This game got out of hand pretty quick, which negated any opportunity for us to try and establish the run game.

  87. The Cheats knew our run game was a farce, and we had nothing underneath working well in the pass game, so of course the long ball wasn’t there Either to complete the trifecta of how to run an offense in the NFL that doesn’t score points

  88. ocalarob says:

    SEASON AVG 1ST DOWN RUNNING (runs under 10 yards)
    FRANK GORE 18 attempts 3.93 YPC
    DRAKE 14 attempts 2.39 YPC

  89. mf13ss says:

    Just putting this out there…

    IF we could run on an expected 1st and 10, don’t ya think Gase would try to do as much? Truth is… we CAN’T. And even when we run in very obvious pass situations (so as to take Defenses by surprise), we only get 3.8 YPC on average (that’s redundant, by the way).

  90. Mike E. says:

    Goodnight everyone! Try not to think of this game when your head hits the pillow, it’s bound to spawn a nightmare or two.

  91. mf13ss says:

    • ocalarob says:

      It’s Drake, he has no power, he needs space, he’s a great mis match for a LBer trying to cover him in the open field but he has no business running the ball btwn the tackles, he doesn’t have the physicality to run btwn the tackles against NFL defenses.

  92. Lol Good nite Mike, May Yoir sleep be as good as our Wide receivers today!
    Maybe they need alarm clocks for the bengals game, lol jk

  93. mf13ss says:

    I’m out as well. Have a good night, y’all.

  94. mf13ss says:

    Peace, David!

  95. ocalarob says:

    Just putting this out there…

    IF we could run on an expected 1st and 10, don’t ya think Gase would try to do as much? Truth is… we CAN’T. And even when we run in very obvious pass situations (so as to take Defenses by surprise), we only get 3.8 YPC on average (that’s redundant, by the way).

    to average 3.9 YPC on first down taking away runs of 10 yards or more is extremely good, that leaves us with 2nd and 6 on avg! very manageable down and distance.

    if Gase is throwing the ball because he thinks he can’t run then that’s on him and he should be fired because his 1st priority all off season should be getting personel that are good at run blocking and getting a RB that can get the tough yards, that should be his number one objective running a football team.

    truth is we can run, he just doesn’t give Gore the carries, he is giving the ball to Drake way too much. Drake has no power what so ever.

  96. MF, Peace to You also My brother, things will look better manana, it always does

  97. New Age says:


    I agree with you bud. Our first two games, we ran more than we passed. We got stuffed at the Raiders and so Gase didn’t even try to run this week. We only were down 3-0 going into the second quarter. Hell, the Tannehill/center snap fumble is what first put the game out of reach and so they continued to dig a deeper hole with a QB that can’t win any games put on his shoulders. The team had 10 penalties because Gase has zero control over his squad no matter if Landry, Ajayi, or Mr Nobody are in the building. That’s not even going further into the deficiencies of our coaching staff.

    • Tim Knight says:

      So at 3-0… what? Gase has no control over his team because of one bad loss? Man it’s easy to pick and choose isn’t it. How about the Vikings getting blown out by BUF who have gotten dominated by every other team they’ve played? Do the Vikings have no coaching? It’s the NFL man. It’s easy to jump ship than hang in there after a lost battle. Sheesh!!!

  98. Tim Knight says:

    We couldn’t run all day. The numbers mean nothing. We stunk on offense all day. Cherry pick it all you want. We couldn’t run and our receivers never got separation. The pass pro was pretty good. Nobody got open. The defense kept us in the game until it got out of hand. No complementary football. None!!! End of game!!!!

    Move on and try to beat CIN and go 4-1. That’s it.

  99. CavalierKong says:

    Against the Pets, Gore had 3 carries for 4 yds in the first half. Gore had 6 carries for 12 yds against the Raiders. Gore was 9 for 25 against the Jest.

    So in two and and a half games, Gore had 18 carries for 41 yds, under 2.3 per carry. If you take out the Tenn game, he hasn’t really done anything.

    The fact is Gore has been ineffective the last 3 games. Maybe that is part of why he isn’t getting more carries and why our coach doesn’t want to run the ball.

    In 5 first half possessions against the Raiders we ran it on 1st down 3 times for a total of 5 yds. 2 of those were to Gore for a total of 2 yds. Our offense was stagnant trying to run in the first half against the Raiders and didn’t open up until we started throwing it in the 2nd half.

    The last time we ran the ball well was the first half against the Jest. We ran it on 1st down 7 times. Gore had one for 3 yds. Drake had 3 first down runs for 15 yds. We scored 20 points in that half with Drake being effective on 1st down.

    The point of all this is Gore has been ineffective and Drake has been ineffective, because we can’t run the ball. The 2nd half of the Jest game we stopped being effective in the run game, and we haven’t gotten it back since.

    We’re not magically going to be a good run blocking team if we hand it to Gore on every first down.

    Our problem is we can’t run the ball. Teams are shutting it down with their front 7.

    • Tim Knight says:

      This rushing on what down is getting goofy. We’re not getting any push overall regardless of the RB no matter how much ORob wants to make a thing out of it. Sitton is also not the reason. One guard does not make your running game. Now we lost Kilgore for I don’t know how long. But I’m sure if we drafted two rook OL early we’d be just fine. LOL

      In the game today, the Pats pressed our receivers and we could not beat them. Tannehill tried to get the ball down the field 6-7 times or whatever and it just wasn’t there. We hate saying this, but tip you hats to the Pats, they simply outplayed us.

      • CavalierKong says:

        I agree, it is goofy. It’s like a game we played as kids where one person would take an absurd premise and argue it to it’s ridiculous extreme. At times I enjoy going down the rabbit hole on this. It’s fun seeing how far the twisted logic will go. Nostalgic.

  100. Tim Knight says:

    Kong, we didn’t meet the challenge in NE. Simple as that. We stayed in the game for a bit but never matched it and got knocked out. We better rebound and play better in Cincy which is a team that can score. It’s as simple as that. The 3-0 start gives us some room for error. But it can only last a few games.

    Funny thing, a friend of mine who is a Jets fan on FB had a cocky Jets fan friend after their big win over DET in week one. He said after that game, I guess our next big test will be in a few weeks when we play JAC. I said, slow down or you might be 1-2 before you know it. Well looky here, now you’re 1-3 putz!!! LOL

    Where’s all the Sam Darnold hype? It’s gone!!! Didn’t take long did it? LOL

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